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I watched 2 of his videos recently titled "How to stop being a victim".

I agree with some of it, but

became a bit concerned in his way of telling you over and over that the way he is explaining it is the
only way and the real reality. It almost reminds me of cult leaders - it made me a bit uncomfortable. He
would say my discomfort is due to my not wanting to put in the hard work of realizing that he's right
and I'm wrong. Furthermore, he says that one must come to accepting that one is responsible for
everything that happens to them. He gives the example of being stopped at a red light and getting rear
ended. According to him, it's no fault of your own, but you are still 100% responsible for it. This kind
of thinking leads to societies where there are no safety nets, and everyone is out for themselves. It
comes off far too right-wing libertarian for me. It's also the kind of thinking that can make society view
cancer patients as responsible for getting the disease. Sure some people smoke like a chimney or eat
horribly for decades, but is that an enlightened society? While I haven't gone more deeply into the
program, reading up on some people's experience of his paid program and books, he espouses not
socializing, not watching TV, not reading fiction. What's next? Is raising kids and having pets a waste
of time and money too? I'm hoping his program is better than the impression I'm starting to get. He
often criticizes people who leaves comments on his YouTube videos as bitter or defeated people who
make excuses and not want to do the hard work, but at the end of the day Leo is a 31 year old American
white male with his own life journey - a typically smug and arrogant American I might add. Being 13
years older than him, I can't help but think that 31 is too young and inexperienced to realize the
meaning and purpose of life. A large part of life, in my humble opinion, should be about having fun and
being with people close to you. As a laid back West Coast stoner dude, to me his face seems to lack joy
- all I see is full-throttle intensity and fire. Anyway, I was excited the shorter videos of him I saw before
and parts of this one, but I'm having doubts about whether to try the full program as I'm a bit leery of
individuals who say things to the effect of "Stop doubting. Trust me. I got the answers." Sounds like a
very famous orange dude.... anyway, what do you people here think of Actualized and Leo? I
appreciate any in-depth answers as opposed to "he's awesome" or "he sucks". Thanks!

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