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D-Day: The Allied Invasion of France

Teacher Name(s): Brian Grilli

Date: May 5, 2008
Grade level(s): 11
Content Areas: World War II
Description/Abstract: Allied Invasion of France
Timeline: 1934-1944

Goals/Content and Cognitive:

From this lesson students will learn basic facts about World War II, such as how the war
started and members of the Allied and Axis forces. Students will apply this information
in learning about the D-Day invasion of France. Students will be able to identify the
invasion date, location, methods, and results.


A question and answer session will be used to allow students to discuss the material and
assess their knowledge of the subject. Students will also be given an assignment sheet
consisting of multiple choice, fill in the blank, and short answer questions

Learning Activites or Tasks:

Students will listen to a lecture regarding D-Day. Streaming video will also be used to
show students actual footage of the D-Day battle

Teaching Strategies:

Technology will be implemented in this lesson to help students learn. The teaching
environment used for this lesson will provide me with access to all the technology
resources I will need. The lesson will presented primarily in lecture format, with time
allotted for individual questions at the end of the lesson.

Materials and Resources:

For this lesson, I will require the following materials:

 Digital Media Projector

 Speakers

 Thumb Drive

 Internet Access

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