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To tell the qualities of animals

Pada pelajaran kali ini kita du suruh untuk memberitahukan qualitas dari hewan.


Elephants can smell water up to three miles away. They live in

matriarchal societies with strong social bonds that endure for
decades. Elephants grieve at the death of a family member or friend. Touching
is an important form of communication among elephants (Individuals greet
each other by stroking or wrapping their trunks.)
An elephant’s trunk is a multi-tasking instrument used for breathing,
syphoning and spraying water, smelling, touching, grasping and making sound.
An elephant can lift up to 770 pounds with her trunk, but it can also be used for
delicate tasks like wiping an eye. When under water, an elephant uses his or her
trunk as a snorkel.

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