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Questionnaire 3.

Which of the following are hormones are

Special Senses responsible for?
1. Which one is not a primary taste
sensation? Pungency
2. The only special sense that is not fully
functional at birth is… Vision
3. Gustatory hairs are to taste as olfactory
hairs are to? Smell
4. Hearing receptors within the spiral organ
of Cortisones are called… cochlea
5. Age-related fusion of ear bones is known
as…. Otosclerosis
6. Age-related condition resulting from
decreased lens elasticity is …
7. Select the pathway along which images
received by the retina of the eye will travel
into the brain. Optic nerves
8. What vision disorder results from loss of
lens transparency? Cataracts
9. Which of the cranial nerves is not involved
in either taste or smell? CN5
10. Pathway of vibrations as they travel from
one ossicle to the next …
11. Gel-like substance that reinforces the
eyeball and prevents it from collapsing
inward is the … Vitreous Humor
12. What gland releases tears onto
the anterior surface of the eyeball?
Lacrimal Apparatus
13. Which cranial nerve controls the Inferior
Oblique muscles? CN 3
Endocrine System
1. Second controlling system of the body …
Endocrine System

2. The endocrine systems chemical

messengers that are produced by
specialized cells are known as …
5. Is one of the system that regulates the
4. The following are amino acid-based, heart activity, sets the heart rhythm and is
except … composed of special nervous tissue …
Nodal System/Nodal conduction
5. What mechanism of the hormones is used
by protein and peptide hormones?
6. What stimulates hormone release? Nerve

7. Simulates and maintains milk production

following childbirth …Prolactin
8. What gland secretes melatonin? Pineal

9. Glands that are purely endocrine functions

are the following, except…
10. Epinephrine and norepinephrine are
responsible for how the body deals with
short-term stress by …Increasing
blood glucose levels
11. Pancreatic Islets produces Insulin. All of
the following are true, except …
12. The following are hormone-producing
tissues and organs, except …
13. These are released in response
to increased blood levels of ACTH …
14. Endocrine gland functions decreases
with aging thus leads to the following,
except.. High metabolic rate
1. What is located in the thoracic cavity,
between the lungs in the inferior
mediastinum? Heart
2. Wall of the heart that has the most cardiac
muscle … Myocardium
3. Blood flows from the right side of the heart
to the lungs and back to the left side of the
heart … Systemic circuit
4. Heart valve that is closed during heart
relaxation Mitral valve
6. What serves as the heart’s pacemaker? Sinoatrial node

7. Volume of blood pumped by each? Cardiac Output

8. All of the following are regions of the

Aorta, except: Descending aorta
9. An indirect method of measuring systemic
arterial blood pressure, most often in the
brachial artery…Auscultatory method
10. Age-related problems associated with
the cardiovascular system include all, except

11. All are routes of capillary exchange of

gases and nutrients, except …
Blood and Hemodynamics
1. blood transports… Oxygen and nutrients

2. Only fluid tissue, a type of connective

tissue, in the human body Blood
3. Component of blood that is 90 percent
water and is a straw-colored fluid …
4. A plasma protein that is an important
blood buffer and contributes to osmotic?
5. Response of leukocytes to chemicals
released by damaged tissues…
6. Granulocyte have granules in their
cytoplasm can be stained. It includes the
following, except: Lymphocytes,
7. The most abundant WBC Neutrophils

8. The least abundant WBC Basophils

9. A type of granulocyte with a pink-stained

cytoplasm and contains fine granules…
10. A common stem cell where all blood cells
are derived from is named …
Hemocytoblasts/Multipotent self-renewing
stem cells
11. The early sites of blood cell formation are
the following, except:

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