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 Listening Practice

Fill in the blanks with the correct words you hear from the

As Violent Protests
Continue, Venezuela’s
Health Care Suffers
Anti-government protesters ___(1)___ with security forces Wednesday in Caracas,
Venezuela, as ___(2)___ conditions in the country worsen.
One person was killed in the ___(3)___. Local politician Ramon Muchacho said 84
people were sent to the hospital.
National Guard soldiers used tear gas and water ___(4)___ against the protesters, who
were trying to march to the Supreme Court.
Protesters there have reportedly thrown ___(5)___ filled with human waste at security
At least 39 people have died since protests started in ___(6)___. On Wednesday,
Miguel Castillo, a 27-year-old college ___(7)___, was killed.
Tensions ___(8)___ last week after President Nicholas Maduro sought to hold a
special ___(9)___ to rewrite the country’s constitution.
Opposition leaders say he is trying to keep himself and his ___(10)___ in power.
Health services suffering as unrest worsens
The unrest appears to be affecting many parts of Venezuelan ___(11)___ -- including
health services. A recent report released by the Health Ministry says that the number of
women who died in ___(12)___ in 2016 reached 756. That is a 66 percent ___(13)___
from the year before. Infant deaths have also increased ___(14)___. And confirmed
cases of ___(15)___ in the country increased 76 percent from the year before. The
report was the first released by the Health Ministry since July 2015. It is not clear why
the ministry restarted publishing its ___(16)___ report. President Maduro has blamed
the health crisis on medicine ___(17)___. His government says some the country’s
richest citizens are holding onto large amounts of medicine to create unrest.
A leading group representing ___(18)___ makers says there are shortages of 85
percent of medicines. Long waits have been reported at ___(19)___.
Because of the country’s deep economic crisis, many doctors are leaving the country.
Patients are having a hard time getting ___(20)___.
The Venezuelan economy was hit hard by the fall in oil ___(21)___ more than two
years ago. The Maduro government has been ___(22)___ to ease high inflation,
shortages of ___(23)___ and services and ___(24)___ unrest.
I’m ___(25)___ Ritter.

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