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BODY MEASUREMENT AND ENROLLMENT FORM For the attention of TOM BUCKLEY, Physical Director ‘uch BODY-TONE SION, E. 13ist Street, P.O. Bor 638 NORTH MIAMI 61, FLORIDA Dear Tom, ‘You bet | want to develop massive, rippling muscles the EASY WAY — with UTTUS TIME, EEEORT a ENERGY ‘carcacaes Lam enrolling for ir 3-month Body-Tone course today! | understand: [Scat cocaivastlsucovery task tor! 12: eels t Ales fhe | Mall escatna you LIFE-TIME ADVISORY SERVICE on ali strensth and body building matters at no additional cost. The measurements at the lott will give you a complete picture of pretont build ag thet you know what we have to workon, | will pay for my Body-Tone course according fo the plan | have checked [1 TIME-PAYMENT PLAN [7] SPECIAL CASH-SAVING Tam enclosing $5. now, and will PLAN pole nage iol of as renee SS aad anaes FOL. JU TAS Ered 5 rd 6 ra ed) et en ee at “ADDRESS ety wee ey ee one STATE SOA Es OT eS PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: What is your prevent weight2_—__________heigh? ‘Occupation? Shoulder Would you like to How many pounds? Whet paris of your body would you lite to develop most? Arms ‘Chest____. Shoulders _— Leg: __~ All Over____ (On the back of his form descrive in dete; 1. The amount and type of exercise you now get in your deily. routine acti 2. Any physical handicaps or madical history that you think | should know bait. Guth a [bocr? ebuorrnaies, high blood presirs, hora, te] “NOW, HERE IS MY MONEY BACK AGREEMENT WiTH YOU You MUST GET RESULTS with your BODY-TONE course—or I will cheer: folly sole srovy Peery of your money. ie fll. Thets dghtl Anytiom wilt 90 days efter your date of enrollment that you feel you ere not improving in ste and muscle size simply return + sons and | will cand your Toney beck Retired lossons mist arrive ini cffice before the: 90. day expi od. No refunds will be made on any account that is allowed to become Soper atany oP si Leh tell ey "Your chet must get bigger your ehoulders broader, your arms en arms mere mesive. You mst edd murcular inches to. your thighs ond caf And the strength and power of all your muscles must increase, OR [T WON'T COST YOU A SINGLE PENNY. Gears ‘or lore weight? | BODY-TONE BION. 13ist STREET © =P, ©, BOX a8 NORTH MIAMI 61, FLORIDA World’s Fastest Strength and Muscle Building System Less Time ° Less Effort ° Better Results Vorecsenetesseneneneneccessesessconsntereretvereterectenerenserensterracsraranseseetenace IESSON I Dear Friend: I received your enrollment for the NR course today. Tet we shake your hend for taking this step, It shows you are @ keen-visioned, far-sighted type of person who likes to do things constructively, And believe ue you have made a good investment, The few minutes per day that you put into your training will reap you big dividends in terms of building an eye-catching, impressively forned physique. It!s a pleasure to neet you by nail and I hope this will be the beginning of a long and lasting friendship. Wow to get down to business, I am enclosing your first lesson which starts right in on those upper ams of yours, but first I want te advise you on some very important facts conceming your training diet. So get a pencil and paper and write cow your present body weight, Now divide that figure ty 2.2. Tho answer you get will bo the number of crane of protein that you need per day to get best results with your BODY-TONE course, For instance, if you weigh 160 lbs, and divide by 2.2 your answer would be 73, You would therefore need 73 grams of protein per day. ALL you need with the BUDY-TUNE course is the normal, regular daily reauirenent for adult nen, You do not nocd to take, or buy, the high potency protein pills that are currently flooding the drug comters. You can get all the protein you need from the foods you eat every day, But, get this, If you fall 20% below the requircmont you have figured for yourself then your training sessions will not make the muscles grow in toth strength and size. That means if you weigh 160 pounds and only take in $8 grams of protein per day you will not benefit from your training program. This doesn't only pertain to the BODY-TONB course, but is true of any type of exercise progran, One quart of milk has 32 grans of protein, An average serving of most meats runs around 22 grams. So you can easily seo that 2 quart cf milk plus two servings of meat per day would give you around 76 grams of protein~-not counting the other protein foods you eat. But, teke out the quart of milk and you'll probably fall short, And that's the way It goes, Most milk abstainers have a hard tine meeting their protein requirenents and usually have a hard tine building muscle. So nilk is very important. If by chance you don't like milk then fou had better do one of two things. Bither learn the protein content of all fogds so you ean figure your required amount, or go ahead and try the high potency protein supplements which you can buy ab most phamacias or koalth food stores. Here's a little concoction I have for breakfast evory moming that will show you an easy way to met the days protein requirenents in one neti: Mix and blend the following in a Waring Blendor: Protein 1 pint of skimmilk 6 pe ee eee ee ee ee 16 Brame T rawelis oa 8 Oe 28. & RUN eB ew x wo soEes grams 1 heaping tablespoon Dried Browers Yeast 1.0.4... 4. 20 grams Wh cup Soybean Flour te tee eee ee ee ee 9 BEAMS 1A, cup Fre-cooked Soybean Gramiles ss... ee) 10 grams Tu cup Wheat Germ ow cee ee tt ee ee es 12 73 erans Flavor with two teaspoons of pure vanilla extract. Tho result is a frothy, tasty drink that is very much like a vanilla milkshake. Teall this a "Muscle Cocktall." Dy the time I have two servings of meat during tho day T have taken in well over 100 erans of protein. Wind you, I an not saying that you should do the same thing. I am merely pointing out how T handle my own protein requirement. Tf you want to try the same thing drop in at any health-food store and they can Sell you the requized ingredients, Don't write and ask where you can get this or that because my ansver would be "a hoalth-food" store, There are probably several in your community. If not, try to Jocate one in 2 neighboring conmnity. For your tonvenience T would 1ike to list the protein content of some of tha foods that have it in generous quantities: One quart of mille ©. ee eee ee eee es © 2 grams Mlk, dried, skin (} cup) os... ee secs 35 rans All meats (lean) (average serving, |" by Li! eee e 22=2h grams All meats (fat) (average serving L" ty kh" by a")... - 5 16-19 grams One ee se ae a es oS Mg @ A saws sees eee 6 grans Cottage Cheese (bcup) . 0s eee eee eh eee ee ee © 20 Grom Parsley (Soup) vee eee eee ee ee ee eee 2 grams One heaping tablespoon Dried Irewers Yeast... 1... 20 grane wheat Gorn (Acup) see we eee sea 2h prans Soybeans (dried, cooked) (Bou) ce ee ee ee ee + © 20 Grams Soybean Flour (2 cup). « fase eee a ea Oe Soybeans (oried, uncooked) (heup) 212. lit) a eran This list is not complete ty any means, but will serve es a handy guide in computing your om deily protein requirenents, Now, it is my personal opinion that you should slso be taking a vitamin supplement that covers all of the vitamins. I don't mean high potency dosages, but rather, ninimm daily requirements. There aro many good brands on the narket and I'm sure you can find a suitable one, Please don't get the idea that I em a health food addict, I! not,really, But thore is scientific evidence justifying every- thing T have told you so far. Now, just one more thing. And that is the use of Vitenin B, Vitamin B is the muscle vitamin, In laboratory oxperiments with animals if vitamin is withheld from the diet the mscles will deteriorate, They get smller, weaker, and require nore oxygen to do the cane anount of work. Many experimonts at the University of Illinois have shown that Vitemin E in the forn of Wheat-Germ Ol increases the endurance of men in running on a treadmill. Sinilar endurance results have been demonstrated at the Toronto Sports College in Canada on tracknen. Producers of synthetic Vitamin B products were fornerly required to state that "the need for Vitamin E in huncn nutrition has not been established." The Fereral Food and Drug Administration recently reversed their long time stand on this matter and now officially recognize Vitamin E as definitely being cosential to human nutrition, It may be sometime, however, tefore manufacturer's labels get up to date with this new legislation, Vitanin E appears to be responsible for tho optimun heslth of the connective tissue within the muscle, Each muscle fiter is wrapfed in a sheath of connective tHseua, Thon about every 12 muscle fibers are grouped tagether to form a bundle of fibers, This bundle is wrapped with even tougher, Stronger connective tissue. Then the first bundles are wrapped together in groups to form seecndary bundles, Thon these are wrapped in groups--and so on, until the whole muscle is fommed. So you see there is a considerable anount of this connective tisoue in every mscle, When Vitamin £ is lacking in the diet of an animal this entire connective structure starts breaking down, Tho strength of the muscle falls, and the anount of oxygen required to do work is sharply increased, When Vitanin E thick, strong, and hi supplied in generous anounts this connective tissue gets slthy, The muselo cen do more work, and usce less oxygon. It is my porsonal opinion thet you will make faoter gains in both strength end mascle size while taking your Fody-Tone course if you supplenent your diet with Vitamin E, Just making the connective