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Different Types of Diets

While watching Lo Without Limit's: A Breakdown on Different Popular Diets and Diet Terms,
describe the characteristics of EACH of the diets she breaks down. After, describe which diet
most closely resembles your current diet, which diet you would be interested in trying and why,
and which diet there is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY you would ever consider and why.

1. The Paleo Diet is a guide for meal planning.

2.Some vegetarians don’t eat meat, but some of them eat fished and eggs. That’s vegan.
3.While you eat less, you need to provide enough energy when you do some sports.
4.Some vegetarians choose to eat the eggs and some fishes.
5.Pescatarian seems like a vegan, they don’t eat fish.
6.The raw vegan can’t just eat vegetables, they need other foods to provide Nutrition
7.When you so much ,you can choose fasting to lose weight, just for a little time.
8.Intuitive eating can it's a very conscious way to eat.
9.Mediterranea way to eat food can let you lose weights. It’s a healthy way to lose weights.

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