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30 September 2020 

Mr. Rudebusch 
310 E. Harry St. 
Castlewood, SD 57223 
Dear Mr. Rudebusch, 
I am writing to you today regarding the senior project, which I am excited to start. My career choice of 
a physical therapist has been decided. Chad Lauseng was generous enough to accept me as a shadow 
student throughout his work days at Big Stone Therapies in Watertown. 
I chose physical therapy as my career because being in and around sports, I have always witnessed 
injuries, whether it was myself or a teammate. Being around for a major part of my life has inspired me 
to possibly make this my career choice. I have a strong passion for helping those in need; This job will 
provide me that opportunity. Each day brings on a new task that I look forward to taking head on. The 
only concern I might have with shadowing is that I won’t know much about what is happening, or that 
I might not enjoy it. Chad has just recently replied to my email, so I don’t have any hours in yet, 
however, we are working towards getting a schedule ready in order to complete the necessary 20 hours. 
Finally, I hope to learn much more about the profession of physical therapy. Learning the daily life of a 
physical therapist will give me the knowledge I need for furthering my career. Maintaining an 
eager-to-learn personality will help me to do my best through each problem I face during this project. 
Garret Kerkvliet 
45727 Castlewood, SD Hwy. 22 
Castlewood, South Dakota 57223 

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