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Name : Devi Herlianti Yusman

NIM : 21913071
Class : PBI C/3
Intermediate Listening
Unit 1
A. Listening 1
1. She watched TV
2. He went to his sister’s house
3. He went to the Gym
4. He played with his nephews
5. She went to a movie
6. She watched a DVD
B. Listening 2
1. He went to a movie
2. He went to the beach for the weekend
3. He read an interesting book
4. She went to a concert
5. She studied for an exam
6. She went out with friends
C. Listening 3
Task 1
1. C. great
2. B. pleasant
3. A. tiring
4. C. enjoyable
Task 2
1. a. She won a contest in a music store = FALSE
b. She won a trip to Las Vegas = TRUE
2. a. They went to a restaurant for a dinner = FALSE
b. His friend has a very interesting job = TRUE
3. a. The park is very far from town = TRUE
b. They didn’t see any wild birds or butterflies on the trip = TRUE
4. a. There were a lot of interesting people at the party = TRUE
b. The party ended early = FALSE
Task 1
A : Hi, Amy what did you do this weekend ?
B : Oh, not much. I stayed home and worked on a project.
A : Is that all ?
B : No. I also finished a good book. Later, I visited a friend what about you ?
A : I played tennis. The courts were crowded. I waited a long time to play!
B : What else did you do ?
A : Some friends invited me to dinner. Later, we went to a club and met a lot of interesting

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