How Technology A Mode of Revealing?

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1. How technology a mode of revealing?

- Technology is useful in a different ways, depends on how

you will use it.
in addition Technology can reveal the hidden truth behind
the history of the past, start from the beginning of the earth,
the living things and our ancestral.

2. In your daily experience of technology, what else is

revealed to you aside from its functions?

 - Technology revealed the negative and positive effects in

(1) NEGATIVE - through technology we are more susceptible
in fake news, just by posting article or statements in social
media and we are vulnerable to online/offline fraud. It gives
depression. Over-usage of technology damages the brain
systems connecting to emotional processing, attention and
decision making. 
(2) POSITIVE – it can increase knowledge a lot and easy
access of understanding because through it we can enhance
our knowledge as fast as before through the advance
technology of internet versus the era of books in the library.

3. Why should technology be questioned?

- Technology has been a huge part of our daily lives. It has

been a part of our system since the beginning of the digital
age. It has contributed to innovation of various things, and
has helped a lot in the advance of the communication and
information field.  It has been a huge help but it has its own
advantages and disadvantages too and that is why
technology should be questioned. 

4. How is questioning the piety of thought?

- In some way people keep asking out of curiosity, & people

keep on searching and discovering in search for meaning of
the hidden truth for us to know, like the existence of God, the
history of mankind and so fort, and people will do in our
modern generation is to anticipate more and investigates

5. How does art provide a way out of enframing?

- The art provides a way out of enframing by bringing us

closer to poiesis and further away from techne. The art
activates more oftenly the human sensitivity if it is even
exists in an individual. The use of our imagination and
actually seeing things the way they are is part of poiesis.

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