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a Cora eee ee CSE Sea Sa Tyg PRS EN Tear te Sa a PO eat STAR WARS eee Coe a gem! BILL SLAVICSEK, ANDY COLLINS. JD WIKER Cpepuerion MANAGER CHAS DELONG MICHELLE VUCKQVICH BRIAN CAMPBELL. JEFF GRUBB, BEN HARPER, CORY J. HERNDON, MICHAEL MIKAELIAN, STEVE lucas UcenwiNe Aer eoiroR MILLER, THOMAS M. REID, CHARLES RYAN, COWEN K.C. STEPHENS, PENNY WILLIAMS CRevINED EDITION DEVELOPMENT AND EDITING BILL SLAVICSEK, CHRISTOPHER PERKINS eorrons, BRIAN CAMPBELL, CORY J. HERNDON OmANABING EDITOR KIM MOHAN Caran wane nro cnearive ommectar CHRISTOPHER PERKINS CNIRUAL eReArive OlREETOR JON SCHINDEHETTE Carr oiREeTOR SEAN GLENN ABIGAIL FEIN, MARK BOETZ Ceanroansewens TODD GAMBLE, KYLE HUNTER ANGELIKA LOKOTZ rmoouction JEFFERSON DUNLAP, CHRIS HANIS cover anniat ‘TOMMY LEE EDWARDS Cinrenion anrists D. ALEXANDER GREGORY, JOHN GALLAGHER. ANDREW ROBINSON, LUCASFILM LTD. VG PRESIDENT AND BiREETOR OF RPG RAO BILL SLAVIGSEK Cvice pnesioEnr oF #1 MARY KIRCHOFF DAVID WISE CPmOuROT MANAGER DOUGLAS STEVES JAIN MORRIS: ‘Thanks to Lucy Autrey Wikon and Howard Rotman of Lucas Licensing, Leland Chee, Pablo Hidalgo of Lucasfim Ld, the designers ofthe West End Games editions for their ine wor, and to al of the authors who have contributed tothe expanded Star Wars universe. Special hanks to George Lucas fr crating the Stor Wors fms in ‘the ist pace. ie the Court ne Pas ‘tu 20" Spm game es ech deed fa then Dineen pe yn Tare, Mote Ck, Sp Wins ‘his wor on ge ra iso Open Gi Cate Mo rin fs wok my be tpt yor ah wen parson “inn meson be Org cv ihe cs ye [gna epsteed adeno noo Carne The 0 Stan ee 20 a tara of Wns he Const ne tne et hay oy and oma te Und Sites anc Cade ‘palo hoa eo F mnizardscom 20 ited woe by Wad the Co nd ein ibe Th rc 2 ped ie te opr an ol ba Uned Ss ern ‘sponte wit he eres een permaion f Waards the Coane specs wa of ony srt a pop, ses or et pay ce FOREWORD DESIGNER'S PREFACE 5 PLAYER'S SECTION INTRODUCTION THE BASICS PLAYING STAR WARS CHARADTER CREATION _ wt ABILITIES 16 Your ity Scores 1 ity Modis 7 The ities 8 Cragin ity Sores 8 1 SPECIES em Ghosh» Species a Specs Characters a oars 2 Betas, F Cars Duos fos Gororens Ganges Photons KelDor Mea Coma Qurren ins ‘stars hbk WHT CLASSES Te ses (asad Level Bonuses ere Dependent Beets ass Descptons GiigExerence nd Levels Finger Nile Seoundet i Scout Seiser EI ‘ech Spc, s Fore Adept 5é Je Constr a Jel Guardian a aia Characters ra WG SKILLS © 86 Sil Saray ow o ils Wink? 2 Acting kl Ranks a) sng ils__ n Tile % Tile 5: Fore Sats Sil Descipions| OWS FEATS e 102 “able 5-1: Feats 10 Feat Descriptions ible 5-2 Force Feats CWE HEROIC 18 CHARACTERISTICS Deals is Reputabon 2 sons mm (WRT EQUIPMENT 128 ney 8 Table 7-2: Weapons m “ble 7-5: Armor 8 “ble 7-: Equipment 3 owns COMBAT © 144 How Combat Works Combat Sequence Combat Stats Combat Basics Ms Infiatve Aion in Combat Angry and Death Movement and Postion isa Combat Medifrs ie Special itv Actions 1 Spec Weapon fects 185 Special tacks and Damage 15 (WIRE) THE FORCE @ 172 The Force through the Ages ma Force Using Traditions 1% The ed The el Code The Teachings of Master 1% Force Points m8 The Dark Side 0 OWI VEHICLES © 1B4 Veil Classes 85 ice Coss ede Stems ide Combat Vee Movement 0 Manewvers eile Descriptions _ (WIR STARSHIPS © 202 Stasip Costs 4 Hiperspace Trae m4 Starship Systers Nop of the Galan Starship Combat Starship Movement m Starship Manewers m1 Heroes a5 Crew mh Starship Descripions m GAMEMASTER'S SECTION ‘WIR GAMEMASTERING @ 238 Prong Adventures 28 “Teaching the Game 23 Proving the Universe 20 Determining the Sle of Play cr jticaing m Propeing the Game Forward 2 Kopi the Game Balanced 1 Changing the les ms Fring» Game Session ue How to Bul an Adventure a Howto Bu a Compaign B Prestige Cases Ft ‘GamemasterCharacers 8 Generating Communities mm Favors and Contos 5 The Eviroment a) THF ERAS OF PLAY @ 292 ein the Galaxy = The Thee Eas 2 Min cheracers 2 Supporting Caraces 18 CRM ALLIES AND OPPONENTS © 3i8 Ales fe Galaxy ae Creatures, mm Character Archetypes 380 (wR OROIDS © 358 ADrods tile = Did Csiations = Dri imation aR Did Personas = Programing nd Equipment = Droid Mitenance 4 Droid Repaic = Moving Droid = Did Death 8 Memary Wipes = Droid Accesories Samp Drids 70 APPENDIX PLAYTESTERS 318 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS. 307 INDEX Ei) CHARACTER SHEET 382 Tuners ee ee nets ee incerta Cn a ee ee ry oe es Pee ete ts Pe ert tts eee tee — 003 4 > Q r m oO Tn Oo oO Pe =I m Zi 4 n Foreword For met was love before fst slo, and for that I el Besse, | eame to Star Wersin 1977 with only my own expectations, not some overfed media hype machine that scems to accom= pany so many lash these days. [had devoured classic Science fetion novels growing up, and was a fan of move serials when they entertained me afterschool on my folks’ small-screen TV. ‘But Star Wars! That's always been something else, Asa business journal~ Ist in Los Angeles, I had picked up some early rumblings about the film. “There were a few mentions in the Wollywood trades and in a new science fiction magazine named Starlog. What really did it for me— ‘and what became the fist in a barn full of treasured Star Wars memora- bilis-was a brochure sent to ‘exhibitors to entice them to rent the film for ther theaters. Wout! If the movie was anything like the huge eolor photos inthis oversized 28-page booklet, accompa- nied by a description of the film and its main character, I couldn't wait to see it. Then, three weeks before the general opening on May 25, 1977, 1 attended a press sreening on the backlot at Twentieth Century Fox. From the moment the Star Destryer passed overhead and kept going and doing, had 3 new passion in life What hooked me personally was other scene without words. Luke ‘Skywalker gets up from his aunt and uncle's dinner table in frustration, desperately wanting to leave this ‘dusty, barten planet—and the road- block to his future that it represents. He walks up a smal hill and cass his eyes toward the horizon to wateh the ‘win suns of Tatooine set as some of John Wiliams's most plaintive music Swells in the background. 1 could taste Luke's yearning, his need to leave home and establish himself as his own person. 1 so related to that. For Luke, the hero's journey was about to begin, 11 was already on my journey ... and at that point, | didn't know how either vas going to end. ‘The hero's journey? It was th ‘much more, as George Lucas deliber- ately set out to create a new mythos using many of the tenets of classic the-pan movies nd rythology—tenets that date back to before recorded history. There were few heroes in the late 70s, after ‘Vietnam and Watergate. Movies had gotten datk, the lines between good and evil blurred. Then along came 2 film that, subtly, tied into mythotogt- cal archetypes and spread through worldwide culture, That, and it had really co! special effects! The fact that George Lucas’ epic space fantasy is stil going strong after 25 years says something about the filmmaker, the films, and the audience. ‘The saga fs so ingrained in the world- wide popular culture that writers and artists feel secure using dialogue as punch lines without further explana~ tion. Star Wars helps give many of us a shared identity and a sense of ‘community. I's the dialogue, the characters their relationships, the visual effects, the musieYes, its all Saturday matinee, but it's the best Saturday matinee imaginable, ‘Star Wars has captured the hearts nd imaginations of millions of people ‘worldwide in large part because the saga celebrates heroism and the imi less potential ofthe individual. It engages us. It excites us. I inspires ts ‘And most ofall, it's fun. It's fun to ‘watch, fun to collect the merchandise, fun to read the books and comics, an fun to play the games, tke the incred= ibly inventive one you hold in your hands. For an entre generation, Star Wars has been a defining cinematic ‘moment, inspiring countless young, men and women into pursuing ‘reatve careers ofall types. The popularity of Star Wars is growing. The original Star Wars ‘generation=those of us who grew up with these films on the brain-seems te have passed on a Star Wars gene to subsequent generations. (The advent of movies an videocassette ‘didn't hurt much ether) 1t cant just be nostalgia that draws people to the saga. Afterall these years Star Warsi still cool. Whether Its Han Solo with his Elvis grin, Darh Vader's sharp but ominous black uth, the craftily worn look of the ‘spaceships, the eye-popping battles, of the lightsaber swordplay, Star Wars still feels hip. There's a timeless ‘element about the look of the films and the emotions they provoke that ‘other fils just don't seem to have. you've been a part of Star Wars fandom fora while, oF returned to it with the Special Editions or the start (of the Preque! films, then you know what a wonderful voyage it has been. But if you've picked up this book as relative “newbie,” I want to welcome {you 2s you proceed on your own path of discovery, your own “hero's jo rny.” What &joyride you're in for! ee Stephen J. Sansweet October 14, 2001 Designer's Preface Nelcome to the newest edition of the Siar Wars Roleplaying Game. For me, {hs he coming full ice I say this because, in general terms, I've always huge Star Wars fan-1 saw the ‘move 38 times during the summer of 197, including the very frst showing, In specific terms, most of my career hasbeen tied to the Star Wars fran cise tall started a long time ago, In ait far, far away (From where Tm wing this). began my carer in the hobby game industry in 1986 at a company called West End Games. At the time, the company was mostly known forts nity simulation games, and was {ost starting to dabble in roleplaying {games Near the end of 1987, as part ofthe tenth anmiversaty of the release of he original Star Wars movie, West End Games published Star Wars: The Replaying Game. 1 was a member of the design team, serving as an editor and developer for the RPG. Right after that, L was drafted to codesign the ar Wars Sourcebook, and then | was promoted to Star Wars Line Director. During my time with West End ames, designed, developed, oF ‘ited almost every Star Wars RPG product published between 1987 andl 1991, Since then, Ive written two ditions of A Guide to the Star Wars Universe for Del Rey Books and desgned a host of RPG products for TSR, Inc, and eventually | became the Director of RPG RAD for Wizards of the Coast, ne, But throughout that period, | continued to play Star Wars with my gaming groups and speak at conventions to promote the Guide and Siar Wars in general Late in 1999, Wizards of the Coast struck a deal forthe