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Student: Luis Alberto Guerrero Peñaranda.

Activity Manhattan, New York City


1. Manhattan is a small island that is one part of New York City.

2. New York City is made up of five sections called boroughs.
3. These boroughs are Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, Staten Island, and the Bronx.
4. Manhattan has the most people of all the boroughs.
5. Because the island is small most people live and work in tall buildings.
6. Tall buildings are called skyscrapers because they seem to touch the sky.
7. Manhattan is connected to the other boroughs by a series of bridges and tunnels.
8. The New York City subway is a massive mass transit system.
9. One of the most famous parts of Manhattan is Times Square.
10. Times Square is called the crossroads of the world.


1. What state is Manhattan part of?

RTA: New York

2. New York City is commonly known as…

RTA: The big apple

3. How many boroughs make up New York City?

RTA: 5

4. The boroughs are called

RTA: Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, and the Bronx

5. Which is the smallest borough in New York City?

RTA: Manhattan

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