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Student: Luis Alberto Guerrero Peñaranda

Activity Working out in LA


1. A major trend occurring today in America is

RTA: physical fitness

2. Obesity usually leads to

RTA: heart disease

3. When did the fitness craze first begin?

RTA: 1970s

4. More Americans nowadays exercise

RTA: On a regular basis

5. What is unhealthy?

RTA: All of the above


1. Physical fitness is a trend happening in America.

2. Americans lead the world in deaths due to heart disease.
3. Many people do not take the time to eat properly.
4. Americans turn to fast food restaurants whenever they are in a rush.
5. Popular fast food restaurants are McDonald's, Burger King, and Wendy's.
6. All these places offer a quick bite to eat at an economical price.
7. The fitness craze began as early as the 1970s.
8. People became aware that the fast food giants were promoting obesity.
9. Americans began making healthier eating choices.
10. More Americans exercise on a regular basis these days.

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