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English B Holiday assignment, Page 120, Interview with actors from

Sing Street, Baha Yazıcılar

1. I believe that the interview was allright. It wasn’t perfect because there were more questions
that could be asked. Questions were not simple, they were definetely prepared cleverly but
they are not aiming to find the answers that people would like to know about a band.
2. As I said, questions were not simple and they are prepared to get detailed answers, every
question was specific in its content. Because of these reasons, journalist could get a lot of
information about the actors.
3. It is probably because the most important part of the interview was the part that is written.
Questions and the answers were detailed and readers could get a lot of information from
4. I think it has begun like any other interview. Journalist probaby introduced himself/herself
and asked that if they could make an interview.
5. I think Interview ended properly since questions were proper and there wasn’t anything that
may make actors angry.

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