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Advisee Guidebook 1

Advisee Guidebook ! ✨

Congrats! You’re officially a #BUILTBYGIRLS WAVE Advisee.

Are you ready to become the next wave of tech leaders? (Yeah, you are!) This quick
guide will prep you with the extra material needed to rock your new role.

Program Goals
Our mission is to arm young women (like you!) with the exposure, practical skills and network
needed to land their first job in tech:

1. Exposure 2. Skills 3. Network

Be exposed to a variety of Build practical skills Create a professional
career options, demystifying that will set you apart network you’d otherwise
what it means to work in tech. in your first job. never access.

Your Advisor’s Role

Advisor (noun): A person who gives advice, typically someone who is expert in a particular field.
Think of your Advisor as a coveted resource, a secret weapon and role model. They’ll share insights on their
career path and their job today, giving you the blueprints to navigate your way into the tech world. They won’t
have all the answers but the knowledge they do have will expand your idea about a career in tech.

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Advisor Connection

What to Expect
Every Advisor will expose you to different aspects of a career in tech, no matter if you’re an advanced
builder or just starting to explore the possibilities. Just remember:

The goal isn’t to learn hard technical skills.

Your Advisor may pull up tools or talk through concepts but this isn’t a coding school - WAVE is about
exploring a variety of career paths or complementary skills that you may not even know about.

Don’t really get your Advisor’s role?

Don’t be discouraged if your Advisor’s role isn’t your dream job. (Cue: learning opportunity!) No matter
what, your Advisor can help you develop soft skills and share career advice that’ll give you an edge.

Conversations will vary.

From talking the nitty gritty of your Advisor’s day-to-day role to different college majors. Your Advisor won’t
have all the answers - but they can share their unique perspective.

You don’t have to be BFFs by the end of your sessions.

Just like the real workforce - you’re not going to click with everyone. You’re building your first network and
getting high level exposure - that’s why we switch up matches after 3 months.
Advisee Guidebook 2

Advisee Guidebook ! ✨

Session Guides
Remember those program #goals? They’re the backbone to our Session Guides, built to help you
navigate your conversations together (aka no awkward silence). Both you and your Advisor will have
access to this via the WAVE platform. Here’s a quick overview of each session:

3. Expanding Network
2. Introducing Skills
1. Providing Exposure
Session 1: Introduction Session 2: Tech Deep Dive Session 3: Day In the Life
Get to know your Advisee with some Give a deep dive into your role and Show her a typical day in the tech
icebreakers. Share how tech powers share the fundamentals with your world and make two (2) relevant
your role & company. Advisee. introductions to grow her network.

Tips & Tricks

We know you and your Advisor share the same tech interests, but sometimes it can be tough
connecting with a professional. We’ve all been there and remember the awkward feeling. Here’s
some tricks for getting the conversation rolling:

Embrace a growth mindset.

1. You can’t do something…yet. Don’t feel like you can only contribute when it’s absolutely
perfect. It’s okay to not be right or know the answers at first.

Silence is ok.
2. In some situations, people need more time to process before they feel ready to talk. Just
be honest - let your Advisor know that you’re thinking and may need a minute.

Push beyond “I don’t know.”

3. It’s not fun getting IDK as a response. If you don’t quite understand the question (not your fault!),
try asking “Can you rephrase the question?” or “Can you break that question down for me?”

Your Advisor is only human.

4. He/she won’t have all the answers. If it seems like they’re uncomfortable talking about a
subject or don’t have the answer to a pressing question, reach out to us.

Contact Us
Contact us at if you have questions or concerns. We’re here to help.

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