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The result of this research will be will be reiterated in a seminar-

workshop for dissemination of results. The School and the Division Office

may contribute to the sustainability of this Quipper application by

supporting in the conduct of semestral seminar-workshop. Furthermore,

the research can be modelled as a basis for generating a Quipper

Handbook for easy access of learners and teachers. By constructing

sound and efficient guiding principle in using the Quipper application, the

study will be fully utilized not only in the Senior High School Mathematics

Department but also in other SHS Departments and be cascaded also in

the Junior High School Departments. Through this study as well, teachers

will be encouraged to develop interactive instructional materials in their

field of specialization. Additionally, the outcomes of the research will help

to organize and create Quipper application panel of experts that will

facilitate and assist other teachers considering Bukidnon National High

School is categorize as a big school.

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