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The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines an entrepreneur as someone “who organizes,

manages, and assumes the risk of a business or enterprise”. An entrepreneur is

someone who understands the risk-reward relationship in any task that he/she
executes. For as long as I can remember, I have been an entrepreneur, even when it
came down to decision-making. In any given decision, I will analyze the possible
outcomes, opportunities, and consequences that may surface from a settlement made.
Through hard work and, more importantly, guidance from our Heavenly Father, I pray
that I can succeed in the business sector and make an impact in our society.
The Crowell School of Business’ mission statement strives ​to foster business prowess
grounded in Christian principle​. The music, fashion, and film industries influence so
much of the culture we have today. Currently, those industries are dominated by secular
movements, straying people further away from God each and every day. I feel called by
God to create a company that establishes the foundations of a personal relationship
with Him.

The earliest forms of entertainment were meant to express a gratitude or personal

relationship with God. Some of the most influential or popular songs are in fact hymns
or Psalms. Since then, music and film have gradually strayed away from the focus of
God. My goal of obtaining a business degree at the Crowell School of Business sees
that I learn how to create, operate, and succeed in a business, more specifically in the
music, film and fashion industries.

The one thing that scares entrepreneurs away from taking a risk is potential failure.
Many people are afraid to fail, as they see it as an end all be all situation, where when
they fail, it’s over. I look at failure as opportunity. I believe failure is God’s helpful way of
telling us where he wants us to take something. For instance, in the summer of 2018, I
founded an online music business, called Symple Audio, that sold music instrumentals
that I created, to a variety of rappers and artists across the country. I found success
early on in the company’s existence; however, my sales began to plummet about 2
months in. I made the mistake of marketing to the wrong audience, an audience that
was not trustworthy, and were trying to cheat me of my hard work by taking my music
for free. After taking a year and a half long break, I have started a new company that
targets a select group of rappers and artists to work with. God helped me turn failure
into success, in a way that honors his name.

Seeking help through prayer leads me to a peaceful mindset that opens my eyes to
what the Lord is leading me towards. It was hard for me to make the decision to delete
my webpage, as Symple Audio was my first official business expenditure. Through
prayer, God helped me make the decisive action to end my company. For too many
people, this would be the end of their business; however, God showed me that this was
only the first step in making a Christ-honoring, world-changing company. When I see an
opportunity that seems rewarding, I will first approach it with prayer, seeking advice
from our Heavenly Father. This helps me make less risky decisions that could have
been impulsive and emotionally-driven without God’s wisdom. Above all else, through
the struggles of failure, trial, and error, I stay true to my foundations in Christ. Symple
Audio opened my eyes to what my true focus in a business should be, God. Everything I
do should reflect His righteousness and goodness. Success in Symple Audio was
measured to me on monetary value. After taking a break from the music industry, I
came to the realization that God wants my success in life to be measured by the lives I
touch, whether it is through music or discipleship.

On March 26th, 2020, I decided to launch a new business venture. With the same idea
to supply instrumentals to artists around the world, I searched for a way to further help
artists succeed. In late April, I had a chance to speak with my mentor, Victor Miller, CEO
of ParaBrands, and 2019 recipient of the annual BIOLA Business Startup Competition.
He and I thought of a way to collaborate our business ideas; of helping the fashion and
music industries better reflect Our Heavenly Father. We discussed creating a company
that has its “feet wet” in three different industries; film, music, and fashion. All three of
these markets see a dearth of religious activity, so integrating our Christian faith can
make a positive impact on a larger group of secularly-driven consumers.
With my vision to “catalyze innovators and entrepreneurs to flourish in their giftedness
and build Christ-honoring, world changing ventures”, I feel that the Crowell School of
Business will encourage innovative and entrepreneurial success amongst my peers and
I. God blessed me with the gift of leadership, not so that I could keep it to myself or
squander it, but so I can showcase His love and generosity to others. I believe that Our
Father has a plan for me; a plan to show others who He is and, more importantly, help
them build a relationship with Him. As written in Matthew 7:7, “Ask, and you will be
given. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and the doors will be opened.” I would be
extremely grateful to be accepted into the Crowell School of Business, as I am eager to
begin my career in entrepreneurial ventures and spread the Good Word. I look forward
to becoming a part of the Biola Business Department, and an active member of the
Biola Entrepreneurship Society.

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