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Name : Royan Hisyam Rafliansyah

NPM : 20081010130

Stop Saying : Irregular verbs

Learning verbs we think of three different from -infinitive, past simple, past participle. For
regular verbs these are quite straightfoward. The past simple is the same as the past participle
-just add -ed to the infinitive. But many frequently used English verbs are irregular and
follow different patterns.
In video it makes it easier to remember things if you put them in groups. For irregular verbs
it’s a good idea to make verbs list based on the number of different forms they have.
For example:
1. One from
 Cut, cut, cut
 Set, set, set
 Put, put ,put
 Cast, cast, cast
 Cost, cost, cost
2. Two froms
 Say, said, said
 Come, came, come
 Run, ran, run
 Build, built, built
 Find, found, found
3. Three froms
 Fly, flew, flown
 Forget, forgot, forgotten
 See, saw, seen
 Blow, blew, blown
 Draw, drew, drawn
Example sentences using irregular verbs
Example tenses using all tenses including active and passive froms, as well as conditional and
modal froms.
1. Cut
 I cut my finger on a glass yesterday
 The boy never cuts his own steak
 How many pieces have you cut?
2. Find
 I found this book on the table over there
 I’ll find him, don’t worry!
 Have you found him yet?
3. See
 I saw the film last week
 Have you seen Angie yet?
 She’s going to see her friend next weekend.

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