ticouc, iteolf, thicker and stronger will aid our cause, Whereas a sharp lack of Vitamin £ might prevent us fron making any gains at all, And just etch your endurence start improving once you start taking Vitamin B, When a mascle uses less oxygen thet means just one thing to you-—HETIER ENDURANCE, MORE STAYING POWER, AND IMPROVED SPORTS PERFORMANCE, How, synthetic Vitamin B is sold in most drug stores and can be purchased without a doctor's prescription. If the druggist asks you for a prescription that means that the Vitemin E product he handles is combined with other substances and is used for specific purposes. That wold not be the Vitanin E that you want anyway. The Label on the Vitamin B you parchase should read es follows: VITAMIN E - 100 Intemational Units per capaule (Contains d-alpha tocopheryl acetate (fron vegetable oils) equivalent ty biological assay to 100 International Units Vitamin E per capsule) A good Vitamin E product that T use myself is Richiyn's Vitamin B, made by Richlyn Lakoratorics, Philedelphia, Pa, Your drugsist can secure it for you. One (100 International Unit) capsule per day should be enough to secure optimum results. If you desire a less expensive nethod of taking Vitamin B you can take a ‘tablespoonful of wheat germ oil every day. Be sure to keep wheat gem oils refriger- ated so that they don't tum rancid. These can be purchasod at any drug store, Vie-Bin is a good product in this linc. You gct mch more Vitamin B from the synthetic capsules, however, then you get from any wheat germ oil product. LESSON I Now that we have your protein and vitanin requirements for building massive mscles taken care of let's get right to work on those upper arms of yours, Rementer in your free mscle building information I told you that the bigger a muscle is to start with the bigger it will grow. Well, take « look at Figure 1. Tt locks like a choice piece of round steak, doasn't it? Actually it is a cross~ poctional cut right through the middle of a men's upper arn, I have included it in order te give you an idea of the comparative size of the three big muscles of ‘the upper arn, As you can see fron this diagran the biceps mscle is bigger than the brechialis which lies directly beneath it on the lower half of the upper arm, Both muscles are on the front of the arm, The big muscle on the back of the arm is the triceps, and as you can see it is bigger than both the biceps and brachialis mscles put together. This means that you will get the greatest increase in thickness fron developing the big triceps mscle, It will give quicker girth to your upper arn than the other two, but they are vitally important also, So in todays lesson we are going to work mainly on the biceps and the brachislis. In lesson 2 we will get to work on those big triceps, Now look et Figure 2, This shows you how the biceps muscle 2tes on the front of the upper arm. Notico how the muscle has two fleshy bellies that are distinctly seperated from each other down to about three inches from the elbow Joint, They finally merge into « long flat tendon which attaches to the radius, which is the smaller of the two fore-arm bones, The two fleshy bellies are celled heads, That's where the macle gets its name bi-ceps, meaning "two-headed" muscle, The forearm attachment of this muscle is the movable attachment called the "insertion." Still looking at Figure 2 notice how the short head of the bLoeps goes straight up and is attached t @ bony projection of the shoulder blade, while the long head has its tendon arched around the top of the arm bone before it too attaches to the shoulder bledo, Most poople think the biceps is just all one mecle, but it is really two aS you can easily see, The two attachments at the shoulder blade are called the "origins," We'll be tallcing about "origins and "insertions! quite a bit in our 12 Jessons so I'd like you to understand then thoroughly right now, Remember, they are where the muscle attaches, The insertion is ths moveable attechnent while the origin is the non-novesble attachnent, In other words when a mscle contracts it pulls the insertion towards the origin, Now dn erder to flush a muscle, or part of a msclo, as you contract it as hard as you can for a 6 second period, the fibers of that muscle must be in line with the insertion and origin, In Figure 2, with tho arn held as shovm, you can see that the short head of the biceps is in line with its insertion and origin, while the long head, because of ite curved tendon at the top is out of Lins, We won't spend too much tine on details in this course, but I do want to emphasize that one point, so I repeat: ‘THE PART OF A MUSCLE THAT YOU ARE FLUSHING NUST FR IM LINE WITH THe INSERITON AND ORIGIN. EXERCISE 1. Now to flush the inner heal, or short head of the biceps teke a position as show in Exercise 1. Wotice the elbows are close to the sides, The fists ere clenched, with Imuckles facing away fron the body. The arms are fully flexed. The head is bent down slightly. Now flex the arms real hard, then korder, harder, and harder until your fists and fore-ams start to shake. This should take about six seconds, low relax completely. ‘EXERCISE Next we will flush the brachialis muscle (sea Figure 3) which lies directly beneath the biceps, and gives shape to the lowor part of the upper arm. The exercise will be the sane as the last one except for changing the position of the hands. Look at the Exercise 2 diagram, Notice taat the ficts are still clenched, wat that the thumb slde of the hand is facing up. This position is just encugh to yoll the ratius (forearm bons) around so that tho insertion of the biceps falls out of line With either of its two origins. It is aided ty the brachio-radialis (Figure h). Wow again, with clenched fists (thumbs facing up) start with the ems fully flexed, Elbows are in close to the sides. the head is bent down slightly. Now flex the ams real hard, then hardor, harder, and harder until you quiver slightly. Then let go, and relax, in just a short while you will be able to estimate that six second period without having to count it out. EXERCISE 3, How we will flush the outer, or long head, of the biceps. As you se the tiagran for Exercise 3 calls for flexing the arms in the side, horizontal position, This time the fists are clenched with the Inuckles facing the sky, Remomber this 1s the section of the biceps that has the tendon looped over the tep of the upper arm bone, Tho position in Exercise 3 straightens this loop and puts the insertion of the long head directly in line with the origin. In this position, and with the arms held fairly well back, contract the biceps as hard aa you can by trying to flex the arms even more than shown in the diagran, Again, six Seconds, and relax, EXERCISE by Before we stop for today let's work the brachialis and radie-brachialis one more tims, But thie time as shown in Exercise , This 1s the sane as the last exercise except that the thumb side of the hand is facing down toward the shoulders. Flox tho arms real hard, harder, harder, and harder. In these last two exercises you will not shake as mich as you did in the first two. Well, thore you are. That's all you need to do each day for the front of your upper arm, These four simple exercises will build your biceps, brachialis, and radio-brachialis quicker than anything else you could possibly do. Be sure you put your mind into these exercises and make the contractions good and hard. Do each exercise just one time per dey, Don't believe that by doing then soveral tines per day that you will get better results, because you won't, I would Like to remind you that we are building up muscle fibers that you don’t use every day. So don't te surprised, at first, to experience 2 Little soreness, or stiffncoa. If you are really out of shape this mey persist for a day or two but will gradually woar off, Don't stop your exercises because of it, Now, thore are many variations in the way different men are built and it is important that you understand sone of thesc. I teld you once before that the number of fibors you have in a mscle cannot be changed, and that growth takes place by ineveasing the size of the undeveloped fibers, There is quite a variance, howsver, yotween different men as to the number of fibers in a given muscle. Sone men have parts of different muscles completely missing, Others have additional perts that most men do not have, For instance, it is not uncommon to find tho long head of the biceps mscle missing in sone men, In others the brachialis miscle may occasionally be doubled, ‘The brachio-radialis is sometines absent, And sonotines the biceps muscle will have three heads, or even four. ‘Those things basically determine the over-all shape of the arm. So as we increase the site atd strength of your upper arm ite basic shape will not change much, Tt will bocone thick and tully and look nore impressive, but it's original pattem of shape will renain constant. Vell, that completes your first lesson, Next weok wo!ll really swell those upper arg when we start to work on your triceps. I hope you havo road everything in this Jesson very carefully. after you read it once go back and read it several tines nore, I want you to know exactly which msele, or parts of a muscle, you are working on with each exercise. Every single lesson will include figures of muscles and bones so that wher we finish you will have had a pretty good course in anatomy besides developing your new, massively miseled physique. Don't forget to check up on your daily protcin intake «nd got that Vitamin E in there sonevbe: See you next work. Yours for new strength and