rights to the RPG. And so the circle closes. Then I was tthe lemme. Now I am the master ‘Or something ke thet. Jn 2000, we released our fist 420 Sstem version of Star Wars. very proud of that game and the product ime that developed in its wake. So iy did we decide to release a revised rulebook? For a number of reasons. Let me explain, The ist reason for a revision relates, tothe release of Episode Ml: Attack of the Clones. The new movie provides & whale lot of impetus for releasing a new edition. Not only does the Aim feature some new characters, situa~ tions, aliens, gear, planets, and other ‘material never seen before that's just ‘egiing to be incuded in our core rulebook, but the time tight tore Taunch the RPG to’a potentially new and larger audience, Our previous edition hit the shelves in the wake of the huge push forthe ‘new Dunctons & Dracons® game, and while it wasn’t exactly lost in the shuf- A, it didn't receive the attention it deserved, The excitement generated hy the new film gives usa second oppor tunity to launch the RPG with as much fanfare as we and the collective Siar Wars marketing machine can muster Im other words, the time was right, and We were presented with an opportunity wwe just had to take adhantage of The second reason fora revision is ‘your feedback. We've gathered feed: back from 2s many people who bought {and played the previous eliion as we could, Using that data as a base, we retooled the game system from the ground up to incorporate everyone's suggestions. In many ways, our fans demanded this revision, We heard what you had to say, and we responded enthusiastically to improve the game and the product. The third reason—our dedication to continuous product improvement. ‘We've reworked the game to update errata, larity rules, and make the game even betier than it as. A roe- playing game isa living document that ‘evolves ait splayed, The audience has as much influence on the way an RPG develops as the designers who ‘rcated it, and the Star Wars RPG is no exception. We've monitored that ‘evolution and incorporated the best patts of it into this new edition IF yu have the previous edition, youl notice that while the basies are the same, we've gone in and redesigned many of the specifics. We've improved the Force skill and Feats, We've redesigned the starship and vehicles rules. We've polished up the classes and some of the combat rules. We've added a slew of new material, including a new character class, new prestige classe, and nev species to play. Its more than just 2 reprinting ofthe game you already have, but a the same time we worked hard to keep the trappings clase ‘enough so that what you've already learned stil applies. this s your fist time with our version ofthe Star Wars RPG, you're in fora treat. Everything you need to play (except dice) is included in this jam-packed volume. With 2 group of friends, ths book, and your imagina~ tion, you can ereate your own adven tures in the epic Star Wars tradition, Now, ead on. Have fun. Play a game of Star Wars for me, Ba ay Bill Slavicsck October 18, 200) QO mi a a) Zz m a n a a m > Qo m Nie[veel pleats nn Introduction The Star Wars fs depict an amazing galaxy of strange allen, wondrous machinery, myst powers, epic struggles great eres and tere wl, Fom the mament de frst Star Destroyer laced aco the sren, the try of Star Wars cape the worl Wih ths game, you can r= create the sory ofthe fs or cot your ov adverts in the Sar Wars universe. Alou ned s some dee, few fiends, and your imagination This Is Star Wars Blasters: X-wing strfighters ightsabers; clone troopers the Free. Star Warsi space fantasy a its best full of action, adventure, and a sense of wonder. The heroes ae latger than life. The villains are utterly evi. The universe has a live-in, well-used look and feel toi I's a familiar story, ‘butts never been told quite this way befor. It has mythic ‘elements that speak to the heart of the audience. I's epic in scope; everything appears on a grand scale, And i’ fun. Vehicles mave very fat. Things blow up. We want to cheer for the good guys and boo the bad guys. And, sometimes, we want to be a part of that Faraway galaxy. This Is a Roleplaying Game It’s a game of your imagination, where you get to tll stores by taking on oles af the main characters~characters you crate, I's 3 game that offers a multitude of choices to those charatersmore choices than even the most sophisti cated computer game, because the only Timi to what you can do s what you can imagine. The story is ike a move, ‘cept al of the action takes place in your imagination. There's no sept tothe movie (other than a rough outine 7 used by the Gamemaster); you decide what your character says and does. The Gamemastr isthe dtectot and special effets designer, deciding what the story s about and taking on the roles of all the other characters—the villains, the extras, the special guest stars. The Gamemaster aso keeps track of the rus, interprets the outcome of actions, and describes what happens. Together, players and Gamemaster create a story, and everybody has a great time, This Is the Star Wars Roleplaying Game Combine the fabulous elements ofthe Star Wars universe With the imagination-powered engine ofa roleplaying game, and the faraway galaxy draws nearer. Everything you need is in this book except the dice. Check out The Basis, starting ‘on page 8, to get an idea ofthe Fundamentals ofthe game. When you're ready, ip through the rest ofthis book It offers a wealth of options, allowing you to play in any Star Wars era. I ets you play the good guys. the bad guys or the guys in between if you want to add alittle ambiguity to ‘an otherwise black-and-white universe. When you play the Star Wars Roleplaying Game, you create a unique fietional character that lives in the imaging tions of you and your fiends. One person in the game, the Gamemaster (GM), controls the villains and other people ‘who live in the Star Wars universe. Through your charac- {ers you and your friends face the dangers and explore the mysteries that your Gamemaster sets before you. ‘Anything is possible in the Star Wars Roleplaying ‘Game. You can have your character try anything you can think of. IF t sounds good and the dice fll in your favor, the action succeeds. The Basics section has more details, Now, get ready. It's along time ago in a galaxy far, far away. And the Force i with you. Enjoy! Characters Your characters are the stars ofthe movie, the main charac- ‘ters in the game. We sometimes refer to them as "heroes." rot in the "good guy” sense per se, but inthe sense of the ‘main protagonists ofthe story. Each character's imaginary eis different. Your character might be @ A tough biaster-for-hire @ A Padawan lear sceking to gain powcr in the Force. @ A brash starfighter pilot. @ A gambler looking to make the next big score. @ A grizzled spacer making a living on the space lanes. @ A smuggler witha heart of gold. @ A young senator from a prosperous wold A Rebel or an Imperial @ A Jedi Knight wielding a lightsaber in defense of the Republi @ A Force-userMirting with the power offered by the dark side @ A galactic scout exploring the hyperspace lanes. 1@ A soldier trained for war in the Outer Rim. XS A technician who's more comfortable with machines than with other people. @ Or any other kind of character you can imagine NOILONGOYLN SOISVS SHL The Basics A Tong time ago in a galaxy far, far away With this compelling phrase, every Star Wars film thun: ders onto the screen, These epic movies enthrall us with 2 mix of space fantasy, high adventure, and mythology. We thn to the adventures of Luke Skywalker and Han Solo, (Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and Pdiné Amidala, We imagine oursees piloting X-Wing Starfighter down the Death Star trench or engaging in fight-to-the-death lightsaber duels with Darth Maul or Count Dooku, With the Star Wars Roleplaying Game, you can exper cence this epic saga in a whole new way. Imagine yourself as a Jedi in training ora Republic Senator, a brave starfighter pilot ora powerful Wookiee. Whether you want to be a player or the Gamemaster, this book s your portal to the od Star Wars gay The Galaxy The Sar Hrs ging huge. More than a iton sr Geers fa ti he yn tates eae Fount spr fe porte ey eft Thousands of alien species lve inthis gala, from humble Jawas to powerful Wookiees. While humans are prevalent throughout known space, other species can be found every here. In this galaxy, the many worlds share a common history that extends thousands of yeas into the past. A galaxywide government (be it Republic or Empire) maintains law and order thanks to Fastet-than-light-specd travel provided by the amazing hyperdrive engine Because hyper space makes the distance be en the stars insignificant, rade, commerce, and culture mix freely in regions 2 diverse as the Core and the Outer Rim. ‘ou play the role ofa character in this serting. You cary a blaster ora lightsaber. You fly hyperspeed starfghters. You regularly converse with members ofa thousand different Od eter ee oe nc eR eet ‘tart by reviewing The Basics, then dive int the character creation ‘chapter (Chapters One through Si and the Gamemaser sec Saree rote ett i en et cer Senn ere ey pee Players ere oe a eee etd per ee eer eee Pore eer en tis Peon ts species. You have access to a dependable landspeeder ora helpful astromech droid. You might even be able to call "upon the mystic power ofthe Foree The galaxy isnt al aliens and technology, however. Pei constantly endangers the galaxy and only you can save it You must battle ev Sith Lords, struggle agains tyrannical Imperial forces, or vanquish invaders from other regions of space. You can depend on your own skills and abies, friends and ales, and a good ship to aid you. Hopefully those things wil be enough u terrible things heading your way. But don't worry, you ean handle And remember, the Force willbe with you. Atways n! Do you hear that? I's the sound of a thousand The Core Mechanic The Star Wars Roleplaying Game uses a core mechanic t resolve all actions, This central game rule keeps play fast and intuitive, Whenever you want to attempt an action that has some chance of fallue, you roll a twenty-sided di (or“d20") To determine whether your character succeeds ata task (such as an attack, the use of a kil or ability. oF fan attempt ¢0 save your character from harm, you do this @ Rol @ 20, Add any relevant modifies. @ Compare the result to-@ target number. IF the result equals or xc sgt number (st bythe GM or given in the rules, your character succeeds at the task at hand, I the result flower than the target number, you fl The