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ME(V)D – 17 System
1. Activated carbon container
2. Fuel tank venting valve
3. Non return valve
4. Vacuum reservoir
5. Solenoid valve (tank valve)
6. Hot film air mass sensor (HFM)
with integrated temperature
7. Charge pressure sensor (optionally
in combination with charge air
temperature sensor)
8. Charge-air cooler
9. High pressure pump with
integrated quantity control valve
10. Actuators for variable camshaft
11. Ignition coil with plugged-in spark
12. Camshaft sensor
13. Divert air valve
14. Solenoid valve for waste-gate
HP 15. Ambient pressure sensor
LP 16. Throttle mechanism (EGAS)
17. F l distribution
Fuel di t ib ti pipe
i (Hi
pressure rail)
18. Fuel pressure sensor
19. High-pressure injector
20. Charge motion valve

ME(V)D – 17 System
21. Engine temperature sensor
22. Charge pressure control valve
23 Exhaust Gas Temperature
24. Waste-gate (Bypass valve)
25. Exhaust gas turbocharger
26. Engine control unit
27. Speed
p sensor
28. Knock sensor
29. λ-Sensor upstream of pre-
catalytic converter
30. CAN-Interface
31. Fault lamp
32 Diagnostic
32. Di ti iinterface
t f
33. Interface to immobilizer ECU
34. Accelerator pedal module with
pedal travel sensor
35. Fuel tank
36. Tank in
built unit with electric fuel
pump, fuel filter and fuel
pressure controller
37. Pre-catalytic converter (3-way
catalytic converter)
38. λ-Sensor downstream of pre-
l i converter
39. Main catalytic converter (3-way
catalytic converter)

Injectie benzina directa – Moduri de operare
In modul omogen, benzina este dozata la raportul stoichiometric, de 1:14.7 din aer proaspat. Prin aceasta, benzina este
injectata in timpul cursei de admisie astfel incat sa aibe timp de omogenizare a amestecului carburant.
In modul de lucru stratificat, combustibilul este introdus pe cursa de compresie. Aici, combustibilul se amesteca doar cu o
parte a aerului. Inceputul injectarii este foarte important in modul de lucru stratificat. Norul de amestec stratificat nu trebuie
sa fie numai bine omogenizat in acel punct, dar trebuie sa se afle in dreptul bujiei cu scanteie. Deoarece amestecul
stoichiometric este localizat local, amestecul per total este un amestec sarac. In acest caz, sunt emise cantitati mari de
Nox, ceea ce necesita un tratament de reducere a acestora, pe partea de evacuare.
Omogen - saracit
In partea de tranzitie dintre cele doua moduri de operare, stratificat si omogen, motorul va fi operat cu un amestec
omogen–saracit (Lambda >1). Acest mod este activat in momentul decelerarilor, cand motorul va functiona cu mai putin
combustibil decat in modul omogen. Emisiile de Nox trebuiesc tinute sub observatie
Omogen - stratificat
In modul omogen-stratificat, intreaga camera de ardere este umpluta cu un amestec saracit. Aceast amestec este format
de catre o mica cantitate de carburant injectata pe cursa de admisie. O a doua injectie urmeaza in cursa de comprimare. In
concluzie, un amestec bogat este format in zona bujiei cu scanteie. Acest amestec este usor inflamabil iar amestecul
omogen-saracit din restul camerei de ardere va putea fi ars de catre flacara.
Modul omogen-stratificat va fi activat doar pentru cateva cicluri, la trecerea intre modurile de operare stratificat si omogen.
Datorita acestui fapt, motorul va controla mai bine momentul motor intre cele doua moduri de operare.

Injectie benzina directa – Moduri de operare
Omogen – divizat
Modul omogen - divizat este o aplicatie speciala a modului omogen – stratificat – dubla injectie. Acesta este
operational in faza de start pentru a aduce rapid catalizatorul la temperatura de regim.
regim Dupa incheierea celei de a
doua injectii in faza de compresie, aprinderea este decalata spre foarte “tarziu” (15° la 30° dupa PMS). O mare
cantitate de combustibil nu este utilizata pentru momentul motor, ci pentru cresterea temperaturii gazelor de evacuare.
Ca urmare a acestui fapt, convertorul catalitic este operational dupa cateva secunde.