muscle mass, OMe Buckle _f on va commnisi 4988, ay ere muceLEY — — BODY-TONE BIO NE, (tet STREET © P.O. BOX 638 NORTH MIAMI 61, FLORIDA World’s Fastest Strength and Muscle Building System Less Time © Less Effort © Better Results LESSON IT Dear Friend: How are you coning along with the four exercises I gave you in Lesson I? I'12 bet the front part of your upper arm has already popped out vith nev thickness and strength, I imagine you had some soreness and stiffness at firot when we started reaching those puny, unused fibers, If you think your upper arn is becorting massive, wait until you see what Lesson IT does to it, ‘As you dlready Imov the triceps is the biggest muscle in the upper arm and it will therefore decone thicker than the two muscles ve have been working on. I have four more exercises for you this week, Each one is designed to coax the triceps from a different angle in order to give it its full growth, Here's one thing to remember. For every inch you put on the girth of your upper arm you ‘will actually bo adding 2 or more square inches of thickness. A nan who goes from a 13 inch upver arm to 16 inches has added 7 square inches of thick- ness, Even if an arm is only 1/2 inch bigger in circunforonce than it was before it will look mich thicker, A116 inch arm looks much bigger than a 15% inch arn. And it actually is mech tigger, Now, let's get right to our anatomy chart for this wok. Figures 1 and 2 chow you what the big triceps mascle looks like, Tt 1s Kind of a horse-shoe shaped muscle that runs the entire length of the back of the uppor arm, Triceps means three headed, So the muscle has three heads, or fleshy bellies, In the diagram only two of the heads are visable, The third head lies decp beneath the other two, Sone people even have a fourth head on this muscle, The two heeds shown in the Glagran are the ones with which we are concemed. If you will notice the inner head is quite a bit longer than tho outer head. They are therefore called the long head and the short head, Both of these heats met in a commen tendon at about the middle of the arn, This big tendon is connected to ‘the bory projection of the ulna (fore-arm bone), This point of attachment forns ‘the insertion of the mscle. Up at the shoulder joint you will see that the long head makes its connection on the outer edge of the shoulder blade, while the short head has its origin on the uprer part of tho arm bone. Wow, just like in the biceps, each of these fleshy bellies requires a different position of the arm in order to fiush it adequately, So study the exercise positions at the sane time that T explain them to you. Incidently, if you still have the froo muscle building Literature that I sent you at first be gure to save it with your lessons, You may want to refer to it from time to tine. I also think it would be a good idea to start naling a notebook collection of your wockly-lessons so you keep than in good order, With the ams hanging streignt down at we sides cLenca your nove cm straighten your arms as hard ac you possibly can. Then harder, harder, and harder—- for 6 seconds~-then relax. ‘The pull of the Long and short heads will te pietty equally divided here therety permitting you to put mich emphasis on that deep third head. This bnilds the mscle way dow deep, close to the bone, Be sure that you straighten the arns as far eo they will go, Rememter that the main action of the triceps is to straighten the arm, Clenching the fists merely puts added power into it. EXERCISE 2, Now we are ready to go to work on the outer, or short head of the triceps. Assume the position as show. Foll your arms in toward the middle of your tody at the sang tine extending then rearward. Now again straighten your arms as hard as you possibly can, 4s you watch in the mirror you will see the cuter head of the ‘triceps stand out in bold relief, The fists will be clenched with the palns Pacing outward. Be sure that you roll the arms inward on this exercise, not outward, Kold the contraction for 6 seconds, harder, harder, and Inrder--then let go. This is a hari one to explain, but if you do it just as you see 1 pictured you can’t go ‘wrong. ‘EXERCISE 3, Now we will work on the really meaty part of that triceps which is the inner, or long head. Because the triceps is the biggest muscle of tie upper arm and the long head is the thickest part of the triceps this exercise is vory important. Put your right aym out to the side and about LS degrees below the horizontal position. ‘he fist should be clenched end the wrist bent es shown, Now place your left hand right on the inside head of the triceps so that you can fool 1t contract. Okay, are you ready? ow straighten the arm as hard as you possibly can and at the sane tine tay to rem the am in toward the shoulder Joint. The left hand does not assist in this moverent. It merely feels the triceps to see how hard it is contracting. To this as hard as you can for six seconds-—then relax. To the same thing with the left arn. EXERCISE bi This is exactly the same as exercise 3 except that you do beth ams at the seme time. Both arms are held 15 degrees below the side horizontal. The wrists are flexed, Now straighten both arms as hard as you can and try to ram them in toward the shoulder joint at tho same tine. Flexing the wrists harder helps give you the feeling of ramming the ams in toward the shoulder joints, If you fecl you're not contracting that inner head as hard as you should be go back to exercise 3 and actually feel it with your hand, Remenber to put your mind inte the muscle you are working. Bach of these exercises should be done one time per day just as hard as you ean for a six socend poriod, After tvo days of this just watch those triceps start to grow. The last three exercises I have given you are probably the hardest to oxplain of any in the entire courso, Fo-read then, and study the diagrams so that you are sure you have then mastered, Next wek I will start to work on building you 2 pair of maseive forearms, Until then, Yours for renewed strength and vigor, Oh spe PBs pelos dee " a Rs KS OME 7 = SS . & Qe a Be de Be 8. De io. LESSON IMO SUPPLEMEWT -~ GENERAL IUFORMAYION susT Body-Tone exercises are cumilative. Each week we keep adding exercises plus doing the ones we received the previous week. We never drop any exercises, Rody-Tone exercises nay be done at ary time of the day providing you have not eaten a large meal within the past two hours, If you can develop a habit of doing thom in the moming, before breakfast, you will be more apt to keep a regular schedule, If you are a busy man you can fit single Body-Tone exercises inte the odd monents cf your day, The results this way are just as good as doing then all together, tut yon may have a tendency to sip some here and thera. If you are doing the exercises all in one session the best gard ie a pair of ‘gm trunks, underwear shorts, or pajama bottoms, Best location is in front of 2 large mirror so you can See the muscles contract, Any room in the house is okay as there is little perspiration asseciated with nost of the exercisos. Best results (stronger contractions) are possible when the mscles and room temperature are moderately warn, Skip days that you feel slightly "off key." If you shower after your work-out, make it a hob shower, and then taper off with "tepid" water, Don't finish with a cold shower, Cover up well after showering so that the mscles stay warm and the blood vessels dilated. In fact, a Hedy Tone work-out may be teken while uncor a hot shcwer, cooling the water slightly as the mscles start to produce heat. Be sure your protein intake on a work-out day is over 70 grams. Clenching the fists has a tendency to accentuate the contractions. The brain is able to send a stronger barrage of stimuli over the nerve fibers to the muscles when the fists are clenched. This is only necessary on those exercises you wish to give special enphasis. Smoking 4s not recommentied in conjunction with the Body-Tone course. Body~Tone exercises and vitonin B both open up the peripheral circulation (helping to promote flusting), while smoking does just the opposite ty tending to constrict the peripheral cirewlation. Smoking also reduces the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood, Which In turn greatly impaire a man's muscular and Nover-all endurance." A nen vho smokes can still make gains with the Body-Tone program, but if he abstatns he will greatly enhance his developmental powers. ‘Try to think of the Body-Tone program as a big triangle. At one corner you have the Body-Tone exercises, at another corner the high protein diet, and at the thire comer Vitamin &. ‘They are all inter-dopendont upon each other, Don't take the sourse and just work ons corner of the triangle. Success depends upon all three. Some ren develop fast, others more slowly, Some reach maximum development in ‘wo to three months, while others may take a year, or more, You will quickly see which category you are in after the first few weeks. GOOD LUSK AND GOOD HEALTH! z - BODY-TONE BION. E 13ict STREET © = P.O. BOX 638 NORTH MIAMI 61, FLORIDA World’: Fastest Strength and Muscle Building System Less Time * Less Effort * Better Results LESSON IIT Dear Friend: By now those upper are of yours should be Mpopping-out real good. The first growth is always the fastest. ‘They will continue to grow stronger and more massive tut ab 2 slightly slower rate for the noxt two months. Right now the exercises have to be done every single day in order to insure the fastest possible growth, T hope you have been doing them correctly, Be eure you Imow which muscles you are