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Alexis Walkins

06/ 18 / 2020
Project X Intro Cut Scene

In the beginning the player will place their virtual glasses on, then there will be
nothing silence, and then a roaring sound of electronic music plays with a splash
of neon lights blighting up the screen, with a large “Ready to begin survey” pops
up on the screen.

The camera will zoom in on the player’s 5 question survey to begin.

The player will see a large start button.

( Janice )

( walks up to the screen)

Welcome to Project X.

Hi my name is Janice, I will be helping you through your first ever virtual reality
game that will help you in your everyday life. It will be a smooth ride, but first lets
start your survey and lets get to know each other and little better.

We will see which group you will be placed after completing your survey.

( walks away)

Camera pulls back, and switch over to a empty black quiet room, with the sound
of calm waves swooshing over.


( walks back up to the screen)

( enthusiastic)

Lets begin.

Question one appears on the screen.

A “ How old are you” appears on the screen


(stands next to the question on the screen.)

How old are you?

Camera zooms out, and the player checks the 18+ button, or the player selects
18- button.

( Janice)

( calm)

Awesome , lets head to the next question of your survey.

The camera swipes over to another question on the screen.

Question two “Are you adventurous or a home body?” Appears on the screen.

The player selects their question.


( Folds her arms)

Interesting! Let’s head to the next question.

The camera swipes over to another question on the screen.

Question three “ type in your biggest strength/weakness” appears on the screen.

The player selects their question.

( Janice)

( nods her head, while folding her arms.)

Oh really? Can’t wait to find out more!

The camera swipes over to another question on the screen.

Question four “ biggest pet peeve?” appears on the screen.

The player selects their question.

( Janice)
( places her hand on her chin, and nods her head)
I totally understand! Lets head to our finally question.

The camera swipes over to another question on the screen.

Question five “ type in your background story” appears on the screen.

The player types in their story.


( jumps up and down)

Yay ! You have made it to the end of the survey. Here are your results and lets get this
show on the road.

Exits intro cut scene.

Enters the next course of the game.

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