Gamemaster When you play the Star Wars Roleplaying Game, you'e patcpating ina interactive story. lye take on the role unique characters, called heroes, One player serves asthe Gamemastes, a combination director, narrator, and referee. The OM describes situations, asks the players what thei characters want todo, and resohes these actions according to the rules ofthe game. The GM sets each scene, keps the Story moving, and takes onthe roles ofthe opponents and other characters thatthe players’ heros encounter in each adventure IF you're the GM, you should read through all sections of this book; you don't need to memorize It, but you do need to have an idea of where to find things once play begins Heroes Wyou'n ‘@ playes, you take the role of a hero—one of the stars" of the Siar Wars saga that you, the other players, and the GM all help to develop. You create your character with the help of the game rules that follow, acording to your own vision for the type af hero you want to play AS your character participates in adventures, he or she gains ‘experience points (XP) that help him oF her improve and ‘become more powerful Species Fach character blogs to a specie species The Sar Wars Fei ih fe ctor of pect chose Chapter Two desis thes pees deal You can fate bot onan Baten, Coma, Dut Bok, Cnonean Gung, thoran, Kel Dor, Mon lama Charen, Roa, Susan, Tandoshan Te Wookie, tn ak Class A dass represents a way of life embraced by a character. It serves 85a starting point to help you define your hero, a hook on wich you can hang the character’ personality, 4s and other traits. Think ofa class as a profession You «an build upon that profession as your hero improves, or you an branch out into a diferent class ft better suits how you want the character to develop. “The clases are described in Chapter Thee. You can choose fiom finger. noble, scoundrel, scout, soldier, tech specialist, Foc adept Jedi consular, and Jed guardian Level ‘evel measures a character's advancement and relative mount of power. A 1st-level character, for example, ist a5 ponerful asa Sth-level character. Characters generally begin play at Ist level and attain ada tional levels as they complete adventures Attaining a new level provides a character with improvements to important states, such as base attack bonuses, number of attacks, saving throws, bonuses to Defense, and vitality points. Abilities very character has sx abilities that represent the character's base strengths and weaknesses. These abiities-Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Ineligence, Wisdom, and Charisma affect everything a hero does, fom fighting to using skis score of 10 oF 11 nan ability is average. Higher scores give a character boruses, and lower scores give penalties. When you reate your charaeter, you'l want to put your higher scores into the abilities most closely associated with your character's ass. Vitality and Wound Points ich character can wtstand a certain amount of damage ‘nore becoming fatigued, getting knocked uncoscious, or hig. This bly to take damage and Keep on functioning is represented by the character's vitality and wound points, Vialty points represent the character's ability to turn deadly atacks into glancing blows and near misses. Only some characters (including all heres) have vitality points. ‘When a character suffers damage, his vitality points are reduced fst. This represents a oss af energy as rolling vith he punches wears down the character, ut it doesnt use aetal physical damage. When a character's vitality ‘points ate depleted, further damage reduces the charac- tes wound points Wound points represent how much physical damage a character ean suffer before dying. Damage reduces wound ‘points only after a character has exhausted his vitality polints or when the character is struck by a eitical hit ‘A character’ class and level determine his number of vitality points, and that number increases with each evel gained. A characters wound points are equal to his Constitution score, They do not increase with level advance ‘ment unless specified by a class feature or a feat Skills and Feats ‘Skills represent how well a character does at dramatic tasks other than combat, All characters are assumed to have 2 ‘wide selection of average skills; the game only measures the sks fm which a character has better than average abil- ity and 50 can use these skills to attempt tasks in dramatic situations, Skis ate measured in ranks, which represent how much training a character has applied fo a specifi sil. Each rank adds +1 to checks (rolls) you make to use a skill. See the class descriptions in Chapter Three forthe skills that are associated ith each class, All skill descriptions can be found in Chapter Four. Feats are special features that provide a character with ‘new capabilities or improvements, All characters start with at least one feat, though certain classes and species provide additional feats, See Chapter Five for aTist of available feats Game Play ‘This overview gives you enough of the basics to get a feel for how this roleplaying game works. The chapters that follow take these basic concepts and expand upon them. Important! You don't have to memorize the contents of this book to play the game. It's a game, not homework. ‘Once you understand the basis, start playing! Use this book as a reference during play. The table of contents and index should help you find a specific topic easily. When in doubt, stick to the basis, keep playing, and have fun. You can always look up an obscure rue after your game session ends, but remember that you don’t have to sweat the details inthe middle of play. Ralling Dice Weve seat xpd the bse tht fos the foun {dono the gamer 670 oda modify to fe cose tats tor ga ae tn number. Whenever your character tries to accomplish some~ Ing igen be OM es you tl ed, Mopar Nex econ pt ee yl oN Ae flange We coma evo ieten te ose Morea eee hc e206 ae ta deere esl im cota when rly ich, SY cielo vg ren (feel rs eae tetra ah The otter dice (8, 46,08, 410, and 2) ae sed 0 tere at babes ofr ou tees Lay, be Heh eco ina ngs sata at Poh lerrimoereies, laye Pe reacteah the tage 108 4 cr mn a > nay ao a SOISVS SHL A Game Session 1 the Star Wars Roleplaying Game, the Gamemaster and players get together to tell a story through the play of the ‘game, We cll these group-ereated stores “adventures” A Star Wars adventure features plenty of action, lots of ‘opportunites For combat, cool villains, epic plots, and a sense of wonder and grandeur. Typically, the gaine consists of adventures that resemble episodes in the movie saga. One adventure might play out iia single game session; another might stretch across several evenings of pla. A session can last as long as youTe comfortable playing, fom as short as one hour to 2s long, as 2 twelve-hour marathon, Most groups get together and. play for two to four hours at atime. The game ean be Stopped at anytime and restarted when the players get back together. Each adventure consists of Intertelated scenes. A scene ‘might feature some kindof challenge or roleplaying encounter, oF it could revolve around combat. When there's no combat going on, play is much more casual The GM describes the scene and asks the players what ther charac ters do. When combat breaks out, game play becomes more structured and the action take place in rounds, What Characters Can Do ‘Acharacter can try to do anything you can imagine, jst so Jong asi fits the scene the GM describes. Depending on the situation, your character might want to: Usten at a door Use computer terminal Explore a location Converse with an alien Bargain with a merchant Inimidate a thug Talk to an ally Pilot a vehicle Search for a due Bluff an oficial Repair an item Swing across a turboift shaft Move Duck behind a bulkhead ‘Attack an opponent 290000000000000 Characters accomplish things by making skill check, ability ‘heck, or attack rolls. While the rues for making these rll follow the core mechanic, each type of rolls used for a slightly different purpose. Skill Checks To make a sil check, roll a 20 and add your character's Skill modifier for that particular ski. Compare the result to the Difficulty Class (DC) for the task at hand. The DC may tae determined by the ski's description, set by the GM, or «stablished by another character's check result, Unopposed Checks: An unopposed sil cheek’s success depends only on your character's action. For example, climbing 4 chain to get out of a repulsorit repair pit depends only an your character's sill and luck, so the Climb check i compared to a target number provided by the skis description or set by the Game= ‘master. IF your result is equal to or higher than the DC, the attempt succeeds. Opposed Checks: An opposed check occurs when ‘another character actively attempts {o prevent your charae- ter fom succeeding at a given task The DC for an opposed check isthe check result ofthe character opposing your action. The opponent’ check ‘might be made using the same skill you are using or a ferent ski, a defined in the description ofthe sil you are using. The character with the higher result succeeds at the action being performed, while the character with the lower result fails. In the case of ate, rll the checks again ‘until one character achieves a higher result than the othe, For example, if your character tres to hide from an ‘opponent, aur Hide check is opposed by the opponent's Spot check. If your result higher, your character suceess- fully hides, and your opponent falls to spot him. 1 your result is lower, Your opponent spots you, and your attempt te hide fails. Abiliky checks are used when a character doesnt have any ranks in a particular skill and tres to use that skill untrained. Note that some skils can't be used untrained For example, f your character wants to bluff a couple of Imperial officers but doesnt have any ranks in the Bluff stil, the GM calls for a Charisma check (Charisma isthe ability associated with the Blu ski) Ability checks ate ako used to determine success when no skill applies. Tiying to mave a heavy cargo container, for ‘example, requites a Strength check To make an ability check, roll @ d20 and add your charac- ters modifier for the appropriate ability. IF the result fs equal tor greater than the DC of the task, the check succeeds. Attack Rolls To attack an opponent, roll a 20 and add your characters attack bonus. Ifthe result equals or exceeds the opponents Defense, the attack succeeds. (On a successful attack, you roll to determine how much damage your attack deals to the opponent. Roll the type of dice indicated for the weapon used and add any modifiers that apply