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NIM: 18018126
CLASS: K1-18
1. Keynote Speaker is the main speaker in a seminar/conference. Keynote Speaker’s main
purpose is to reiterate and drive home the meeting’s main idea or theme. In public
speaking, the word keynote refers to the principal and underlying theme of a larger idea
hence why a Keynote Speaker addresses usually relates to the reason or purpose behind a
2. Plenary Speakers are speakers chosen mostly from the same corporation, association, or
the same specific industry. These speakers are either keynotes or do another form of
speech, like discussion or panel conference. All attendees are supposed to be present
since the plenary speaker addresses the specific topic to the whole audience.
3. Parallel Session Speaker is the speaker who ‘only’ responsible for a specific session and
limited audience. Even though it is less work, it doesn’t make them less important. They
can still make or break an event.
4. Participant is someone who is taking part in the seminar or conference.
5. Moderator is the master of ceremony of the event. He or she is there to make sure the
speakers can do the best job and the audience gets the most out of the day or session. He
or she also makes sure the speakers stick to the time and the moderator asks and moderate
6. Timekeeper is a person who takes on the role of measuring or recording the amount
of time taken to do something in seminar or conference. The timekeeper essentially helps
the facilitator move the group through the agenda, reducing the amount of stress on the
facilitator or leader who is managing the discussion.

I have an experience where I was a participant in ICOELT UNP 2020. In that conference, I
was a participant. From that conference also, I can imagine and remember again the roles of
each person there based on the definition of the different roles in seminar/conference that I
got. There are 4 keynote speaker there, but I can’t remember surely is there any plenary
speakers there or not, but I can remember the parallel session speaker ones.

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