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Your excellencies the chief of Almawardi boarding school….. and his big family.

Honorable the head master of Almawardi boarding school k…

Respectable the all teachers of Almawardi boarding school
*dear all audiences and the all students of Almawardi, ladies and gentlemen.
Bismillahirrohmanirrohim. Assalamua alaikum Wr.Wb.

This great occasion, it is the beginning of us to really educate and being educated, because all
over the students do in their activities even in this boarding school shape their personality,
mentality and character. And because of that, we have never stop, we will continue to sacrifice to
reach the dreams and expectation of the founding future.
Now, that Almawardi have reahed for 9 years, Almawardi Islamic boarding school is still giving
the best lesson and education to all the santris. It is proofed by the alumnus who reached their
future in their successful life.
Gemilang bintang dan sinarnya yang begitu indah, memberi sinar di malam hari di bumi pertiwi,
Almawardi merupakan bintang disetiap bintang, merupakan kebanggan bagi para pencari
keberkahan, dan Alamawardi merupakan figure bagi setiap insan.
Di bumi ini kami kenal kedamaian, di bumi ini kami kenal kebersamaan, dan di bumi ini kami
kenal persatuan dan peradaban.
Karenanya, dengan visi dan misinya, Almawardi mampu memaksimalkan peran sebagai lembaga
pendidikan yang mencetak generasi ‘mundzirul qoum`berorientasikan dunia dan akhirat
*dari Almawardi menyapa Indonesia bahkan dunia.
Pentas seni akbar merupakan puncak agenda penuh nilai pendidikan, Almawardi Islamic
institution as a cntral movement, enchanging the mindset of ummah, exploring the dynamic of
life, eliminating of the all tackles, facing the future, and actualizing the expectation.
Dear all audiencies.
We are as a master of ceremony will deliver the structure of our agenda tonight.
1. Opening
2. I
3. I
4. I
5. I
6. I
Well, to take advantage of time, let`s start our agenda that it will be lead by……. Time and
chance we give him.

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