Far example, if your character uses a blaster, @ sucessful attack deals 3d6 points of damage to the opponent. If your charaeter uses a lightsaber, a successful attack deals 248 points of damage plus your Strength bonus. Damage reduces vitality points fis. When all ofa charac ters vitality points are gone, any additional damage reduces wound points ‘cities hit (a potent result on an attack) bypasses any vitality points a character might possess and strikes Airetly at that character's wound points. An attack may cause a critical Hit if the attack rolls a natural 20 (or, for certain weapons, a 19 or a 20), That result represents the ‘threat of a critical hit. Then the attacker makes a second attack roll to confirm the critical hit. If this second attack roll succeeds, then the critical hit fs confirmed and damage ' applied to the target’s wound points, See Chapters Seven and Bight for more details. Impartant! There are two types of attacks in the game. A ranged attack uses a weapon that attacks opponents at 2 ‘tance, such as a blaster ot a howcastet. A melee attack ses 2 weapon that attacks opponents in close quarters, such a8 a lightsaber, vibroblade, or your own fists. Your starocter may have a different attack bonus for each type of atack, The Combat Round Most ofthe time, game play is relaxed and casual, The GM. sets the scene, and players take turns describing what their Characters are doing. When the situation call ori, the GM ‘asthe players make die rols (skill checks o ability check} to determine the results of their characters" actions. But when a scene involves combat or the imminent threat of combat, a structured sequence of combat round is used to gover play. Ina combat round, cach character gets to do something. Around represents 6 Second in the game work, regardless oF how long it takes the players to compte the round. At the start of a battle, each player makes an initiative ‘heck for his or her character, and the Gamemaster makes. itttive checks for the opponents. The character with the tighest result acts first, followed by the other characters in oer (fom highest reslt to lowest result). This order of ply fs used in every round until the battle ends, When your ‘um in the order comes up, you perform all the actions you ae ented to inthe current round. ‘There are four types of actions: attack ations, move ‘actions, Fll-round actions, and free actions. Ina round, you ‘an do one ofthe following things (but see Chapter Eight for addtional information): @ Attack and move Move and attack @ Move and move again @ Perform a full-zound action Attack Actions ‘An attack action lets you do something, You can make an attack, use a sill ora feat (except those skis and feats that require 2 full-tound action), or perform an equivalent action. You can perform an attack aetion and 3 move action, in either order, in a combat round, Mave Actions ‘Amove action lets you move your speed in a round or perform an equivalent action. Equivalent actions inciude Sing, dein or loading weapon, opening 2 doo, and ting up an em. You can move and attack in ihe oder, jn round, Or you can perform two move actions in 2 round, ‘using a second move action in place of an attack action, Full-Round Actions ‘Afull-round action consumes all of your effort in a tound, Attacking more than once ff you are of sufficient level to do so) oF using a skill o feat that requires a full round to accomplish f considered a fullsound action Free Actions Free actions consume almost no time or effort. Over the span ofa round, the impact of these types of actions isso ‘minor that they ate considered to be fee, Speaking to an ally or opponent, dropping an item, or activating an item are examples of free actions. You can perform afiee action in addition to performing ather ations in a ound, though ‘the Gamemaster can place limits on how much you ean reasonably do for fice in 9 ghen round. Reactions Some skill checks are instant reactions to specific events The GM tell you when a teaction check s appropriate, depending on the situation, A reaction takes no time and i not considered to be an action. Force Points Bey character tars ply wth 1 Force Point Fone Pins representa character's knack for sing the Force t aid her fxtions Characters who dont bee nthe Force cl this Tuc, but those wih a more powerfl connection tothe Force derstand how the Fore provides aastance Im game tems, a Force Point provides bonus dec al taskresolation die ols (420 rol) for an entire round, including attack ols, ski cheeks, ability checks, and saving throws Yu can decide o spend Force Point either before ‘rafter you make the rl, it before the GM tes yo the rest of your action At Is lvl character spends a Fee Poin to 106 to al d20 ros forthe entire ound What's Next? you're new to roleplaying games, you might be wonder ing how to proceed. After you've read ove these basics get an understanding of the game, check out the example of play om the next page. It provides some insight into how a roleplaying game session plays out. Then review the fist few chapters of the book. When you'e ready, use the Character Creation overview (page 14) and a copy of the ‘character sheet from the back of the book to ereate a har= acter. When you, your Gamemaster, andthe other players are ready, start playing! el WANT. HE WAYS O AND BECOME A JEDI LIKE RY FATHER.” O LEARN |@2=lCTs | Orel FO! i 7 mn a > Ee a a eh AaB lh Playing Star Wars The Star Wars galyis huge. More than tition sat tes fl thin the own feches of space, oeting Countless dpporunes far wonder. mystery: and dange Thousands of alien species tive fn this gal, fom humble Jes to powerful Wookees While uma ae prevalent throughout known space, other specs ean be fund ee wee In this gol, the mary words share a common Histor that extends thousands of yeas ito the past. A alaxyride government (be t Republic or Empire) maintains law ard order thanks to fser-tha-lght sped tel provided ty the avaing hyped engine: Because Hyper= fpece travel mak te Dance between the sae sg Cant nde, commerce, and ele mix fey in egos 2 Ghee asthe Coe andthe Outer Rim “The Star Wors Roleplaying Game lets you explore ths imaginary gaan. Al you need ts book, some dice, 3 few wing ends, and your imagination The gare works est with group of five, one GM and our payers. Ht ean be played witha ew a wo partpants (one GM and one player or as many as seven “This game lets you partcpate nthe uate interactive sty» sor in nich you get io determine what happens neat by the actions ou take. There's no boar, no joystick, to keyboard, You might use ation fgures or miniatures to help visualize some damatie scenes, but others the deton takes place inthe imaginations of the participants, Setup ‘fer you've cated» hero, ge together wth the est of our gang group fr yur Mt avenue, Pr to the GMb developed aston forthe seven, She might by a complete rendy-t-playatventre o gab one out o Str Wars Gaver maga OF the GM wight Dea oes ge se Cee he On He GM becomes comfortable witha the ls he can fen ge owe) wh spy desing satiny Scns tod wing archetypes sta ut of Chapter Pure Asad Opponent Pic an ering ora weekend afteroc sre oer [Recent onsale ieee ours ing the Sir Mars Roleplaying Game Bead on ow a5 tne yo want shed Pegg Cw fur oun a good gt for game ton Miter onto ply te gue? Anus has comfrble, The lt should Have» fa sac tral Seon Such ethene THe GM ss oat he pth pis ei lok her Re det of peck ter Debs ease nee tren one valor ee ee eee ey Oe ate dame seen ung ae lar Wars Boks, x pod of Deca peol oc Pou end hes eerie owes Theater layers need laces ft room forte de and charac sets sop paper and pent a he Pie ee eet alee ee eeatdl teen tempo ace iad wee tah! WD) ea General Advice Players should roll the dice openly so that everyone can see the results. The GM may make some rll in secret to bulld suspense and maintain mystery. All attack and ddamage rolls should be made in the open so that all players ca see them, ‘The fst couple of game sessions you play might be a little uneven as everyone leams how the game works and gets comfortable withthe idea of roleplaying. Remember that these rues are guidelines, a framework and structure for playing Star Wars adventures in a roleplaying game environment. A roleplaying game fa living game; it evolves and develops as you ply it. IFsomething isn't working for {your group, and the enti group agrees make a change. But wait until you've played 2 few times with the official rules before you decide to tinker. The First Game Session ‘You and your fiends have reviewed the basic rules and created ist-level characters. Your Gamemaster has reviewed the rules and is eady to run her fst adventure. You've agreed upon time and place to play, Then the time arives| and the game begins! Sitting around the table, with dice and snacks scatered in all directions, the players gather. Michele i the GM. She takes her place atthe head of the table. Chris sits in the next seat; he's running Sia-Lan, a female Jedi guardian. Next to Chris is Mike, practicing his Wookiee sounds to inject alitle authenticity into his character, Rorwor the scout. Across the table, Penny makes some tst-minute notes on her character sheet, adding a litle more detail to Vor'en the soldier. Next to Permy, Brin anxiously waits to get started. Hes running Deel Surool, the erafty scoundrel ‘Michele has selected 2 number of action figures from her collection to use in tonight's game. They arent necessary for pla, but she thinks the figures wil help the players visu alize the action in certain situations. She's got a igure 10 represent each of the players’ characters, and she places them in the middle of the table, She eaves afew others hidden on the floor beside her, She'l use these later to represent opponents that will challenge and compete with the heroes, Michele doesn’t have a specific character for herself While the players each run a single hero, the Gamemaster narrates the story adjudicates the rules, and play all of the CGM characters—the supporting cast that serves 2 allies and ‘opponents forthe heroes. Anyway, It looks ike everyone’ ready to get started. Michele answers a few last-minute rules questions, then begins the game. Michale (BM): A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away TCs the time of the Republic, about twenty-two years before the days ofthe Empire and the fist Death Star battle slatian. Supreme Chaneellot Palpatine leads the Republic ‘Mace Windu and Yoda lead the Jedi Couneil, and the start of the Clone Wars is still a few weeks amy. You in a spaceport cantina on Corellia, a prominent world in the galactic core The place pretty busy for a weekday