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My opinion about the WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION in facing this pandemic it is very diverse,

because i think that the OMS is very important in the world for the contributions and hepls, but in
this pandemic there was much problems that dont had a fast solution. The opresion of the people
for the solutions for to come back to have a normal life, caused more contagions in much countrys
that take dangerous politics involucreding to the poeple poor and all sick population. In this cases
the OMS can´t do anything. The OMS may do donations to the health in the world, but this
donations not enought for the demand of the poor country that have much poblation in serious
circunstances. Besides, the OMS is dependent of the rich countrys, this countrys have more access
to the helps of the OMS. In resume the poor countrys will are in worsts conditions that before. In
my perspective the OMS did not make very important policies,

though is an important Organization, cant donate vaccines to the countrys that need it. When start
the pendemic its answer is very slow, this created the confusion in the world and the
desesperation. The people stopped believing in the OMS as a good organization. The countrys
have that solve their problems alone whitout anoye´s help. This is a big problem, because the OMS
only helps to the rich countrys and the countrys that have money for donate to the organization.
The vaccine should be accesible for all population, but this is imposible because the vaccine have a
cost, and the countrys that developed a vaccine for the covid 19 are winning much money for
their sales. The struggle between countries to show who is the world power has generated
problems in the policy of the OMS to be more efficient.

Finally the OMS is dependent for the other countrys that have resources, and the situation
economic seems to be more important than being able to donate vaccines to countries that really
need them and do not have the money to buy them.

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