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Name : Afifah Ikrimah

Class : 4BA
MID TEST (Writing 4)

The corona virus has become a pandemic status and has caused crises throughout the
industry in the world, especially in the hospitality industry. In the hospitality industry, the supply of
hospitality industry has dropped dramatically. This is because international flights are restricted so
that citizens can not go abroad to overcome the spread of the corona virus. As a result, many hotels
from various countries of the world have experienced the arrival of hotel guests to stay overnight.
However, to help deal with this pandemic, hotels from various countries around the world made the
hotel as a place of lodging for COVID-19 patients to accommodate all covid-19 patients who did not
receive a share of the hospital and all medical personnel. All hotel facilities are given to COVID-19
patients and medical personnel such as rooms from deluxe to president sweet. The chefs at the
hotel also prepare special meals for COVID-19 patients and medical personnel. In addition, to
maintain the existence of hospitality, they must improve it with at least two of these steps. First,
strict sanitation and hygiene measures need to be implemented, with new practices put in place to
monitor and control the environment in which the business takes place. Second, communication
must take a leading role in reaching customers in a gentle and non-aggressive way to convince them
of safety in their decision to start traveling again. Therefore, industry players including the
hospitality industry have to adapt to new post-crisis concepts and utilize new concepts that aim to
benefit people who need emotional retreats and focus on psychological well-being.

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