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Celebrity obsession is normal!

Everywhere we look these Well, there’s a simple scientific reason for
days, we see images it, which might make you feel better about
of celebrities. Celebrity your own interest in celebrity gossip.
magazines, which outnumber Psychologists say it’s natural for us to talk
news magazines, are on every about or imitate the people who are the
newsstand. We love to read about the people most successful in our society. In ancient
that celebrities date, the clothes they wear, times, people gossiped about kings and
and especially their problems, which the leaders, who were the celebrities of their
media will often invent. Then there’s reality day. Nowadays, it’s actors, musicians, or
TV. Millions of viewers avidly follow reality athletes. And with TV and the Internet, they
and talent shows, which make ordinary come right into our homes, which almost
people into instant celebrities. There are makes them part of the family.
even shows that pay for plastic surgery, So our obsession with celebrity is perfectly
so people can look like their favorite celebrity. normal, which is reassuring – don’t you think?
So, why are we so obsessed?

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