aftemoon, though i's not packed to capacity. You See humans anda varity of ather species drinking laugh- ing, and talking quietly near the bar, n shadowy booths, and ata scattering of freestanding tables, Among those you! See are the other players’ characters. Why don't you each {ake moment to describe yourselves? Chris (Sia-Lan): You see a young woman with brown hair siting alone in one ofthe booths. She's sipping a clear quid and watching the crowd. Her hai style and outfit mark her asa Je. She's a Padawan learner, if any of you ‘now anything about the specifics ofthe Jedi Order. She asa lightsaber hanging at her side, but it's probably biden beneath the table Mike (Rarware): There's a young male Wookiee stand- ing at the bar. He's exchanging words with the bartender, e's tal, but perhaps a bit thin when compared to other ookices you may have seen. He's got a boweaster slung ‘aos his back, and he's nursing a huge mug of some Foamy liquid. Panny (Var‘en): My character sits n a corner booth, hs ‘ack tothe wall as he nonchalantly studies the erowd. He's ot dark eyes and an intense gaze, and he looks strong and capable. He's wearing bits and pieces of light body armor. IF hehas any weapons—and you're sure he docs—they'te either hidden under the rable or in the booth’s darker shadows. rian (Das): You also see a young male Tw'ek-you know, the guys with the head-tals, ike Bib Fortunasiting atone ofthe tables in the middle of the room. He's playing sabace wth a few of the spacers, and it looks like he's begun to amass moe than his share of credits. Michele (GM): Okay. You've all noticed each other, but ‘you don't know each other yet. Before anything else happens, why don’t each of you make a Spot check for me? The players each roll « d20 and add their Spot skill ‘modifier to get @ result. If @ character doesn't have the Spot skill the player stl gers to apply his Wisdom modi- ‘er (any) tothe rol. Afterall the players hare made the ‘I cheok, they let the GM know the results. Chris (Sia-Lan):Sia-Lan got a 15. Mika (Rorworr) 17 for Rorwort! Penny (Var‘en): The soldier got an & Brian (Des: The amazingly perceptive Deel Surool got an. Michele consulis her notes, checking to see what the DC Jor the Spot check is. She nods and makes @ note or 110, {ast 0 hep the players guessing. Michole (BM): Vor'en the soldier, even though he's atching the room, fits to notice something that the rest of you sucessfully spot. The rest of you see human male ‘iho looks a lot ike Alastar Treen the senator from Corulag. e's resed like most ofthe other spacers in the cantina and he’s deep in comverstion with a Rodian female. us then, you al se the cantina doors slide open as a you of tough-looking thugs enters the room. The ‘ertender yells “Hey, no blasters im here!” He ducks behind the bat. jst time, as one of the thugs casually fires a ‘aster bot in his direction There are four thugs—two Humans, Rodian, and a Gamortean. The Gamorean wields avbyoblade, and the other three ate armed with blaster isis The Gamorrean grunts something foul and gestures ‘owatd the table where the senator i siting "Fo the Separatists!" shouts one of the humans with a ‘seer as he prepares to target Senator Treen. Everyone make an initiative check! The players each roll a d20 and aad their initiative ‘modifier to get a result: Michele rolls a single initiative check for the group af thugs, and one forthe disguised senator and his companion. {Chris (Sia-Lan):Sia-Lan got an 18. Mike (Rarwarn: 10 for Rorwort! Panny (Var‘en):Vor'en got a 12. Brian (Deel): The fest-acting Deel Surool got a 15. ‘Michele writes down the intative order, from highest result t0 lowest. She jots down: Sia-Lan 18 Deel 15 ‘Thugs 13 (her roll), Vor'en 12 Rorworr 10 Senator 7 (her roll) Michale (BM): The thugs ook like they're gunning for the senator. Sig-Lan, what are you going to do? {Bheis (Sia-Lan):I leap out of the booth and postion myself between the senator and the thugs as my first move action. As my second move action I draw my lightsaber, As 2 free action, I activate the lightsaber and shout, “This man is under the protection of the Jedi Knights!” Michele (BM): Your lightsaber hums to life Deel, youre riext, What are you going to do? Brian (Deel): Helping a senator and a Jedi could be profitable. Deel tips hs table over and crouches behind it to get some cover. I guess that's a move action. Then he pulls ‘ut his blaster for his second move action, Michele (BM): When the table crashes anto is sie, sabacc carl-chips and credits seatter across the floor. The spacers you were playing with dive for cover Brian (Deel): Oops, | forgot about the sabace game in all the excitement, No matter, | guess. Most ofthe credits belonged to Dee, anyway. Michele (BM): The thugs act next. The two humans each take a shot atthe Jee who's standing between them and the senator. The Roulan thug takes a shot at Deel, and the Gamorrean rushes forward to slic atthe Jed with his vibroblade. {Chris (Sia-Lan):I'm going to use deflect (defense) to protect myself from the blaster shots. Michale (GM): Sure. That costs you a move action in the next round, but it increases your Defense by + Michele makes the attack ros for the vo thugs. The first one gets an 11. The second one gets 17. Sia-Lan’s Defense when she uses het lightsaber to protect herseif'is 16, That means she blocks the fst bolt, but the second bolt ges through. Michele rolls 346 damage for the successful blaster pistol attack. The total is 11. Sia-Lan has 12 visality ‘points, so the attack reduces her vitality points to 1. The rest ofthe round continues, with Michele finishing up the thug’s actions, then Vor'en, Rorworr, and the sena- tor acing in turn, Each round plays out in this order until ‘one side or the ther is defeated or fles. Then the heroes would get a chance to meet each other and find out why the senator isin disguise and under attack. And so begins ‘this Star Was adventure! a By b s Zz o a > a $ a yn Ne B Ae le eed hela] Character Creation Make sae you evew Chapins On thigh Nine before ast tis aveview when seating x Star Wars chat Mate acony af he characte set fom the back ofthis book to ae asa recon of our charter Generate Ability Scores Use one af the methods described in Chapter One to gener= ate your six ability cores, Record the scores on a piece of scrap paper and pu them aside forthe moment. Select Your Species ‘As a Star Wars character, you aren't limited to simply being Muman. There area variety of species available, from Mon Calamari to Wooklee. Select the species you want to play from those presented in Chapter Two. Choose Your Class AN cass provides you witha starting point for your character, frame upon which you can hang skill, feats, and various story elements. Choose a class fiom those presented in Chapter Three. Assign Ability Scores ‘Now that you know what species and class you want your charaeter to be, take the scores you generated earlier and assign each to one ofthe six abilities: Strength, Dexterity Constitution, Imelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. Then make any adjustments to these scares aecording to the species you selected For guidance, each lass description indicates which abit ties are most important for that cass. You might want to ‘put your highest scores in the abilities that accentuate the natural benefits of the cass Record your ability scores, class, and species on your character sheet. Record your ability modifiers as wel Write Down Your Species Features Each species offers a combination of special features unique to that specs. Record the Features your species proves on our characte sheet Write Down Your Class Features Each class offers a combination of special features unique to that clas. Record the features your class provides on your character sheet. Vitality Points You ls determines your characters Way dhe—the dc you lt gn new valty points teach new level, Record ths de (6 8, o 10} in espace on the character sheet then gure out what your tring numberof wtalty points are A steel characte gets the maximum pons fom the ily de pls th curate Constitution mode For example, if your characte belongs to the scout class and you have a 12 Constitution, you start with 9 vitality points (8, the maximum result of ad rol, plus 1 for your Constitution bonus) The Quickness feat increases your vitality points Ifyou select this Feat later, make any adjustments accordingly Wound Paints Your wound points are equal to your Constitution score. If ‘your character's Constitution fs 12, for example, you have 12 wound points. The Toughness feat increases your wound points. Ifyou select this Feat later, make any adjustments accordingly. Defense To determine your character's Defense, add the following numbers together: 10 + class bonus + Dexterity modifier So, Ist-level scout (+2 class bomus) with a 12 Dexterity would have a Defense of 13 (10.42 +1 = 13) Speed ‘or ciestie/s ese velarars ere ar gee hea sped oF 10 mse Your character’ initiative modifier equals the character's Dexterity modifier. The Improved Initiative Feat provides an additional mai fier. If you selec this fea later, make any adjustments accordingly Base Attack Bonus Your character's lass determines your base attack bonus. Recor this number on the character shee. Reputation Your character's dass determines your base Reputation bonus. Record this nomber in the space provided on the character set Force Points Your character stars ply with 1 Force Point nda this inthe space provided on the character sheet, Saving Throw Bonuses Noten cleat ss apart ere these tase ners ad The eines for eked ‘Biss lone Tor Fett, add yoorConsittion modi For Reflex, a your Deterty mole For Wil, ad your Wisdom moder, Soom lta pose addon srg Grae moe ‘Fyou select one of these feats, make any adjustments sedi Melee Attack Bonus 10 your base attack bonus, Certain Feats and Ranged Attack Bonus dcr wed attack bonus, add yout Dext Select Skills neasued in ranks. Each ramk a r de using a specific skil, Some skills are considered or your characters class. All ther sil are - 85-858 skil t ou can buy up to 4 xi fo oF 4 skill points o in a cross-ca il forthe same cost. (You ge a Determine Starting Credits and Buy Gear Finishing Your Character heb Ae eseaer atc See eae Color, skin color, and any relevant background informa Pe aed Coftne enemas Ceretreen geri ee te cr ey Cees Oe) The Livin FoRce campaign is tougher than normal Star Wers Pe eel ener ey pee oe ens Beer td a ee es (thers (such asthe Train species introduced in the Loan Face Campaign Guide) may be made availabe in specific evens or campaigns. Ce et a a es Oe uci i et ee es See en eee ete eet te ed