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Find More Physical Energy

If you’re suffering from unexplained fatigue, constant tiredness and the sort of malaise that doctors say
they can’t help you with, this sigil can bring back some of your physical energy. It works in two ways. You
get a direct increase in energy; it can come on strongly or grow over a few days.

You also might get intuitions about what’s sapping your energy; certain foods, habits and so on. I won’t
say too much about this second aspect, because I don’t want to give ideas that shape what you
experience. But be open to intuition. It might not happen, but you might get little nudges of thought
that make you realize there are changes you can make that affect your levels of physical energy.


1. Scan your eyes around the outer circle of the sigil 3 times without looking at it directly.
2. Gaze through the sigil as if the white space around it is actually behind it. Try not to focus
directly on the sigil, but rather through it.
3. When you feel as though you and the sigil have connected energetically, then gaze softly at the
sigil and think about how great it would feel to have more energy. Eventually, feel appreciation
for the increase in energy and vitality. You may see the sigil image flicker or have some other
visual effect – that lets you know the sigil has activated and is working.

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