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KELAS/NIM : M7.1/1847041012



Read carefully the material about learning and teaching Listening English
and do some tasks

1. Make summary about teaching and Learning English.

Teaching and Learning English.

English today is very important to learn, because English is an

international language that is commonly used to communicate with people
who come from abroad. Even the young children, they are using English in
their daily activities now, although there is still some of those who mix the
native language to English. They consider the use of English was cool, so they
are eager to learn English and use them in everyday activities.

So important is learning English, especially for education and the future,

this is because English is one of the international languages used by many
countries. In some countries, English is a second language for the people,
because the role of English as the language of international communication is
very important for various existing sectors, and Indonesia is one of the
countries that is now making English a second language, although not or not
all Indonesians do it. Seeing Indonesia's background as a country that is
historic and has cultural diversity, makes Indonesia one of the destinations for
foreign tourists.

Learning English at the elementary school level is one of the efforts to

build a basic foundation of quality Indonesian people, ready to compete in
global interactions. The elimination of English lessons in primary schools as
local content certainly does not erase the importance of these lessons. Even
though it is only an additional subject, English in elementary schools can be
created and developed by teachers. Various learning models can be carried out
such as: running dictation, image media, word card media, total psychological
response, guided note taking, bingo games, serial image media, audiovisual
media, multimedia-based learning, roundtables, index card matches, drill
methods, and reading. aloud. English as a means of expression requires high
self-confidence for students. So it is important to build self-confidence in
students in the learning process.

2. Answer some questions

a. What do you think about Listening?

Listening is an important component of learning. A student’s

ability to actively listen has a major impact on building the communication
skills needed both inside and outside of the classroom. Listening is one of
the receptive skills and as such it involves students in capturing and
understanding the input of English.

Listening is one of the receptive skills and as such it involves

students in capturing and understanding the input of English. Teaching
Listening is not an easy job. Listening is the activities where the hearer
should pay attention to and trying to get meaning from something
wehear.Teaching listening to students should be careful and step by step.
Some problems that faced by the students in teaching listening process are
they are afraid ofmaking something wrong, the student are also confused
about what they should study, or they have to check some word on the
dictionary. So far, one thing that is very important is less motivation. The
students feel bored to study because the material is monotonous and
teacher technique must increase the student interest.
b. What is strategies to teach Listening for young learner?

Showing the young learner how to be an active listener by example

is only the first step. It is also important to practice these skills. Try these
activities to help develop and sharpen your young learner listening skills.

Read stories to students. Ask him or her to predict what will

happen next. The prediction requires listening to the details to make a
logical guess.

Cook with them. Read the recipe to him or her, having their listen
to and follow each step to complete the recipe correctly.

Have conversations about things the students is interested in. This

gives them a chance to engage in a real conversation, practicing both
speaking and listening.

Play the telephone game. Get together with a group and have one
person whisper a sentence to the next person. Each person repeats it to the
next until the final person. Have this person say the sentence aloud and see
how much the two sentences have changed.

Create a list of questions with students for him or her to ask you or
a sibling. After one person has answered, see how many the others can
remember. Switch roles and see how well the other person does.

c. Why is active learning is important?

By implementing active learning strategies, it is hoped that the

teacher will be able to create a pleasant atmosphere and conditions for
learning, students become active, excited and full of passion, thus
motivating students to be innovative and creative and learning to be
effective and interesting.

The importance of developing an Active Learning model in the

learning process in the classroom, in order to achieve instructional goals
effectively and efficiently. Through active listening, listening, asking /
discussing, and applying the knowledge gained by teaching it to others,
students will be able to understand the subject matter being studied.

d. How can you help your child improve his or her listening skills?

Five Steps to Active Listening

Teachers can teach students how to become an active listener by becoming
active listeners themselves. Through modeling active listening to students,
he or she is able to see the value and importance of being an active
listener. It also gives the students a reference to develop his or her own
listening habits to improve the active listening skills of both you and your
child by following these 5 tips:
1) Maintain Eye Contact
People who maintain eye contact are seen as reliable, warm, sociable,
honest, confident, and active. Focusing your eyes also helps improve
concentration. This helps you fully understand what the speaker is saying.
2) Don’t Interrupt
Let the speaker complete his or her thought before you try to respond. Do
not interrupt, finish sentences, or rush him or her. Avoid guessing or
assuming where his or her thoughts are going this can create a negative
impact on effective communication.
3) Ask Questions
One way to show you are listening (and make sure you hear correctly) is to
ask specific questions about what is being said. This provides clarification,
ensures understanding, and shows that you are listening.
Try asking these four types of questions:
a) Open-ended: expand the discussion further
Example: “How was your day at school today?”
b) Close-ended: prompt for specifics
Example: “Are you finished your homework?”
c) Leading: prompts the respondent to answer in a particular way
Example: “Do you have too much homework?”
d) Reflective: expand and extend thinking
Example: “You mentioned math is your favorite subject in
school, tell me more about that.”
4) Repeat Back What the Speaker Says
Repeat what has been said back to the speaker in your own words. This
helps make sure you have understood what he or she is saying. Summarize
by repeating the main points of the message. This gives the speaker a
chance to correct you, if necessary.

5) Listen for Total Meaning

Any message has two components: the content of the message and the
underlying feeling or attitude. Both parts are important and give the
message meaning. Listen for both for content and the underlying emotions.
Sometimes the real message is in the emotion rather than the content.
Teacher is developing the skills both need to be better active listeners.
Practicing these steps with students will continue to help him or her improve
his or her listening habits.

3. What do you think about Teaching Active Listening Activities for

Students ?

Having active listening skills has many benefits; besides better

comprehension in the classroom, active listeners tend to be better
communicators and problem solvers. Being an active listener also shows good
character, commitment, and is an essential component of being a leader.
Benefits of being an active listener include:
a. Fewer misunderstandings
b. Faster work rate
c. Improved resourcefulness
d. More self-reliance
e. Improved productivity
Active listening requires the listener to understand the point the
speaker is trying to communicate, not just hearing the words he or she is
saying. Becoming a better listener is an important skill that students need to
actively develop and practice.

4. Describe about Some considerations for classroom listening!

These are some of the things I consider when I try to develop my students'
listening. (Brewster, Ellis & Girard)

a. Give the children confidence. We should not expect them to always

understand every word and they should know this.
b. Explain why the children have to listen. Make sure the learners are clear
about why they are listening, what the main point or purpose of the
activity is.
c. Help children develop specific strategies for listening. An important
strategy that the teacher should teach is 'intelligent guesswork'. Pupils are
used to drawing on their background knowledge to work out something
they are not sure of.
d. Set specific listening tasks. I try to think of listening in three stages, pre-
listening, while-listening, post listening and have activities for each stage.
e. Listening does not have to rely on the availability of a cassette or pre-
recorded material. Most listening is teacher talk.

Listening is an active process, as the mind actively engages in making

meaning. It is therefore our duty as teachers to ensure that the materials we use are
comprehensible to our young learners, as well as within the range of what they are
developmentally ready for. Listening is also hard work! And can be stressful! So
in order to maximise the potential for acquisition of language, we need to ensure
that our young learners are not stressed about this process.

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