re ene et ied eee eee er Vitality Points Cee ee re ceri re sty nr) ad a Ce eae Peer eee ee Equipment ee ee ey Cee os Pee enti De ee ua ‘lowed only through pay opportunities: lightsaber, vehicles, Deen Coa) SO a es ee ea eet eo Poet Ce Cee aa ere Gorey ee eo ey ttn See ein te ears For mare information onthe RPCA, RPG Stor Wors evens, and Pt ee een ct eect! Oo x b > Oo NOlLvaeo 23 CHAPTER ONE ABILITIES |{ Just about every die rll you make gets @ bonus or penalty eee etn eee tet as better chance of surviving a freezing night on Hoth. A pe ey sneaking up from behind. A stupid characteris les likely to a ee ee et a ete ea ed these See ree Dexterity (Dex, Constitution (Con, Intelligence (int Wisdom (Ws), and Charisma (Cha) Each of your character’ Se eee ec ee eens tne Penn eg se So Reet en oe ee en eae ee ees ST staat T tat) mle dant adobari Respipctesginret popreercerssnieirn EE me uit ) To randomly generate an ability score for your character, roll four six-sided dice (4d6). Disegard the lowest die and total the three highest dice This roll gives you a number between 3 (horible) and 18 eee a oc) Pee a eae ee etree a ene (The average hero is above average) Pee eae eee eg ry ee ee eT need to know what Kind of individual your characteris ‘going tobe, including his species and elas, in order to ‘know where best to place your character’ ability scores. Ce eee ear ee re ne al eas Species Ability Adjustments, page 22). eC ed ach ability, after changes made because of specie, has Cee eee ey Modifies (on the next page) shows the modifier for each Cee Sete eee Read Ce ee ee ae et Sere a eon Pee PR a aa some numbers that aren't die rolls; for instance, your Deaterity mocifier applies to your Defense to determine how Pee ‘A positive modifier i called 2 bonus, and a negative eae ee salliniav Reralling your scores are too low, you may serap them and reroll all six scores. Your scores are considered foo low ifthe total of ‘your modiers (before changes because of species sO or lowe, or if your highest score fs 12 or lower Planned Generation Instead of rolling dic, you may select the scores you want by using the planned character generation method. This requires bit more thought and effort on your part, since ‘you need to know what kind of character you want to play 0 you can select your scores appropriately. Determine your species and class beforehand, then select your scores as ‘outlined belo. Your character's ability Scores all start at, You have 25 points to spend to increase these scares, using the costs shown below. After you select your scores, apply any species rmadifiers, Score Cost cost 8 o 6 ° 4 a 10 2 10 " 3 13 2 4 16 15 5 Standard Score Package ‘The thtd method of determining abi Sears the sta Sisco peters s boomed ricotta nue aes he Gere sg seri esas you Me Mer ou sign our coe, pp specs maine Tica eal ni ce 114 13 1210, and The Abilities Each ability partially deseribes your character and affects some of your characters actions. Strength (Str) Strength measures your character's musee and physical power. This ability especialy important for soldiers because it helps them prevail im physical combat You apply your character's Strength modifier to: @ Melee attack ros Damage rolls for melee and thrown weapons. (Exception: Grenade damage isn't modified by Strength) Table I-t: Ability Madifiers Score Modifier Score Modifier 3 24-25 +7 a) 26-2748 ae 28-29 49 7 2 50-31 +10 ee fe. ete 10-10 & Climb, Jump, and Swim checks, and other skill checks: using Strength asthe key ability. @ Strength checks (For breaking down doors and the tke Dexterity (Dex) Dexterity measures hand-eye coordination, agility, reflexes, and balance. This ability is important for charac ters who want to be good shots with ranged weapons (such as blaster pistols) or who want to handle the controls of a starship or speeder fairly well ‘You apply your character's Dexterity modifier to: Ranged attack rolls, such a5 with blasters @ Defense, provided the character can react to the atta, @ Reflex saving thous, for avoiding grenades and similar attacks. @ Move Silently, Hide, and Pilot checks, ane other sil ‘checks using Dexterity a the key abil Constitution (Con) Constitution represents your character's health and stam- Ina. Constitution determines a hero's wound points [your number of wound points is equal to your Constitution score, 50 its important for everyone, but most important for characters who plan to get into the thick of combat on a regular basis, ‘You apply your Constitution modifier to @ Each die ol for gaining additional vitality points (though a Constitution penalty can never reduce a Vitality point rol below that, a character vith Vitality pints always gains atleast 1 vitality point ead time he or she goes up a level @ Fortitude saving throws, for resisting poison and similar threats, Some Conirol-based Force skill checks. fa character’ Constitution changes, his or her vitality nd wound points increase or decrease accordingly Intelligence (Int) Intelligence determines how well your character learns and reasons. Intelligence is important for any character who wants to have a wide assortment of skills, You apply your characters Intelligence modifier to {@ The number of languages your character knows at the start of the game. @ The number of skill points gained at each new level {though an Inteigence penalty can never reduce this number below 1: your character always gets a last 1 skil point per level. Search and Knowledge checks, and other sil checks ‘using Intelligence 2s the key ability Same Alter-based Force skill checks. Wisdam (Wis) Wisdom deseribes a character’ willpower, common sense, perception, and intuition. Compared to Intelligence, Wisiom is more related to being in tune with and aware of one’s surroundings, while Intelligence represents one's silty to. analyze information. An “absent-minded professor” has a low Wisdom score and a high Ineligence score. A simpleton with lov Intelligence smght nevertheless have great insight (high Wisdom). If you want your character to have keen senses, put a high score in Wisdom ‘ou apply your character's Wisdom modifier to: @ Wil caving throws (for negating certain Force attacks) G Listen, Spot, and Treat Injury cheeks, and other skill checks using Wisdom asthe key ability @ A Sense-based Force skill checks. Charisma (Cha) Charisma measures a character's Force of personality persuasiveness, personal magnetism, ability to lead, and plsical attractiveness. It represents strength of personal Ity not merely how others perceive you in a socal setting. ‘You apply your Charisma modifier to: Blu, Diplomacy, and Disguise checks, as well as other skills using Charisma as the key ability, and checks representing attempts to influence others @ Some Force skill checks, Example of Generating and Assigning Ability Scores (Cis sits down to create a new character. He rolls four Shsided dice (446) and gets 5, 4, 4, and I. Ignoring the lamest die, he records the sum of the ather three on scratch paper: 13. He does this five more times and ge these sx scores: 13, 10, 15, 12, 8, and 14. Chris decides to ply a stong, tough Gungan soldier. Now he assigns his rol to abilities, Strength gets the highest score, 15. His character hos a +2 Strength bonus that will serve him well in melee combat. Constitution gets the next highest seore, 14. The Gungan’s +2 Constitution species ability adjustment (ee Table 2-1: Species Ability Adjustments, page 22) improves his Constitution score to 16, for +3 bonus. That means more vitality points per level, 16 wound points, and a better Foetitue saving throw bonus. Chris puts his lowest seore, 8, into Charisma, Chis has two score with bonuses left (13 and 12), plus an average score (10) Dexterity gets the 13 (+1 bonus). That helps with attacking with ranged weapons and with Reflex saving throws. (Chris aso thinking ahead. A Dexterity score of 12 qualifies his eharaeter for the Dodge feat~see Table 5-1: Feats) Wisdom gets the 12. The Gungan’s -2 Wisdom species ahiity adjustment (see Table 2-1: Species Ability Adjust- mens, page 22) drops his Wisdom score to 10 (no bonus or penalty Inteligence gets the 10 (no bonus or penalty) Average Wistom and intligence aren't bad fora sor. hrs records his character’ species, las, ability scores, ‘nd ability modifiers on his character sheet. PEt scores o guide you in roleplaying your character. Hece are some Seen ert renee A character with a high Iteligence score is curious, know edgeabl. and prone o using big words character with high eC ee absen-minded, or knowledgeable but lacking in common sense A character witha hgh Iteligence score anda low Charisma PLA beeen ee ret ead ene en ee ce) eter en at eee aed cd ‘A character with 2 high Wisdom score may be sensible, serene, eee eee eceen i taes and low lteligence sore may be aware but simple. characte enn rte eee crete Caras ed es Peat ee od ere a ea ey Ce ek ks te eee ee tet ee et ea tice tts eters ee ea Ce os Changing Ability Scores jerome ae egies recesses wi crn vince Reliyrcres nr wth wo @ Add 1 point to any ability score at 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 20th level @ Pols, dlsease, and other effeets can cause tempo: raty ability damage, Ability points lost to damage return naturally typically ata rate of 1 point per day for each affected abiity. @ Asa character ages, some ability scores go up and others go down. See Table 6-12 Aging Effects, page 120, for detail When an ability score changes, all attributes associated with that scare change accordingly For example, when Sia-Lan becomes a 4th-lvel Jedi guardian, she decides to increase her Dexterity from 15 10 16, Now she's harder to hit, better at using ranged weapons, and all of her Dexterity-based Skil improve as her Dexterity modifier increases > Q Ee = n wu a "4 a) CHAPTER TWO SPEcIES|D The Star Wars galaxy contains an amazing variety of species, cach with its own unique outlook and civilization Although Humans dominate known space, many intelligent alien species can be encountered wherever you travel Crees senate et ns Mid Rim, and even on worlds as distant asthe Outer Rim eC ee es ee worlds and colonies, but individuals can be found Se eae See ee ee ere en end Peers ee Ey Wookiees are short-tempered, but the trth i that every rember of every species is unique. Depending on the era in which your campaign is set each species has diferent social ee ee ey Set ay Choosing a Species After you rall your ability scores and before you assign them eee eee een cee oe Re want to play a doid character, and your GM approves, sce Cre en eee enon ey clas, since species affects how wel a character ean do in each