working on, ater on I will show you now to lock in your new found strength and massiveness so that it becones permanent. Thio I teach you in the very last lesson. Right now I am going te shew you how to devolop massive fore-arms and a bone= crashing grip. You see a mighty grip can very easily be one of your greatest Physical assets, In the ficld of public relations nothing establishes your initial contact and warn introduction like a strong, firm handshake. A strong grip also mans big, powerful fore~ams--the Kind that make a man proud to roll up hig alecvec and tackde any job. Now that we are starting to pack muscle on thoss upper arms of yours ve must shape up your fore-arms to maintain good proportions. & muscle-packed upper arm with under-developed fore-arms makes for im-belance in body development. In fact no body building course is complete unless the 19 muscles of the fore-arm are thoroughly exercised. Sone people in the body building ficld believe that the fore-ams are the toughest parts of the body in which to develop strength end massiveness, I disagree with this and Iam sure you will too once you start working on the four simple exercises Eom sending you today. It is true that the individual muscles in the , foresarm are mach sneller then nost of tho large mscles of the body and that we night expect to find a sualler percentage of sleeping fibers in each. But, T an going to show you how to work all of the important muscles in tho fore-arm te full advantages thereby giving you quickest possitle growth. Fut first, let's take a look at our anatomy chart for today, Figure 1 shows a cross-sectional cut through the middle of 2 man's fore-am, The striped sections are the two hones of the fore-arm and the other subadivisions the miscles. There are 19 muscles in the fore-arm, but et this particular polat there are 13 major muscles visible. (This cross-sectional view is et the cxact mid-point between the wrist and the elbow, ) Now look at Figure 2, Here T havo grouped together all of the mscles that perform a similar function, As you can see the muscles that squeeze the hand occupy nest of the space. T have laboled these tho "squeose muscles!t, Tt follows therefore that greatest development of the fore-am will come about from gripping or squeezing exercises, Having the largpoot mumber of totel fibers the "equeezs muscles" vould 2lso have the largest nunber of sleeping fiters. The tuo largest muscles of the Zore-arm are the Flexor Digitorun Sublime and the Flexor Digitorum Frofundus, Both of these are "squeeze muscles," Just to show you how big they really are hold your fore-arm in the position shown in figure 3, Now with your other hand reach up md fool all the neat hanging below the two fore-arm bones. Alnost 60% of this muscle nass is made up of these two muscles. Bascball players and boxors who have for years beon squeozing tennis balls in order to acquire powerful fore-arms have been on the right track. And so it is that our first, and most important exercise for today ie a "squeeze exorcicc." EXERCISE 1, ‘Toko any ordinary bathroom wash cloth. Fold it soveral times, ‘Thon double the folds so that you have a small, compact wad of cloth gripped securely in your right hand. Kneel on one lmee as shown in the Exercise 1 diagran, Mow start gripping the cloth harder, harder, and harder, leaning forward, and pushing the gripping hand out in front of you. Squeese as hard as you can for 6 seconds, then relax, Yow put the cloth in the left hand and kneel down on the sane Imee as before, Again squeeze. Harder, harder, and harder. Keep pushing that gripping hand out im front ac you squeeze. Hold it 6 seconds, and let go. For sone reason you can squeeze harder as you lean into your squeeze as shown, We have found this to to true in testing large groups of nen with hand-grip ayma~ noneters. A dynanometer is a device which records in poundage the force of the squeeze, Again, I wowld like to emphasize that this particular exercise, involving the "squeeze msclea," is the west important in molding a nascive, shepely fore-arm, Although squeezing tennis balls, or small rubber balis is better than doing nothing they are both too bully to get the full power of the squeeze, A small wash cloth is nore compact. You ean wrap your fingers arcund it better and therefore got a stronger contraction of the Flexor Digitoran Sublimus and the Flexor Digitoran Profundus. When the object you squeeze is too bulky most of the power cones fron the Plexor Digitorum Sublims ani the other bigger msole ia left out of it, EXERCISE 2, Yow we will go to work on the wrist flexors, As you can co fron Figure 2-the wrist flexors do not occupy mich space in the fore-arn, But their development is still needed if we are going to give your fore-arms that fully rounded, muscular shape. Assune the position shown in Exercise 2, This position of the hands and fore- ams we call the "goose-neck" style. ‘Incidently measuring tho fore-ams while they are in the "goose-neck" position will give you their greatest possible girth, Now, ‘th the arms held in a flexed position bend the wrists downward (as shown) harder, harder, and harder for 6 seconds and then relax, Try to nake believe that you are trying to touch your fists to your elbows. This exercise also gets the big pronator muscles which are in the upper part of the fore-arm, If you flex the arms hard at the same time you can also get the brachiomradialis that ve worked on in lesson 1. Be sure the fists are closed tightly es you do this exercies, BERCISE 3. Now wo are going to bend the vriete back in the opposite direction in onier te flush the wrist extensors, This is easier to do 1f you hold the elbows fairly close together in front (es shown). With the palm side of the hand facing upward keep bending the fists downward to the sides. Try to make believe you arm going to touch your kruckles to the cutside of the elbow. Do this harder, harder, and hander Took again at Figure l, You will notice that the "hand opening" miscles occupy a considerable anount of space in tho fore-arn. ilct nearly as mich as the "squeeze mscles," hut mich nore than the wrist flexors, an¢ slightly more than the wrist extensors. So Exercise ) fluohes all of those "hand-opening" muscles. Standing with the arms flexed, elbows at your sides, open your hands with fingers spread as far 25 possible. Now open thom harder, harder, and harder for 6 seconds as you keep spreading the fingers nore and more, Then relax. Today we flushed about 1 or 15 fore-aym muscles, There are about four more we didn't get to, but they are not important, All together now you have tuolve exercises for your ams and fore-arns. Work diligently at all of then each day. But let me emphasize again that it io not necossary to do any exercise more than once a day. ‘There is no harm in doing each one more times per day if you want to, but it is a waste of tine because one contraction (if it is a good hard one) will make your mscles grow just as fast as they possibly can. Next week T am going to show you how to make your shoulder muscles more nessive, You will be surprised when you sce how one simple oxereise can make your shoulders broader almost over-night. So, until then, Yours for thicker and nore powerful ams, — — BODY-TONE 510 N.E I3ist STREET © P.O, BOX 638 NORTH MIAMI 61, FLORIDA sscvensnssnerscuvrsentestteassvet teense sorssbettevertsceveesesesacenersssoprecerosnssseever World's Fastest Strength and Muscle Building System sessesavenosvesosososcsoveconnns Lorspesntnense arate SLO Less Time e Less Effort = Better Results Veneerenessccnreenenscecnessnartansttsterserscrssststeterrenereesererateteceereeccettenee LESSON IV Dear Friend: Last week I promised that I could broaden your shoulders with just one simple exercise, and that's exactly what I'm going to do today. ‘The broad shouldered, slim-waisted man has always been an ideal in our society. For the body builder who desires a really impressive physique shoulder broadening offers the greatest potential. There are many body~builders who claim that the shoulders cannot be broadened, To this I agree on only one point, And that is that we cannot change bone structure, The bones that make up your shoulder girdle, namely the clavicle and scapula, are fixed in size by heredity patterns and childhood growth. But, there are three other ways that we can make your shoulders broader, First, we can increase the size of your big shoulder muscles, the deltoids. ‘The deltoid is 2 good sized muscle and responds very nicely to the Body-Tone system of all-out 6 second contractions. In fact, the deltoid is bigger and thicker than any of the muscles we have worked on so far. So it is just natural that we might expect to find more sleeping fibers in it, If you cen increase the thicknoss of the deltoids just one-half inch you will be broadening your shoulders by a full. inch, Secondly, I an going to make some of the big muscles of your back so thick and strong that they will hold your shoulders in better alignment, I'm thinking now of the trapezius, rhomboids, and levator scapullae muscles. You will leam all about these mscles and how they square off your shoulders in lesson 6, You see most people are usually a little more round-shouldered than they should be. Especially teenagers who sit with their elbows on school desks all day. Just by strengthening those upper back muscles I can broaden the average tecnager's shoulders one full inch, Remember this is accomplished by pulling the shoulders back and giving them straighter, broader alignment. One typical comment that I always receive from the rothers of some of ny teen-age students is that “His posture is so much improved, Be walks better, He holds his shoulders back just naturally now, It makes him look much taller," ‘Thirdly, I can give your shoulders a broader look merely by V-shaping your upper trunk, By increasing the size of the latissimus dorsi muscles, or "late" as they are called in body building I can make your shoulders look an extra inch broader, The latissimus dorsi is the biggest miscle of the back and one of the biggest in the body. If you reach up under your ampit you can grab the uppor portion of it with your hand, It is the development of this particular part that makes the shoulders look so broad, Again, we will work on this mscle in one of our later lessons. So if you can pack one inch of solid muscle on your deltoids, gain another inch by better alignment, and V-shape your upper trunk ty bulking up your "lats!"