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Why Everyone Should Become a Feminist

Feminism is a movement that fights for equal rights and opportunities for all humans,
male and female, politically, economically and socially. We live in a world where 40% of
women are treated like second class citizens, unlike men. Women don’t have their full rights
to study, work, travel or to do anything without their male guardian’s permission. So this is
why I urge everyone to be a feminist, whether you’re male or female, to fight for women to
have equal rights as men.

There are lots of reasons why you should be a feminist, but I’ll mention two. First of
all, the wage difference issue, it’s not logical that in some countries or even in some specific
workplaces men get paid more than women, even if they worked the same hours and have the
same position. It doesn’t make sense. What does gender have to do with lowering and raising
someone’s wage? This is one the thing that feminism fights for, to stop the patriarchal system
and defending it because of it’s unfair treatment.

And the second reason is gender roles. It is society’s idea on how we’re expected to
act, speak and dress based upon our genders. Women are expected to be feminine and polite,
and men are expected to be bold and aggressive. Women are expected to be housewives only,
while men are expected to be doctors, engineers, and CEOs. And that’s wrong, women are
also capable and fit to be engineers, doctors, politicians, etc.. It’s also wrong to put some
specific criteria for both genders on how they’re supposed to act because that simply violates
the human right for humans to express themselves the way they want.

In conclusion, Feminism is all about having equal rights, opportunities and chances.
It’s a movement that aims to make women equal to men, and men equal to women. It’s a
movement that believe each person should be viewed based on their individual strengths and
capabilities. It’s a movement that acknowledges issues and injustices and fights for it’s
solutions to make this world a better place for all humans to live in.

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