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Nama : Yohana Intan F.

NPM. :
Tugas : Bahasa Inggris IV



When nurses care for patients they follow the nursing process. This includes making a plan
and setting goals for the patient. Nursing interventions are the actual treatments and actions
that are performed to help the patient to reach the goals that are set for them. The nurse
uses his or her knowledge, experience and critical-thinking skills to decide which
interventions will help the patient the most.
There are different classifications of nursing interventions that can involve care of the entire
patient. This can be anything from promoting bowel functioning, educating the patient on
new medication side-effects or just keeping the patient safe. Interventions can be focused on
basic physiological needs, complex physiological needs, behavioral functioning, promoting
safety, caring for the family, using the health system and/or the overall health of the
community. As nurses, we are caring for the total patient, so there can be interventions
concerning every area of the patient's life.
Independent - These are actions that the nurse is able to initiate independently. The
following would be an example of a health promotion nursing intervention, which is an
independent nursing action.
Dependent - These interventions will require an order from another health care provider such
as a physician.
Interdependent - These are going to require the participation of multiple members of the
health care team.

treatments. :perawatan
Decide :putuskan
Involve. :melibatkan
Entire. : Seluruh
Bowel. ;usus
Functioning :berfungsi
Physiological : psikologis
Behavioral. :Perilaku
Overall :keseluruhan
Concerning :tentang
Independent. : Mandiri
Dependent. : Bergantung
Interdependen. : Saling bergantung.
Require. : Memerlukan
Includes. : Termasuk
Different. :Berbeda
Setting :pengaturan

Goals. : Tujuan
Able. : sanggup
Initiate. : Memulai
Provider. :Pemberi
Such. : Seperti itu

1. Pola can
2. Pola could
3. Pola will

Tugas 2


Your blood is made up of liquid and solids. The liquid part, called plasma, is made of water,
salts, and protein. Over half of your blood is plasma. The solid part of your blood contains
red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.

Red blood cells (RBC) deliver oxygen from your lungs to your tissues and organs. White
blood cells (WBC) fight infection and are part of your immune system. Platelets help blood to
clot when you have a cut or wound. Bone marrow, the spongy material inside your bones,
makes new blood cells. Blood cells constantly die and your body makes new ones. Red
blood cells live about 120 days, and platelets live about 6 days. Some white blood cells live
less than a day, but others live much longer.

There are four blood types: A, B, AB, or O. Also, blood is either Rh-positive or Rh-negative.
So if you have type A blood, it's either A positive or A negative. Which type you are is
important if you need a blood transfusion. And your Rh factor could be important if you
become pregnant - an incompatibility between your type and the baby's could create

Blood tests such as blood count tests help doctors check for certain diseases and
conditions. They also help check the function of your organs and show how well treatments
are working. Problems with your blood may include bleeding disorders, excessive clotting
and platelet disorders. If you lose too much blood, you may need a transfusion.
In general, an adult is said to have normal blood pressure if the number is above 90/60
mmHg to 120/80 mmHg. Normal blood pressure can go up or down depending on the
physical activity you are doing and the emotional state you are experiencing.

Liquid. :Cair
Solids. : Padatan
Plasma. :Plasma
Salts. : Garam
Platelets. : Trombosit

Lungs. : Paru- paru
Blood pressure: tekanan darah
Marrow. : Sumsum
Spongy. :Kenyal
Constantly. : Selalu
Pregnant. : Hamil
incompatibility: ketidakcocokan
Treatments. :Perawatan
Include. : Sertakan
Bleeding. : Berdarah
Disorders. : Gangguan
Excessive. :Berlebihan
Clotting. : Pembekuan
Create. : Membuat
Platelet. : Trombosit
Contains. : Mengandung

Pertanyaan !
1. What is contained in solid blood?
=Contained on solid blood are red blood cells, whirte blood cells, and thrombocytes.
2. What is the function of red blood cells?
=Red blood cells function to deliver oxygen from the lungs to other tissues and
3. What is the function of whrite blood cells?
= Whirte blood cells function to fight infection and the immune system.
4. How many day the incubation period for red blood cells?
= Red blood cells live for 120 days
5. what is normal blood pressure?
= normal blood pressure if the number is above 90/60 mmHg to 120/80 mmHg

10 kalimat conditional sentence

1. I Will go to the dentist if I have go toothache
2. If you Snatch her thing, she Will cry
3. I Will call the doctor of the pain recurs
4. If you tell unwell I can take you to the hospital
5. If this room remains filthy I Will not enter
6. I Will be late if you do not wake me up
7. If he came sooner maybe jos life would be saved
8. Nita will change her mind of you ask her again
9. If the patient has not been able to adjust his diet then I Will not check in
10. Doctors and nurses Will be busy when the patient is full.

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