--you will look about 3 inches broader, although the actual gain might be only an inch, or more. Our job today is to see if we can bulk up your deltoid muscles, So take a look at the following page. I have made several sketches of the deltoids so that you kmow what they look like, and how they work. ‘The deltoid is a large, thick, triangular muscle that covers the front, back, and side of the shoulder joint in a “oup-like" fashion, It is attached to the collar tone in front, and the upper part of the shoulder blade in back. At the side it is attached mainly to a big projection of the shoulder blade called the "acronium process," These three points of attachment form the "origin" of the miscle. So you see the muscle is really divided into three sections, And 4t is not uncommon to find these three sections split into three separate muscles, each having a slightly different function, All three, however, unite in a thick tendon which is embedded in the upper, outside part of the am bone. The deltoid is a very coarse muscle with tough fibers, This is due mostly to the very strong side, or middle section, Look again at the next page, In the upper right hand corner I have made a sketch of the fiber arrangement of this middle section of the deltoid, Notice that there are long tendons running through the muscle, and that the fibers form a herringbone pattern around these tendons, This arrangement of the fibers makes for the greatest possible strength in a muscle. You also find more fibers in this type of arrangement than you do when the fibers run parallel to each other, So it is just natural that we will find more sleeping fibers in the middle section of the deltoid than we will in the other tro sections. And it will te this section of the mscle that we will emphasize most in todays lesson, We will also work on tho back section of the deltoid, The front part pos deltoid will be taken care of as we work on the big chest muscles in lesson 5. But right now, let's get busy on todays exercise. I have made four sketches of this exercise to show you the correct starting position from the front and side, and followed this with the actual movement with arrows indicating the application of power, So turn to these sketches and let me explain then, The first sketch at the upper left shows the correct starting position as Viewed from the side, The arms are in a flexed, side horizontal position, with fists clenched and knuckles facing up. The head is held well back with the chin facing up toward the sky, The second sketch shows the same position as viewed from the front. Now we are ready to start the exercise. With the head held back firmly start raising your elbows, and keep raising them higher, and higher, and higher. You will find that they will only go so high and stop, but keep trying to force them higher with all the power you can for 6 seconds-=then relax, completely. Now look at the sketch at the bottom of the exercise page and you will see how you should apply the force during this movement, Notice that the fists are forced downward as the elbows are lifted as high as possible. This is a simple exercise but one of the most resulteproducing ones that you will do, And just wait until you see those shoulders start ropping out with new massive shapliness, The middle section of the Deltoid is extremely powerful because it has diagonal fibers which are attached to tendons running thre the muscle. The fibers are arranged in a “feather-like" manner around the tendons. Here is how the Deltoid locks when / doing the exercise in today's lesson, lc Lf The Deltoids give yrstape and forn to SX the shoulders. The Deltoid Muscle attaches to f a ~ The shoulder blade ‘The Collar bone in back in front It is a cup-like muscle that sits over the whole shoulder joint. Don't hold the ams too far forward when doing this exercise. In fact your elbows should be pointing to the sides at all times as shown in the diagrams. A good way to check if you are doing the exercise correctly is to do it with one am only as you feel the big deltoid muscle with the opposite hand. When the arm is in the correct position the muscle will feel big and wide, You will also feel ridges across the top of it, You will find it rather easy to make eadh deltoid a full inch bigger with this exercise. To be perfectly proportioned the girth of your deltoid should be about one inch bigger than the girth of your upper arm, And the girth of your upper arn when fully developed should be about the same as your neck measurement. If you have a 16 inch neck right now that means that you are capable of a 16 inch upper arm, It also means that your shoulder girth should be 17 inches. To measure the girth of one shoulder hold your am in a side-horizontal position with the shoulder muscle in a state of contraction. Run your tape under the am pit and up over the top of the shoulder muscle. Now, if your deltoids are more than an inch bigger than your upper am they will de-emphasize tho upper arms and make them look smaller than they actually are. If the deltoids are the sane size, or smaller than the upper am you again lose a pleasing effect. The upper arms will look bigger than they actually are, but the deltoids will lok dwarfed. So keep the deltoids about one inch bigger than the upper arms and you will achieve the utmost in symetry and proportion. Remember too that when you put one inch on the girth of each deltoid you are actually packing on 2 or more square inches of muscle, A pair of well rounded cup= Like deltoids will make you look extra husky in a T-shirt, And wait until you see how you start filling out the shoulders of your sport coats and suits. Yes sir, this one exercise will pay you bigger dividends than anything you have ever tried, If you want massive, broad shoulders, put your heart and soul in this ene. Next week we're going to start building up your chest to see if we can push it well above the 0" mark, And don't forget, we're still not finished with those shoulders either, There's more to come. I hope you are still doing all the exercises we have covered so far,every day. In the entire course we will never drop any exercises--we just keep adding. See you next week, Yours for a pair of broad "Life-Guard" shoulders, om Buchbg- pad — BODY-TONE 510 N. E I3ist STREET 0° P.O. BOX 538 NORTH MIAMI 61, FLORIDA World's Fastest Strength and Muscle Building System Less Time © Less Effort © Better Results LESSON ¥ Dear Friend: Today I am going to show you how to start building a deep, neosive chest, With just five simple exercises we are going to mold and shape your big chest mscles so that they look like the breast plates on a suit of armor, But first, get the tape measure end let's check your expanded chest girth again. Run the tape across your back, under the erm pits, and across the nipples in front. Now expand your chest, up, up, up, as big as you can gob it. Now take a yeading. Did you break LO inches? If not, the exercises I an sending you today will help get you over that 10 inch mark, If you cen get up into the igh O's you will, have a truly renarkable chest. A SO inch chest is considered to be a very top level measure ond few men get, or exceed that lindt, Regardless of what your present chest girth is I an sure you can add a full six inches to it after completing the entire Body-Tone course. When you measure chest girth, your tape crosses three major groups of muscles. ‘The large breast plates in front are called the pectorals. The heavy mscle under the armpit, but lying for the most part on the back is the latissimus dorsi. And the two large triangular-shaped muscles across the middle of your back are called the trepecii. You have tro pectorals, two letissimus dorsi, and two trapezius muscles under your measuring tape. So you can readily see that with six muscles to work on, you only need a one inch developmont in cach to run your chest girth up a full six inches, And these are all nice big muscles, with a lot of sleeping fibers in them, so they respond rapidly to the Pody-Tone system of deop, all-out, 6-second contractions, Today I an going to show you how to develop the big breact plates, the pector als. In lesson 6 I will show you how to develop the trapezius muscles, and in lesson 8 the latissims dorsi, So, if you're all act te go tum to Figures 1 and 2 so you can see what these big chest miseles look like. Figure 1 shows the big pectorelis major muscle. ‘This is a good sized, thick mascle, and one of the easiest in the body to develop, It is a fen-shaved muscle that is divided into three parts as you can see in the drawing. Actually it is three muscles in one because the fibers of each section run in different directions, and each section produces a different kind of movement. I