cass. Once you've decided your character's species and class, assign your ability scores to specific abilities, Adjust freer nt te eer Alty Adjustments, on the next page) and continue deta Prego ‘You can play a character of any species presented inthis Se ee ay certain species do better pursuing certain careers ne eee nn era} what sort of individual the character i, how the character Feels about members of other species, and what motivates Se ee a ee ca ee ee er the norm, and your character can be one of these. Don’t let description hinder you from detailing your character as ie ‘More species ae described in Chapter Fourteen, IF your Ce ea nad Cee een Syren ty Your character’s species determines certain qualities eC Find your characte’ species on Table 2-1: Species Ability Adjusiments and apply the adjusiments that you see there ere ee ed above 18 oF lower it below 3, that’s ok. For example, a Sullustan gets a +2 species adjustment to Deaterity and a -? adjustment to Constitution. Knowing this the player puts the best score rolled (15) in Dexterity and sees it increase to 17. She doesn't want a Constitution oe eee ee said308 Table 2-1: Species Ability Adjustments Species Ability Adjustments Bothan +22 -2Con Duros #2 Des, +2 Int -2 St, -2 Con wok 2 Dex -2 str nortean #2 St, -2 Dex, -2 nt Ithoran 2 dex el Do 2 con Mon Calamati +2 nt, -2 Con Rodian 42.Dex -2 Wis, -2 Cha Trandoshan 42 St, -2 Dex Wookie +4 St, -2 Dex, -2 Wis, -2 cha Zabrok Co (54) €RANoTes. species 4 ee ite EI cd Peete ee eed eee ee eee om) et ee ey een one rte Eee ree eet ate acca ee ete) er ae ner eres eee noes SCL ae Cera ero) Dt em ed Ee ee es ee eer ees posible, but in the more ciized regions, nonhumans are rele Oe et ee eet Ce re re Ls free at ener ee eer a Pe nee the New Republi, nonhumans ance again take a prominent and emt nr Ce oe ‘Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope) ‘alien species are avaiable without esticion in ths time rae The era is marked by the New Republi’s bate against the De ee ts or Species and Languages All characters know Basi, the primary language used throughout known space. Most characters can speak the language, and all understand it. Nonhuman characters ca also speak and read the language assocfated with thelr jes, Smart characters (those with an Intelligence bonus) speak and read other languages as wel: one extra languag per point of bonus, The bonus can be spent to either speak anguage oF to be able to read and write i. Select your e's bonus languages if any) from the lst found in the Speak Language skill description, page 98 What's New? Ifyou don't have the previous edition of the Star Wars Game, you can skip this section, It explains we changed inthis chapter for the new edition In this chapter, we added more species for you to choose from when creating # character. Six new species have been ineluded. We've also made minor adjustments hroughout each species enty, including standardizing utomatic languages and reworking the primitive spece ait for Ewoks and Gamorreans Humans Humans dominate the Core Worlds and can be found ih virtually every comer of the galaxy. They are the ancestor ‘of catly spacefaring pioneers, conquerors, traders, traveler and refugees. Humans have always been people on the move. Asa result, they can be found on almost every cd planet. AS a species, Humans are physica coltrly, and politically diverse, Hardy or fine, tight skinned or dark, Humans remain one of the most dominant species throughout all eras of play. Personality: Human peisonalty uns the gamut of passhiities, though members af this species tend to be hight adaptable, tenacious, and willing (o keep striving no matter the odds. They ae flexible and ambitious, diverse in ther tastes, moras, customs, and habits Physical Description: Humans average about 1.8 tetes tal. Skin shades run from nearly black to very pale, hair from black to blond. Men are usually taller and heavier than women, Humans achieve maturity about the age of 15, and rarely ive beyond 100. Human Hamewarld: Various, including Coruscant, Cotulag, Naboo, Tatooine, and Alderaan, Language: Humans speak and read Basi. They typically learn other languages, including obscure ones Example Names: Anakin, Arai, Ball, Ben, Ber, Biags, Boba, Corran, Dack, Dane, Galak, Garm, Han, Jango, Jodo, Lando, Leia, Luke, Mace, Mara, Obi-Wan, Owen, Padimé (Qui-Gon,Sia-Lan, Rann, Talon, Vor'en, Wedge, Winter Adventurara: Humans aren't afaid to try anything, and Human adventurers are the most audacious, daring, and ‘ambitious members of an audacious, daring, and ambitious species. A Human can eam glory by amassing power, yeah, and fame. More than any other specks, Humans ‘champion causes rather than tertitries or groups. Human Species Traits 6 Mesiumsie: As Medium-sie reatures, Humans have ro special bonuses or penalties dv 10 thet siz @ Homan base speed s 10 meter @ extra sil point at 1t level and 1 extra sil point at cach ational evel: Humans are versatile and apa ble, (The 4 extra ski points at st level are added on 2a bonus, not multiplied in, See Chapter Four: Skis) @ 1 extra feat at Ist eel: Humans ae quick to master Speclized tasks and are varied inthe talents (See Chapter Five: Feats) €@ Automate Language: Reade Bas, Speak Basic Bothans Telnet Both nthe Mid Rin of the gaa, ge rise Joie Botha species. These shor. i-covered humanoids av ad hypersace trae! for thousands of years and were aman the fs eiizations toon golotic soc. Bothans dea in infomation. They use infomation a 3 cs of wealth and power, even wielding it sa weapon hen neces The Bothan Spynet sees a8 one of the Tage nteligence agencies throughout most eas and it plan important and poignant role inthe Rebon er Cully Bothans dant ble in det conic. They eto monpulate stations fom behind the scenes (0 ath nd wait fr information and opportunity, and to we thse oot gain status adie. Personality: Bothans ae manipulative, rf, suspicious andro hy nator, anda pranci. They ean be inating, but they ate ao loyal and rave Pystal DencrptinsBothars ae covered with fur that Apes in esponse 10 ther emotional state, They have tapered eas, and both mate and female Bothans sport beards. They average about 1.6 meters tll and have a maturity rate and life span sightly great an Humans, Bothan Hamewarld: The industrial world of Bothwul ‘with various colony worlds throughout the Mid Rim Tenttoies,inchiding Kothlis andl Toots ‘Language: Bothans speak and read Bothese and Basic Example Names: Borsk Fey'ya, Karka Kre'fey, Koth Melan, Tav Breil, Tereb Abtion, ‘Adventurers: Bothan adventures, such as operatives in the Spynet, engage in daring deeds—even when such deeds ‘put them at great personal risk. In addition to intelligence ‘operatives, Bathan heroes serve as soldiers and pilots diplo- ‘mats and ambassadors. Their curiosity leads some ta be ‘explorers and scouts, Even wher a Bothan takes up a noble ‘cause, his or her cultural upbringing makes it hard not to look forthe profit and prestige in the situation Bothan Species Traits @ +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution: Rothans are quick and dexterous. They are less robust than most other species, however. @ Medium-size: As Medium-size creatures, Bothans have no special bonuses oF penalties due to thet size Bothan base speed ls 10 meters. #2 species bonus on Gather Information and Spot checks: Bothans display a natural superiority when it ‘comes to matters of gathering inteligence, @ Automatic Languages: Speak and Read/tite Bothese and Basie oo un a m oO m a Thee lo ls} Cerean Species Traits @ +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, -2 Dexterity: Cereans are i intuitive. They ae less coordinated than most other species, however @ Mediumesize: As Medium-size creatures, Cereans have ro special bonuses or penalties due to thelr size & Corean base speed is 10 meters. & 42 species ‘bonus on titative c of coordination, Ce that of most others Despite thei reaction speed is ‘Some have theo pethaps due to their binary brains, but no hard evidence sists to support this. @ Automatic Languages: Speak and Read/Write Cerea and Basi Ouros The Duros originate in the Duro star system, | frst to leave th reason for their wanderiust, the Duros tend to gravitate toward the space lanes for income and adventure. Theit home med by vast starship engineering corporations ud, self-sufficient, fun-loving gressive heritage, It only rarely that a re, and even more rar Fa eal Knight Personality; Cereans tend to calm, rational, and ntremely logical Physic! Deserintian Cea re about 2 cranium. They have-a maturity rate and Coreen Homewartd: The blissful planet Ce Language: Cere peak and read Cerean and Basic Exampla Names: Ki-Adi, So Leet, Sylvn, Ti-Dal, Maj-Odo, Adventurers: Ce rect contradic in any disagreement and give two points of view equal on. This ability extends even to ives surround! ing the Force, and a Cerean Porce-user ofte the light side and the dark side simultaneously Physical Description: Duros average about 1.8 meters tll They ate haites, with large eyes and wide, lipless rruths. Skin color ranges from blue-gray'to deep 2201. Duras Homeworld: The orbiting cities of the Duro Langu Bas Example Names: Bariss Keeg, Elon, Kadlo, Ki Vantal {i Nootka, Monnda Tebbo. Adventurars: Duros adventurers include hyperspace ceplores star charters, and spacers af all descriptions. They a0 tend to gravitate toward the sciences, inching engi- ting and astrogation. Some Duros shun exploration in for of smuggling and trading, and 2 small number go into Aiplomatie professions : Duros speak and ate literate in Durese and Ouras Species Traits & 42 Dexterity +2 Inteligence, -2 Strength, -2 Const tution: Duros ae aie in mind and body, but they aren'ta physically hardy people @ Medium-siz: As Medim-size creatures, Duros have na special bonuses or penalties due to thei size. & Duros base speed is 10 meters & Duras reeive the Spacer fat as 2 bonus feat at Ist level @ Automatic Languages: Speak and Read/Write Durese and Basic Ewoks Eoks hall from the forest moon of Endo, where they rmuintain a primitive hunter/gatherer society, Prior to the Tate of Endor (four yea alost entirely unknown to the galaxy at large, Some tr Episode IV), Ewoks were trades and explorers visited Endor’s moon, but with no firm of space travel, Ewoks never left ther homeworld Athough primitive by gataetie standards, the tribal Ewoks ste esourefil and highly adaptable. ‘The tribal Ewoks may be technologically primitive w Compared to most of galactic society, but they are also ‘lor and inventive. While they tend to intially be wary around machinery isn't long before their natural curiosity wins