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Hay and Walford Ltd: Social Media

Policy for employees

Here at Hay and Walford Ltd, we acknowledge the role social media plays in shaping our
public image and the image our clients and associates have of us.
Whether on our official company accounts or workers' individual social media accounts, we
encourage all employees to bear in mind that they represent the firm and comments remain
on the Internet long after they were first made.
Company social media accounts
You do not know the influence a throwaway remark may have. For this reason, please refrain
from commenting on any litigation that the company is involved in.
Similarly, anything that is labelled 'for internal use only' is not to be shared in full or in part on
social media.
Messages from the CEO are automatically confidential and should not be mentioned in social
media posts.
The company's finances are especially sensitive information and must not be shared,
commented on or speculated on at all.
If you make an error of fact or wish to review your professional opinion, please take immediate
steps to make corrections or delete the post.
Bear in mind that we are bound by regulations relating to copyright. As such, do not share the
work of other people or companies without correctly acknowledging them as creators.
To be on the safe side, if you are in any doubt as to whether to put something on our social
media accounts, please do not post in the first instance and seek advice from one of the
team in Communications about whether the information is sensitive or unsuitable from the
company's point of view.

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