have labeled each section of the mecle with its appropriate name. The upper portion is called the clavioular portion because it has its origin, for the most part, on the collar bone, or clavicle, ‘The fiters of the clavicular portion mun diagonsly downward, It is this section of the pectoral that gives that full, blown-up shape to the chest. And it is for this reason that I an going to give you two specific oxercises for this part, while I will give you one exercise for each of the other sections, Another reason why we will emphasize this section more than the others is that almost everybody has @ claviculer portion, while it is not at ell uncommon to find either one or both of the other sections completely missing in many nen, he upper stoma portion, or middle section, derives its nane from having its origin on the treast bone, or sternum, Its fibers run in a horizontal direction and the movonent it producea is distinctly different than the other two sections. This is tue part thet nost weight lifters over-emphasize while noglecting the other portions, The fibers of the lower stemal portion run diagonally upward. It is very obvious that the top and tottom sections of the pectorals run in almost opposite directions and you can readily see why a muscle like this must be worked from all angles to secure optima develoment. These threo sections of the poctorals very often have distinct separations ‘between then, In some men the separations are 30 wide that the sections stand out Like distinc) bands of muscle, while in other men they appear to be nore or less fused together, If you have Very distinct separations in your om pectorals you will find them becoming more and more fused as you increase the size of all the fibers. ‘The test locking chest, of course, is one in which the pectorals have an appearance of wholoness end fulllnesa. You will notico that I have also labeled each section with the exercise that , develops it, Now take 2 look at the pectcralis minor mscle in Figure 2, This is a thin triangular shaped muscle thet Ties sight beneath the pectoralis major. ‘The reason it 4s thin is because it is very seldom used, Its main action is to depress the shoulder Joint, It has its origin on the ribs and is attached at the top to a pros jection of the shoulder blade. Tying benoath the poctoralis major 4s it does it 1s easy to 6co that @ enall amount of development here would cause the big pectoral muscles to bulge out with added shapliness, It's not a great big muscle, but it's easy to develop beczuse of its lack of use, And its strategic position underoath the claviowlar and upper stemal portions of the pectorelis major muscle gives your cheat thet edded, super development, As you will sce on the exercise pege there is one exercise devoted solely to the pectoralis minor msclt, Be sare you don't neglect this mscle as it will put that finishing touch to your massive chest. Now that we've covered our anatomy for today let's get down to sone real worl, So turn to the evercise page. ‘EXERCISE 1. This exercise is for the lower, sternal portion of the pectoralis major. With the elbows held in a locked position cross the arms in front of the body as shown in the Exercise 1 diagran, Notice that the arms are held in a low position, Cross the arms as far as they will go, and at the sane time roll the arms inward, toward the chest. This exercise is called the "cross and roll." Now, keep crossing them ferther and farther, and keop rolling them nore and more invard, as hard as you can, Put your whole mind and effort into this combined novenent for about 6 seconds-- and then relax, If you do this movement correctly you will flush the lower secticn of the pectorals with rich, nourishing blood, thereby allowing the under-developed fiters to start growing strongor and bigger. ‘EXERCISE 2. This exercise develops the uppor sternal, or middle portion of tho pectoralis major, The exercise is exactly the same as the last one except that the arms are held in the horizontal position, Cross those arms while rolling then to the inside, hard, hard, hard, Six seconds, and relax. Don't let the elbows bend. and keep your fists clenched as you do the cxercisc, Remenber to cross as far as you can and then a little bit farther. Roll your arns as far to the inside as they will go and then a little bit farther, But be sure you do both movenents at the same tine, EXERCISE 3. This exercise develops the clavicular portion of the pectoralis major. Again, wetre doing the "cross and roll" exercise, but this time with the arns held very high, almost pointing straight upward. The only variation here is that the head is held well back so as not to interfere with the movement, Everything else is the same, EXERCISE be Now we're really going to hit that clavicular portion. Remenber I told you we ‘were going to emphasize it. This is what gives you that high clean-cut super chest development. Notice there are two diagrans for this oxerciso, In the first one you shrug your shoulders as high as you possibly can. Wow, Keeping the shoulders in the Shrugged position move your arms around in front of your body as shown. Theoretically try to touch your shoulders together in front of your body. You won't be able to actually touch thom togothor but try with all your powor to assume tho position shown. Notice the elbows are locked, and the fists clenched, In fact, try not only to touch your shoulders, but both ams aleo, Hold it hard for 6 scconds, ‘When you relax you will feel the pull in the clavicular section of the pectorals, You mst neintein that shrugged position of the shoulders to get the full benefit of this exercise, EXERCISE 5. This exercise develops the pectoralis minor thereby causing the pectoralis major to bulk out with better shape and contour, r “ s » : wv ~ gy ane Exercise FT Exercise ¥ SAERCTSE 5. (Conte Assume a nomal standing position with the arms hanging at the sides, fists clenched. Now shrug the showldors easily as shown by tho dotted lines. Now we are going to the opposite extreme and lower, or depress tre shoulders as far as they Will go, Theoretically try to make your clenched fists reach for the floor. Depress those shoulders herder, herder, and harder for 6 seconds, Tf you are doing this ex- ereise correctly the points of your shoulder blades will protrude, so take a look at your tack 1n a mirror and see how much you can naxe the Wlades stick out. ‘The purpose of shrugging the shoulders at the start of this exercise is that it helps you better understand the movement of shoulder depression which is the exact opposite of the shrugging movement, So there you have the five exercises that are really going to start belling up that chest of yours, Do them religiously, but only once per day, and ss hard as you possibly ean, “Again you might experience a little soreness for the first few days, vat pay no attention to it. Incidently, it deean't matter which em 4s on top when yeu do the “cross and. roll" exercises. I always do it with the right arm on top because 1t feels better. ‘The Yeross and roll" can be done with one arm at a time for variation. Try this occasionally as yon feel the pectoral with the opposite hand to soo which parts of it are working. 1 hope you are taking your Vitamin E regularly oo 1 suggested in the first Jesson, It'S very important in securing the optim growth of every miscle, Sons- ‘thing you might not know is that the Vitamin E will give more sheen and gloss to your hair, Take a look at tho hair oa the back of your bead by looking in 2 double firrer. The sheen and gloss will show up tetter under artificial light. Can you tee it? You might even notice thet your hair feels softer and wore full bodied, 422 healthy animals that are fed Vitamin E have a sheen, or gloss, to their eoat--and nan is no exception in this respect, Did you ever see a dog with a shiny coat and wasted mscles? You beb you didn't! If the mselos arv wasted and deteriorated the dog's coat will be dry and lifeless, Yext week I an going to show you how to cover your whole batk with tig, rippling muscles, This will also increase your chest girth and prevent your pectorals from pulling you into = roundashowldered position. So until then, Yours for a massive US" chest, 7 bo Tonv Wek Lcorvmions 1958, mY 1. F. BUCKLEY BODY-TONE SION. E 131s STREET * = P.O. BOX 638 NORTH MIAMI 61, FLORIDA, World’s Fastest Strength and Muscle Building System Less Time * Less Effort ¢* Better Results LESSoM VE Dear Friend: How are those big chest mscles of yours coming along? I'll bet they're start— ing to pop out with real shape and massiveness. It!s fun to work on the bigger muscles because you sve your results so mch faster. We've got sone dandies to work on teday as we start to work on that back of yours. ‘Yes sir, with just three simple exercises you can develop a back full of rippling muscle. And you now there's just conething about a heavily muscled back that makes a man look extra powerful, Wait until you see how bulling up those back muscles will Anerease the size of your chest girth, But you know the most important thing about having welll developed back miscles Ae thot thoy hold tho shoulders back, theroty squaring thom off and making thom leok broader, How that those pectorals of yours are getting big and bulky they will have a tendency to pull you into a round-shouldored position, This losson will pre- vent that from happening. £5 we strengthen and develop your upper back muscles you will be righty pleased with the fine choulder carriage you acquire, So letts tum right to our anatomy chart for today and get started, In Figure 1 you see the big