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Q. Password Break and IP Setup:

Reboot the system and run as a Single User Mode
- Fro that Press “a”  “s” or “1”
- Then Use “passwd” command for change the password.

 Now setup IP [IP, NM, GT, DNS]

# vim /etc/sysconfig/network-script/ifcfg-eth0

# vim /etc/hosts

<IP> <Full Domain Name> <Hostname>

[i.e. server10]

# vim /etc/resolv.conf
nameserver <DNS’s IP>
[i.e. nameserver]

# chkconfig network on
# chkconfig NetworkManager off

# iptables -F
# service iptables save
# chkconfig iptables on
# init 6

# ping <servername> [i.e.]

# dig <servername> [i.e.]

E-mail: Cell No: +88-01712-519101 Page No: 1 out-off 6

Q. yum Client Installation

#cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
#vim /etc/yum.repos.d/server.repo

 Inside the file write

baseurl=<full path of url>
[i.e. baseurl=]
[ for collect the key – Open a new tab and use the command
#find / -name *redhat-release ]
 Now check the yum client
#yum list
#yum install lftp*

***************Now Enjoy the Exam***************

Q. FTP Configure:
# yum install vsftp*
# service vsftpd restart
# chkconfig vsftpd on

Q. NTP Configure:
# system-config-date
 Here add the NTP server name

# service ntpd restart

# chkconfig ntpd on
 For check #ntpdate

E-mail: Cell No: +88-01712-519101 Page No: 2 out-off 6

Q. http server configure:

#yum install lftp

#yum install httpd*

#cd /var/www/html
#lftp <source path>
>get <sourcefile.html>

#mv <sourcefile.html> index.html

# service httpd restart
# chkconfig httpd on

 For check you can use #elinks

Q. Find

#find / -user <username> >/root/search

Q. Search String

#grep –F <string> <file with path> >/root/lines

Q. Crontab:

#vim <fileName>

 [ --- in the side the file write this. You can see also man file
#man 5 crontab ----]

50 15 * * * echo hello
#crontab –u <username> <fileName>
#crontab –l –u <username>
# service crond restart
# chkconfig crond on

Q. Create the following users, groups, and group memberships:

- A group named sysusers
- A user andrew who belongs to sysusers as a secondary group
- A user susan who also belongs to sysusers as a secondary group
- A user brad who does not have access to an interactive shell on the
and who is not a member of sysusers.
- andrew, susan, and brad should all have the password of password

# groupadd sysusers

# useradd -G sysusers Andrew

# passwd Andrew

# useradd -G sysusers susan

# passwd susan

# useradd -s /sbin/nologin brad

# passwd brad

E-mail: Cell No: +88-01712-519101 Page No: 3 out-off 6

Q. The new partition 100MB created should be mounted under /coss/new as
ext4 type.
The size of the /coss/new must come under 90 to 110MB size
range as accuracy achived in block calculation is difficult.

# fdisk -l
# df -h

# fdisk –cu /dev/had

Command (m for help): n [Enter]
: e [for extended partition]

Command (m for help): n [Enter]

First cylinder (4513-9733, default 4513): [Enter]
Last cylinder or +size or +sizeM or +sizeK (4513-9733, default 9733):

Command (m for help): n [Enter]

First cylinder (4513-9733, default 4513): [Enter]
Last cylinder or +size or +sizeM or +sizeK (4513-9733, default 9733): +100M
Command (m for help): w [Enter]

# init 6

# mkfs –t ext4 /dev/had<x>

# mkdir -p /coss/new
# vim /etc/fstab

UUID=<uuid> /coss/new ext4 defaults 0 0

# mount -a
# df –h

Q. LVM Extend OR Reduce

# umount /home
# lvextend -L +80M /dev/vol0/home [+80M= how much need to increase?]
# mount -a
# resize2fs /dev/vol0/home
# df –h

# umount /home/
# e2fsck -f /dev/vol0/home
# resize2fs /dev/vol0/home 200M [200M= Target LVM size (total)]
# lvreduce -L 200M /dev/vol0/home
# resize2fs /dev/vol0/home
# mount -a
# df -h

Q. Swap Partition (256M):

# fdisk –cu /dev/had

[ At first create 256M partition then change the partition’s system ID]
Command (m for help): t [Enter]
Partition number (1-6):6
Hex Code (…): 82
Command (m for help): w [Enter]

# mkswap /dev/sda6

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# free
# blkid /dev/sda6
# vim /etc/fstab
UUID=<uuid> swap swap defaults 0 0

# swapon /dev/sda6 OR
# swapon –a
# free -m

Q. Copy the file /etc/passwd to /var/tmp. Con_gure the permissions of /var/

tmp/passwd so that:
- the file /var/tmp/passwd is owned by the root user.
- the file /var/tmp/passwd belongs to the group root.
- the file /var/tmp/passwd should not be executable by anyone.
- the user andrew is able to read and write /var/tmp/passwd.
- the user susan can neither write nor read /var/tmp/passwd.
- all other users (current or future) have the ability to read
# cp /etc/passwd /var/tmp/
# setfacl -m u:susan:--- /var/tmp/passwd
# setfacl -m u:andrew:rw- /var/tmp/passwd

# getfacl /var/tmp/passwd

Q. LDAP Client.
# system-config-autentication

 [Apply]

E-mail: Cell No: +88-01712-519101 Page No: 5 out-off 6

Q. LDAP Home directory mount:
# showmount -e <server’s IP>

# vim /etc/auto.master

/home/guest /etc/auto.misc
/<directory path> /<configure path>

# vim /etc/auto.misc

* -fstype=nfs
* -rw,soft,intr

# service autofs {restart|reload}

# chkconfig autofs on

Q. Kernel Update

Q. LVM Create By extend.

E-mail: Cell No: +88-01712-519101 Page No: 6 out-off 6

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