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Environmental strategy is about protecting and enhancing our natural resources.

India’s natural
resource is composed of many elements, like air, climate, water, land, soil and minerals, and
plant and animal. These elements support the social, economic, and cultural well- being action.
The environmental strategy is based on the premise of sustainable development, which is
meeting the needs of present without compromising the ability of future generation to meet their
needs. In short, sustainable development consists of economic, environmental and social

The intention of the environment strategy is to recognize the inter-relationships and provide a
holistic approach to the management of India’s natural resource. Development is not a product
but it is a process. Porter (1985) defined Development as a complex of three important criteria:

 Economically, sharp and sustained increase in national product.

 Socially, redistribution of national income on an egalitarian basis and incorporation of
marginal masses into the money- economy.
 Culturally, emergence of a new social image.

Development is fundamentally a process of transformation that involves the whole society. It’s
economic, social, political and physical structure – as well as the value system and way of life of


The resources and the environment are getting depleted and degraded mainly due to human
interference under the disguise of development. It is time appropriate to have a fresh look to the
entire process of development globally without which life will not sustain for long in this planet.
Approach to other resources like the wet lands, forests and above all, the biodiversity must be
made globally and in a sustainable manner by which they become substantially productive and
support the life system of the planet, Earth. This is of paramount importance now.

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