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1. I think Sergei's reaction is rational. He is afraid because of his past with the KGB.

On page 5,
line 57, "The KGB felt right at home knocking on his door". He is nervous because he doesn't
like his privacy disturbed.
2.Sergei’s conversations with the goldfish shows that Sergei sees the goldfish as a friend, since
at the end of the story on page 8 he says he wouldn’t even wish for anything, he would just
keep him as a friend. I feel as though the goldfish doesn’t see Sergei as a friend. He convinces
Sergei to use his last wish so he can be free. Sergei also says “The goldfish can already taste
freedom. Sergei can see it on him”. On page 8 line 161.
3. You can infer Sergei isn’t selfish due to his first two wishes. He spends them to save his sister
and his girlfriend's son. He did regret it a bit after she left him, but I don’t believe that means he
is a bad person.
4. I don’t believe Sergei and the goldfish are friends. Sergei says “The goldfish can already taste
freedom. Sergei can see it on him”. On page 8 line 161. This shows that the goldfish is eager to
get away and escape Sergei. That usually isn’t part of friendship.
5. Sergei has two major things to decide between when deciding to save Yoni. If he saves Yoni
he will lose his on friend and company, but he will never have killed Yoni. If he lets Yoni stay
dead, he can keep his wish and the goldfish, but he will have killed an innocent boy.
6. I think the way they ended the story was almost perfect. Since Yoni is alive you know Sergei
choose to save him. The ending was also very impactful. “He'd just stick it on a shelf in a big
glass jar and talk to him all day, it didn't matter about what. Maybe sports, maybe politics,
whatever a goldfish was interested in chatting about. Anything, the Russian said, not to be
alone”. That was the perfect ending to the story and it stuck with me.
7. I think the theme is that sometimes you have to sacrifice your own happiness for someone
else's. Sergei had to let his only friend go to save Yoni’s life.
8. I will remember it, you won’t forget something poignant.
9. I will throw them out, no one wants old wrinkly flowers.
10. No, she is not having a good day.
11. No, he can speak perfect french.

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