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The four causes our group will discuss are:

- Chemical waste
- Oil position
- Radioactive waste
- Plastic

2. During the 20th century, poly-chlorinated-biphenyls (PCBs) were widely used to go

manufacture electronic circuit boards, until it was discovered they could have detrimental
impacts on human and environmental health. Although they are now banned in many
countries including Canada, the effects can still be seen in Arctic
birds and fish for many decades to come.

3. Other toxic pollutants include heavy metal. Lead was one commonly used in gasoline
(petrol), while mercury can still be found in batteries.

4. What happened in Minamata Bay, Japan?

In 1938, a Japanese factory discharge a significant amount of mercury metal and
contaminated the fishes living there. It took a decade for the problem to come to light. By that
time, many of the local people had eaten the fish and around 200 were poisoned and hundreds
were left dead or disabled.

5. Radioactive waste can cause cancers, illnesses, or even death. The leading
companies in radioactive pollution are: Sellafield and Cap La Hague, both nuclear fuel
reprocessing plants. (Located in Europe)
6. What happened in March 2011, in Fukushima, Japanese?
A 15-meter tsunami disabled the power supply and cooling of 3 Fukushima Dauchi reactors,
causing a nuclear accident. All of the nuclear power plants shut down when the earthquake hit.

7. Name 3 ways oil enters our water systems

-tanker accidents
-routine shipping
-oil poured down the drain

When we think of ocean pollution, huge black oil spills often come to mind, yet
these accidents represent only a tiny fraction of all the pollution
entering our oceans. Only 12% of oil pollution are tanker accidents, tankers are large ships that
transports fluids, liquids, and gases. Over 70% of oil pollution comes from routine
shipping and from the oil people pour down the drains. However, what makes
tanker spills so destructive is the large amount of oil they release at once — in
other words, the concentration of oil they produce in one specific area affects the whole
environment in it, including animals that lIve there. Some oil spills can affect generations to
9. Some ways that our group encountered water pollution is the plastic waste that pollutes the
lakes in Manitoba. Animals have died by either ingesting the plastics or getting entangled in
them, which affects the entire aquatic ecosystem.

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