out and they plunge into wild and exuberant experi= mmeiation Persanality: Ewoks tend to be curious, superstitious, and courageous, though they can be fearful around things that are strange and new. Physical Description: Ewoks average about 1 meter tall Their thick fur yares widely in color and patter. They o wear hoods, decorative feathers, and anit wok Homeworld: The forest moan of Endo Language: Ewoks speak Ewokese. They have no written form oftheir language. They can learn to speak Basic Example Names: Asha, Chtpa, Ded. Kneesa, Latara Logray. Malai, Nippet, Paploo, Shodu, Teebo, Wicket, Wiley Adventurers: An Ewok adventurer may be motivated by “WHY DO Il __ 2 love oF excitement, natural inquistveness, oF a watir’s with a scout or other quest. Usually, an Ewok hero joins up hero who has access toa starship. Collecting powerful “magic” items from fallen opponents, such as a pers helmet or a range finder from a blaster rifle storm isa sure way for an Ewok to cam the respect of his tbe. Ewak Species Traits 42 Dexterity, -2 Strength: Ewoks are very agile and good with ranged weapons, but thet smal size makes them weaker than Medium-size species, Small: As Small creatures, Ewoks gain a+ size bonu: to their Defense, a +1 size bons on attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus an Hide checks, but they must use smaller weapons than Humans use, and thelr fling And carrying limits are three-quarters of those of Medium-size characters. @ yok base speed i 6 meters, © Primitive: An Ewok eecives the bonus feat Weapon Group Proficiency (primitive weapons) and Weapon Group Proficiency (simple weapons) at Ist level instead fof the usual Weapon Group Proficiency feats available to whatever class the character selects, @ Ewoks receive the Alertness feat as a bonus feat at Ist level to account for thei heightened senses. @ Automatic Language: Speak Ewokese. Teaches 5, SENSE WE'Vv' ric Epp =a) ANOTHE! ATHETIC LIFE FORM” a a m a nm ua saldads Gamorreans Brutish and violet, the porcine Gamorteans come from the ‘Outer Rim world of Gamo. Green-skinned with pigke snouts tusks, ond sll homs, Gamomeat ae respected for their geat strength and short tempers. The histay of Gamorrs marked by an almost constant state of warfare. Males tain for and fight wars, wile the females fam, hunt, and handle trade Since their world was discovered, a number of Gamorreans hhave found their way into galactie socety. The technologt cally poor homewor! has a savage, primitive culture that resembles the preindustial periods that human civilizations ‘experienced more than 25,000 years ago. Even so, the physi- cally imposing Gamorreans make good labores, Bodyguards, and mercenaries, While they prefer primitive melee weapons, they have no problem learning to use powered weapons and ven blasters Personality: Gamorreans are brutish, violent, and proud Tey respect physical prowess and have no problem facing death against a foe they fel they are on at least equal footing with. They do display fear in the face of obviously superior opponent, however, considering such a display to be prudent and even rational Physical Description: Gamorreans average about 1.8 meters tal, with thick green skin covering powerful muscles Close-set eyes a thick snout tusks, and small hors fend a distinct look to every Gamortean, Gamarrean Hamawarld: The preindustial agricultural world of Gamo Language: Gamorreans spcak Gamortean, They have no written version of the language. They can learn to under- stand other languages, but Gamorteans lack the mechanism to speak any tongue but their own, Example Names: Gartogg, Jubnuk; Ortugg, Ugmush Venora, Warlug, Adventurers: Gamorreans leave their homeworld for a variety of reasons, So aken as saves and later «scape of buy out their contracts. Others sell thet contracts on the open market, finding employment as bodyguards, mercenaries, and professional soldiers. A Gamorrean is constantly at war, no matter where he or she resides in the galany; i's often only 2 matter of figur ing out who the enemy is, Gamorrean heroes tend to select the finger or soldier classes. To date, there are no known examples of Gamorrean Force-users. Gamarrean Species Traits @ +2 Strength, -2 Dexterity, -2 Inteligence: Gamorreans possess greater physical power, but have limited agility and inteligence. & Medium-size: As Medium-size ereatures, Gamorreans hhave na special bonuses or penalties due to their size. amotrean base speed i 10 meter. Primitve: A Gamarrean reels the bonus feat Weap (on Group Proficiency primitive weapons) and Weapon Group Proficiency (simple weapons) at Ist level instead (of the usual Weapon Group Proficiency Feats available to whatever class the character selects @ +2 species bonus on Fortitude saves: Gamorteans have great physical resistance Gamorreans receive the bonus feat Power Atack at Ist level & Automatic Language: Speak Gamorrea. @ e Gungans From the watery depths of Naboo, the Gungans are an ancient species with 9 warlike tradition, Gungans can hold their breath for extended periods, and they live within underwater cities. Their bubble dwellings contain a breath= able atmosphere. The most comman Gungan race & the (Otolla Gungan, characterized by taller, leaner frames and extended eyestalks. The rare Ankura Gungan has recessed «ys, green skin, and a heavier, shorter frame. Except For the physical characteristics, there are no genetic differences between the two Gungan races. Usually distrustful of strangers and slow to accept aid, Gungans are nevertheless brave strong, and confident oftheir own traditions. Personality: Gungans tend to be inquisitive, cautious and suspicious. Physical Description: Gungsins range from 1.6 to 2 ameter tall, with two eyestalhs floppy ears, and long tongues ‘Gungen Hamewarld: Naboo (with colonies on the Ohma-D'un moon), Language: Gungans speak Gungan and Basi Example Names: Fass, Jar Jor, Rugor Tarpals, Toba, ToblerCeel,Yoss. Adventurers: Gungan adventurers have a strong wantor tradition. Many leave the underwater cities to explore the ancient swamps and shorelines, Since the: treaty with the Humans of Naboo, some Gungans have taken a larger step into galactic society. These brave indi= ‘duals are driven by an impulse to explore and regain the ‘samor prt of old. There are no examples of Gunga elas yet, though there have heen legends of Force aiepis among these people. Bungan Species Traits +2Corstitution, -2 Wisdom: Gungans area hany species but arent particulary strong-willed or perceptive. @ Medium-size: As Medium-size creatures, Gungans have no special bonuses or penalties due to thelr size. @ Gunga base speed i 10 meters Hold Breath: Gungans are at home either in air or ater When under wate, thei nostri seal and they ‘an say submerged for much longer than members of her species. A Gunggan can hold his breath for number of rounds equal to 25 times his Constitution score before he needs to make checks against drowning, Gungans also have a +4 species bonus on Swim checks © Low-Light Vision: Gungans ean see twice as Far as Humans in dim light (such as moonlight ar underwa te They retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions, +2 species banus on Listen checks: Despite their low Wisdom, Gungans have extraordinary hearing, +1 species bonus on Reflex saves: Gungans have an uncanny ability to avoid danger @ Automatic Languages: Speak a and Bask, Read/Write Gungan Ithorians Ithorians come fiom the jungle work of thor oF one of its many spaceworthy “herd” ships. Also known as Hammerheads by the galaxy at lage, Mhorians area peace Ful people. Ithorians dedicate themselves to ecological ‘endeavors, especially on thelr homeworld, where they sek {to preserve the pastoral beauty ofthe great tropical jungle— the Mather Jungle. A gentle people, Ithorians have great love of art. Many travel the galaxy in giant hyperdrive herd ships designed to serve as ecological replicas of the Ithorian ‘homeworld, bringing the beauty of thor wherever they go. Personality ihorians tend to be calm, peaceful, trat- dquil, and gente Physical Description: Ithorians ate humanoid, ranging in height from 1.8 t0 2.3 meters tll, with long necks that curl forward and end in dome-shaped heads. They have 1wo ‘mouths, one on each side of their neck, producing a stereo ‘effect when they talk, Wharian HamewarldIthor, or a specific herd ship ‘Language: Ithorians speak steeophonic lthorese and Basie Example Namas: Fandomar, Moma, Orltor, Tomla, ‘rangle, Umwav. Adventurars: Ithorians tend to concentrate on peaceful professions, They ove to meet new beings and see new places. They enjoy negotiating deals and finding peaceful solutions to conflict. They have aspritual nature ted to their devotion to the Mother Jungle oftheir homeworld Often, wandelust leads them to explore the greater galaxy for atime before they eventually return to Wthor or the herd ship that spawned them, S3ldads = [te lels} Ithorian Species Traits @ +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma, -2 Dexterity: Whorians are wise and deliberate thinkers whose personable nature allows them to get along well with others. However, hey are also relatively slow to react, with helow aver age coordination, @ Medium-size: As Medium.size creatures, Ithorians have no spectal bonuses oF pei es due to thei siz, @ Ithorian base peed is 10 meters. +2 species bonus on Knowledge (wildemess lore) checks: Ithorians study the natural environment. @ +4 species bonus on Survival check: Ithorians are in tune with natural surzoundings, 41 species bonus on Will saves: Ithorians have above- average willpower. @ Automatic Languages: Speak and Read/Write Ithorese and Basic. Kel Dor The Kel Dor originate on the planet Dorin, where they evcloped in an atmosphere of helium and a gas unique to their world. Consequently, more common atmospheres ineluding those that consist of exygen, nitrogen, and bon dioxide, are deadly to the Kel Dor, Those Kel Dor that operate beyond the confines of thelr homeworld mast wear breath masks and protective goggles. The Kel Dor have a long and proud Force tradition, though they have adapted i to the Jedi tradition since join ing the Republic over sx thousand years ago. Kind-hearted, the Kel Dor nevertheless believe in Swift justice. Personality: Even-tempered and kind-hearted, the Kel Dor never turn away a eing in need. At the same time, the average Kel Dor believes in quick, simple justice and Isn't averse to taking the law into his oF her own hands Physical Descrintin: The average Kel Dor stands between 1.4 and 2 meters tall, Ther skin ranges in color from peach to

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