trapezius muscles, Thore are tvo of them, One on either side of the spinal cclum, ‘These mscles are tri-angular shaped, ancnored for the most part on tho first 19 vertebrae, and have terminal attachments (or insertions) on each shoulder blade, Together they forn kind of a dianond-shaped quadrangle right in the middle of the upper back. If you've ever put in @ full deys work with a wheelbarrow you Imow where these muscles are and how they work, These are big muscles with lots of fibers, but the fibers aro usually under-devolopod, So mich so that they respond exceedingly well +0 the Body-Tone systen of deep, 6 second contractions, In fact these muscles eventually get so weak in sedentary people that when winter’ comes the simple act of wearing a heavy over-coat for the first tine causes the trapezius miscles to get stiff and sore. You will notice that I have divided the trapeaius into two sections. In the upper section the fibers run laterally downward, while in the lower section they run laterally upward, ‘his means that each section produces a different action and therefore requires a difforent axercise to flush it adequately for tho fastest possible growth. Now, in Figure 2 you will sce the other back muscles that ve will work on today. The Rhomboids and Levator Seapulze muscles lie benoath the trapezius. It is very cbvicus that thece muscles would cause tho showldor blades to be drown rearward and upward, ‘They are not as big as the trapezius but are very important in securing full muscular developnent of the uppor back. Now turn to the exercise page and I'll chow you how quickly you can start making all of these mseles bigeer and stronger. Notice that I have dram todays exercises in a series of action diagrams so you can follow the movenent nore closely, For instance, exercise 2 has four diagrans, This doee not mean thero ars four exercises. It merely shows you the sequence of movenents for one exercise. EXERCISE 1. ‘This exercise develops the upper section of the trapenius muscles. Stand with the arms flexed in a aide-horicontal position, The fists are clenched and the head is held erect. Now start drawing your clbows rearward, Draw them slowly rearverd, then harder, harder, and harder until you otart to quiver slightly, Hold it for 6 seconds, and then relax, As you do this exercise try to imagine that you are going to make both elbows touch at the spot I have marked with anX, Actually this is impossible, but it makes you put more force in the exercise, Femenbar again, that the force and power you put into these exercises will de- termine how extensively you flush the muscle with rich, nourishing bleod during the relaxation period. The herder your effort, the nore blood rushes inte the muscle as you relax, During the actual contraction you practically squeoae all of the blood right out of the muscle, but itis then that you produce this histanine~like substance vhtich paves the vay for greater blood flushing when the exercise is over, And it is during the relaxation period that the pany fibers start taking their nourishnent fron the’ Blood which seldom yeaches then at all under ordinary condi tions, EXERCISE 2. This exercise develops the lower section of the trapezius muscles, With the ams held at the side in a 90 degree flexed position start drawing the elbows rearward. Draw them back harder, harder, and harder. Again, theoretically try to touch your elbows together at the point marked X, Hold it for 6 seconds, then relax. Of course you won!t be able to touch your elbows together, but try reel hard anyway. It is permissable during this exercise to hold your tody in a slightly arch- ed position as show. TE you will look again at the lover section cf the trapezius on the right side of Figure 1 you will see how that part of the muscle Tooke in full contraction while doing thie exercise. On the loft side of Figure 1 you can see how the upper section of the trapezius looks when it is contracted as in doing Exercise 1, Notice how the position of the arms in moving the shoulder blades causes the different sections of the tranezius to be brought into play. EXERCISE 3. This exercise develops the mscles of the back that lie beneath the trapezius, namely the rhonboids, the levator seapulae, and the splenius capi tus. ‘The exercise consists of three conbinod movenents. ‘Tho head is pulled rearvard as far as it will go, The shoulders are shrugged as high upward as they will go, And the arms, with elbows straight and fists clenched, are pulled rearward as far as they wil go. All three novenents are done together, starting slowly, then going harder, harder, and harder for 6 seconds,--and relaxing. In this exercise you should have the feeling of trying to bunch all of those upper back muscles together in one small. group. These three exercises are all you need for truly magnificent back development. Incidentally that first exercise you did today also catches the big rear section of the deltoid, or shoulder msele. Tt will supplement the vork that we did on the shoulders in lesson l, I would like to repeat again thet all of the exercises you have at present should be cone onee per day, and in the order in which you received them, Don't skip around, es the order has teen specifically designed to give you the best possible results, Always work in front of a mirror as it has a bettor psychological effect, Tou can see the mscles get bigger as you flush them, If you measure then with a tape right after a work-out you will see that they are bigger. Naturally if thoy ero engorged with tlood they will be considerably Targer. Well, right now we have the upper part of your body pretty well taken care of. We'll work on your neck muscles in lesson 9, Next week Itm going to show you how to line your mid-section with deeply furrowed, high ridged bands of muscle, Your abdominals will stand out in told relief a5 you develop a mid-soction that can really Make 1b." So until then, Yours for a wide, heavily muscled back, Jom Bu gerrmont tae, et 3 re muoRT BODY-TONE BION. E 13ist STREET © P.O. BOX 638 NORTH MIAMI 61, FLORIDA. World’s Fastest Strength and Muscle Building System Less * Less Effort . Better Results TessoN VIE Dear Friend: I'm sure you know how important a tough, rockslike mid-section is to an athlete, Boxers, wrestlers, and football players spend hours working on the abdominal mecles, You see the upper abdomen houses one of the biggest, most important nerve centers of ‘the body, the soler plems. A hard blow to this nerve center, which is located just below the breastbone, can easily render a nan helpless if his abdomen is soft ond undeveloped, Today we're going to build up your mid-section, giving it shape, hardness, and toughness. Most important, we will make it flat, or even slightly convex, 60 that you won't have a "pot-belly," or "bay-window." While the muscles in this area will actually get bigger your waist will become slightly smaller and more compact. Tf your waist is alreedy small, and you carry little body fat, you can expect a increase in waist girth with more definition to the muscles, This may sound like a paradox, but it is actually what happens, Lf you are big and buley in the waist this measure will get smaller, If you are thin arid undeveloped in thio area the measure will get larger. Did you ever see a man with a "pot-belly" who looked good in clothes, not to even mention a bathing suit? You bet you didn't, Itte that trim, fat look that gives a nen a zestful, youthful eppearance, As aman ages it scene that the big abdominal. miscles are the first to lose thoir shape and strength ac they push out- ward through lack of use, and from accumulations of fat inside the abdomen. That's right, big globs of fat scoumulate in the mesontaries, which aro the membranes hold~ ing the intestines together, This intemal fat exerts pressure on the abdominal walls, forcing them outward and causing them te bocom weak and flabby, Today's lesson will prevent you fron developing that "niddie-age spread," ‘Turn to today's anatomy chart and I'LL show you what these big abdominal muscles look like. On the left hand sido of the page you seo the Roctus Abdominus muscles which line the front of the abdomen. These are the ones that give you that carved- out, finely chisled eppearanco, The Rectus Abdominue is a long filet muscle which is broader, tut thinner on top than itis below, ‘here is one on either side of the front abdomen, They run from tho cartilage of tho Sth, 6th, and 7th ribs and lover part of the breast bene, all the way down to the pubic tone. Hoth muscles are erossed horizontally by fibrous bands of tissue at about three different places which nakes it appear like the muscle is made up of individuel blocks, or sections. These fibrous bands aro called Mtendinous inscriptions," One crosses the muscle at about the level of the "belly-button," another just slightly below the breast bone, and 2 thimd nddway betveon the finet tro. ‘The shape of these blocks of muscle vary considerstly depending on how and where the tondinous inscriptions cross the muscle, A man may have anywhere from four to eight Visible blocks. Sometimes they are evenly peired, and sometimes staggered, Tho best looking type of mid-section usually has elght visible, evenly natched blocks. Most men usually have six blocks (three on each side) that they can feel and ses, If the blocks of your Abdominus Rectus are not visitle it meas that they are either underdeveloped or covered with fat, Exercises 2 and 3 will give size and shape to these blocks, I have inclwed at the end of this lesson special diet and "spotereducing" techniques for those