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To accept responsibility for what happens to you doesn't mean that you're the "cause" of what's

happening, or that you deserve the challenges you're going through - it's about working with what life
has dealt you, and accepting that you are responsible for how you react to what happens to you.
Responsibility translates to "response-ability". What happens to us, while influenced by our actions, is
largely out of our control. Hence why it's so important to take responsibility for how you respond in life
because that's ultimately the only real control you have.

Also - age has nothing to do with maturity and wisdom. The experiences you've had and how you've
used them to grow is what will determine that. Yes, someone who is older will have lived a longer life
(allowing for more experiences that can foster the possibility of growth) but length of life means
nothing if you don't live the depth, and introspectively work with what you experience in order to grow.

Also, with all due respect, you accuse Leo of being smug and arrogant, yet your post goes on to call
him a young, inexperienced, stoner dude. And this comes off to me wayyy more smug and arrogant
than anything Leo has said in his videos. You can disagree with someone's opinions without judging
and labeling them. I'm merely being a mirror here and sharing what I perceived, do what you will with
what I've said.

I find it surprising that you don't see joy in his face. I haven't noticed this myself, simply because I feel
the joy in his energy and way of expressing himself.

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