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Essay by: Tatiana Leon Abril

Would you rather a job that gives you good perks or a job with a good salary?

In my opinion, I’d rather a job with a good salary. It seems to me that when a job gives you
some wonderful perks there is a catch in it. I’m not going to deny the perks are really
indispensable in a job, but some of them can be a golden handcuff, and then, when you are
in pursuit of a job – a new job- you realize that find those perks is harder than you thought
because it’s not enough just fit well in the job. So, you get in that ambivalence between I
want those good perks that I had, but I also want a job that outweigh my old salary.
However, there are few companies has a balance between perks and salary and isn’t easy
find them in Colombia and mainly in your preferred field. The point is all works ought to
have good perks with a good salary and surpass your expectations, but while this happens I
rather a job with a good salary.

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