whose abloninal fat keeps the blocks from showing. Please understand that it is possible to have shapely, well-formed blocks 4n the Abdominus Reetus mscle without having then show, Definition results fron combining mecle growth with fat reduction, Alnost every day I receive letters from enthusiastic body builders asking how they can make their abdominals show, THis is the lesson that chows you how to do juot thet, Todays exercives increase the size of the Abdominus Rectus muscles, As the sige increases, the furrows where the tendindus inscriptions cross get deeper and desper, This makes the blocks stand out in bold relief, But, if those furrows are filled with fat the blocks will not look co impressive, and that's where the special diet and "spotereducing" comes in, Let's take a look at the other muscles of the abdomen, Our anatomy chart shows that there are three big sheets of mecle along the back ond cides of the abdomen that Me atop each other in layers, The outernost layer which you see in Figure 3 is nade up of the Extemal Obliques. Notice how the Fibers run, These muscles ar the largest of the Three layers, perhaps because they are used more than the others. When only one side of the External ObLiques contracts it bends the spinal colum sideways and rotates 1t so that the showlder on the same side moves forward, Both sides acting together give the sano action as the Abdominus Rectus which is to flex the trunk, or bend the spinal colum forward, Now lock at the middle layer which you see in Figure li. These are the Intemal Obliques. They are thinner and cnaller than the Extemal Obliques and their fivers Tun in the opposite direction, Again, one side acting alone tends the spinal colum sidewards, but rotates the trunk so that the shoulder of the opposite side is polled forvard. Both sides acting together give the sane action as the Abdominus Fectus. The important thing about the action of these muscles is that we can develop the Abdominus Kectus and the External and Intemal Obliques with the same emrcises, And that's exactly what we do in Bxorcises 2 and 3, It is not necessary to work them separately for when you try you invariably bring then all into play. For instance, when you contract only one side of the External Obliques you alnost always contract tne opposite side of the Internal Obliques, and vise versa, Mow we_come tc the last big muscle for today, the Transversus Abdoninus, which you sce in Figure 2, Nobice that its fibers rua in a horizontal direction. This is ‘the big constrictor mscle of the abdomn. It is the one mainly responsible for holding tie abdomen flat. This mscle, alone, nolds the big secret of magnificent abdominal development for the simple reason that it causes the whole abdominal wall 4o sweep inward toward the spinal colum making the abdonen compact and V-shaping the trunk. Many hody-builders fail to gain a really ploasing offect to the atdoren for the simple reason that the Transversus Abdoninus is often neglected, It is a muscle that doesn't lift weights ond weight-lifters thorefore often eliminate it from their routines. To show you exactly how 4t works let!s turn to Exercise 1. hock ag se ona ew? o ao \ NY } The Transversus Abdominus Exercise 1 EXERCISE 1, This exercise develops the Trensversus Abdominus muscle, Stand in 2 norm erect position as shown in Figure 4 of Exercise 1, Take a very shallow breath (not a big one)and hold it, in order to close the small trap- door on top of your vind-pipe called the eplglotias, Now slovly start to draw the entire abdominal wall inward in the direction shown by the arroz in Figure B, Keep pulling the abdomen in, harder, herder, and harder, In your om mind try to visual- ize your front abdominal wall touching your spinal column as shown in Figure C, This is impossitie , bat helps you put real force and power in the movenent. Held it real hard for 6 seconds and then relax, This one exercise will do wonders for you. It flushes that whole inner wall of the ebdonen with rich, nourishing blood making those undeveloped miscle fibers respond with new growth and strength. Vow ropeat the exercise. This is the only Icsson in tho ontire Body-Tone course where the exercises are done twice, In just one week's time you will start to notice your sbdoninal wall taldng on a netarel inward curvature, It is tho flat, slightly convex abdomen that makes your chest look so massive. EXERCISH 2. This exercise develops the Rectus Abdominus and Intemal and External Obliques, all at the cane timo, Io on your back, ao chown in oxercico 2, with your Inses bent and with your hands resting on your abdomen so you can fecl the pall of the mscles. ‘This exercise I call Wourl-tensing", because the object is to curl, or flex the upper trunk while at the sané tim tensing all the muscles of the atdomen, You lift the heed off the floor as you round your back, trying to lift higher, higher, and higher, At the sane time consciously tense the abdominal muscles harder, harder, and harder. Hold it for 6 seconds, Then relex. Be sure to curl the trunk. Don't try to lift it with the back straight. Yo feel the trenendous pull of both the Abdominus Rectas and Oblique muscles during the peek of this deep contraction drive your finger-tips into the solid muscle fusing the hand as shown in Exercise 3. I would like to point out that this exercise is not just a tent mee siteup, It is a deep, nentally controlled contraction of the entire abdominal wall that is held for 6 seconds. Always start the exercise slowly, gradually increasing the forec of the contraction. Fepeet the exorcise once. EXERCISE 3. This exercise, like the last one, develops the Abdominus Rectus and Internal and External Obliques, all at the same time. ‘This is "curl-tensing! again, only this time done in a standing position. Tale a shallow breath, Hold it so that the epiglottis is closed, Bend the ices to te position shown, and curl the trunk forward slightly while tensing, or contracting the entire abdominal wall, Tense the abdomen harder, harder, and harder, Hold it for 6 seconds. Then relax. At tho peak of the contraction drive your finger-tips repeated— ly into the muscles so you can feel their strong, ruck-like pull. I have made two @rawings of this exercise so you can see both the front and side views. Repeat the exercise ones. ‘These three exercises will give you 21] the development that you can possibly get out of your abdominals, The muscles will “pop! out fast, and it will just take you a few minutes daily. Compare this, if you will, with the fellow who labors doing 80 to 100 sit-ups per day and vhen winds up with only meager development. If you can contract @ muscle 100 times in succession then you certainly aren't delivering a macimn stimlus to that mscle, Pemenber this one thing, You don't build strongth and muscle Size by doing endurance exercises, You must tax a muscle with an all-out continuous stimulus for six seconds in order to } produce the histamine which causes The miscié to become Fhished with Blocd. Thos, ond only then wlll you cause that imgcle to grov in size and strength, Well, in about one week from now your abdcminal muscles will start getting massive and shepely. fut whether or not they will show will depend upon bow much fat you've got on that front atdominal wall. So hexe’s the way tot SPOT REDUCE AND DIET FOR ABDOMINAL DEFINITION To make those abdominals stand out with fighly ridged, deeply furroved blocks of mscle, you mst rid your front abdominal wall of excess fat, This isn't hard to do, but there are several basic principles that you must understend. First, you must realize that it is extrenely difficult to get rid of fat through exercise alone, For example, if you wanted to take one pound of fat off your mid-sec- tion by doing 100 siteups per day it would take you about 50 days to accomplish your objective. You would have to do over 5000 siteups to burn up /1,300 calories, which is the equivalent of one pound of fat. On the other hand, vy cutting down the anount of calories that you take in at each meal you can burn fat quite rapidly, In fact itis sonetines possible to burn as mich as one pound of fat per day on a 1000 calorie diet, On any reducing diet there are certain groups of foods that mast bo ontirely eliminated if you wish to reach your desired weight quickly. Below I heve listed those groups of foods that showld be eliminated, and those you should eat nore of, when working for abdominal definition, We know that when fat is being bumed for energy on a restricted caloric inbake a mscle will bum that fat which is closest to it. So, while you are burning fat on 2 diet program you ean Yepot-reduce" your abdominal wall by the following proce- dure, ANL day long, or whenever you think about it, keep drawing the Transverse Abdomimus inward ae we did in Exercise 1. Of course you won't draw it in nearly as far or as hard as when doing the actual exercise, but try to keep it pulled slightly imeard most of the day, In the moming whon you are getting dressed pull your midssection in, then adjust your belt to Tit snugly, so that if you were to relox you would feel slightly uncom fortable becauso of the tightness of the belt, This will act as a constant: reninder ‘w you during the day to keep pulling that mid-section in, Hold it in whether you are vallcing, sitting, or driving your automobile. Keep remembering that you axe ‘burning fat in this area and that the elight discomfort you nay feel during the day will soon like nothing after your diet is over and your atdominals stand out with razor-sharp definition.

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