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Camilo Andrés Valderrama Ruiz

1. What are the benefits/ detriments of the “world is flat” metaphor?

 Make relationship with the globalization process.
 Shows a perspective takin into account past times.
 The concept can be confused with the thought than people have in past
about the earth
 Isn’t a clear relationship between the name and the definition.

2. How would you describe "International Commerce" on your own words?

 For me “international commerce” is the capacity of have business

relationships with other companies in different countries, this as a
symbiotic relation in which both business will be benefit and win
incomes, this will apply not only with two business, it could be in a big
group of companies or with a company and a government of one country.

3. What does it mean for you "The World is flat"? 

 For me the world is flat, means than when in a work can be done by
many people in different places of the world at the same time, one
example of this as Thomas says is the McDonalds car service.

4. How is the world that you see for today and for the next future in terms of
International business development?

 Taking in to account the business world of today in day I think than the
future of business will be to solve problems of future society such as oil
use and new solutions for have a good health

5. What is your conclusion on this interesting topic?

 My conclusion about this topic is than in our daily life we could be consuming
products and services which origin is based in the collaboration business of many
countries to get a final result.

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