Omogen – Protectie la detonatie

In acest mod de operare, cu un unghi de aprindere ce este decalat spre “tarziu”, detonatiile pot fi prevenite prin aplicarea a
unei duble injectii la plina sarcina, avand in vedere ca amestecul stratificat va preveni detonatiile . Ca rezultat al acestui mod,
de la un anumit unghi de aprindere,
aprindere este obtinut un moment motor marit.
Stratificat – incalzire catalitic
Un alt mod de utilizare a dublei injectii, este pentru incalzirea evacuarii.
Another type of double injection enables the fast heating-up of the exhaust train. During this, injection will take place with high
excess airi fi
first off allll d
i the
h compression
i stroke
k ((as iis the
h case with
i h operation
i mode
d "stratified
" ifi d mode")
d ") and d then
h once
again during the working stroke. This fuel component burns very late and heats up the exhaust wing very strongly. This
operation mode is applied for heating-up the NOx - catalytic converter to temperatures above 650° C in order to initiate de-
Stratified - Start
In this mode of operation, the start of injection quantity is introduced in the compression stroke; instead of injection in the
suction stroke conventionally. The advantage of this injection strategy is based on the fact that the injection takes place in a
readily compressed and thus heated up air. Therefore more fuel evaporates as a percentage than in case of cold ambient
conditions in which clearly higher proportion of the injected fuel remains in the combustion chamber as a fluid wall
film and
does not participate in the combustion process. The fuel quantity to be injected can be thus reduced which clearly would lead
to a reduction in HC emissions. This is an important operation mode for the development of lower emissions - concepts.

Injectie benzina directa – Moduri de operare
Operation mode
Aspiratie Compresie Destindere Omogen



Omogen - saracit

Omogen - stratificat

Omogen – Split Incarcare stratificata

Omogen – Protectie la
d t
Incalzire conventionala a
Stratificat – incalzire
Stratificat - Start

= Injectie
I j ti = Aprindere
A i d

Avantajele injectiei benzina directa

Air-guided Spray-guided
 Atomizare fina a combustibilului datorita presiunilor
de injectie ridicate
 O mai buna umplere a camerei de ardere.
 O mai buna racire interna a motorului ca urmare a
formarii interne a amestecului.
 O mai mica tendinta de detonare.
 Marirea ratei de compresie.
 O mai mica pierdere energetica datorata calpetei de
acceleratie in timpul functionarii stratificate.
 Nu se mai uda supapa de admisie.
 O rata mare de recirculare a gazelor de ardere
(EGR) in timpul arderii stratificate ducand la o
disipare scazuta a caldurii din peretii cilindrului.
 Cresterea eficientei termodinamica, reducerea
consumului de combustibil si a emisiilor de gaze.
Schichtladebetrieb Homogenbetrieb

Table of Contents


• Twin Scroll-Turbo charging

• Bi-Turbo charging

• VTG Exhaust gas turbocharger

• Twin Scroll-Turbo-charging
g g

• Supercharging Testing

Turbocompresorul Twin Scroll - Design
1 2 3 4

5 12


8 7

10 14
1. Cilindru
10. Mecanism control presiune turbina (Waste gate)
2. Canal 1-4 6. Palele compresorului
11. Palele compresorului
3. Canal 2-3 7. Admisie aer
12. Supapa control presiune turbina
4. Catalizator 8. Filtru aer
13. Rotorul
13 R l turbinei
bi i
5. Peretii turbinei 9. Clapeta acceleratie
14. Intrare dubla (Twin scroll)

In cazul turbinelor conventionale, toate canalele de evacuare sunt conectate in turbina. Evacuarile
pentru cilindrii
l d 1 si 4, respectiv cilindrii
l d 2 si 3, sunt combinate
b in cate un canall ((pt un motor in 4
cilindrii). Ambele canale, sunt conduse separat pana la turbina. In acest caz, doua fluxuri separate
sunt conduse la turbina, deoarece evacuarile sunt separate printr-un perete. Interferentele intre cele
doua evacuari sunt evitate, datorita canalelor separate.

Turbocompresorul Twin Scroll - Functionare
p (evacuare)
Motor cu 1 cilindru (Baza)
S Daca supapa d
D de evacuare se ddeschide,
hid gazele l dde
deschidere supape evacuare ies din cilindru si formeaza un impuls de
presiune. Presiunea coboara foarte rapid si datorita
fluctuatiilor de presiune atinge valori negative. Daca
supapa de admisie se deschide, presiunea creste din
nou datorita suprapunerii deschiderii supapelor, supapa
p (evacuare) de evacuare se inchide, si presiunea se stabilizeaza in
Ordine de aprindere: 1-3-4-2 evacuare.

1 3 4 2


Motor cu 4 cilindrii
Impulsul de presiune negativ va afecta impulsul de presiune pozitiv; ca urmare magnitudinea pozitiva a
l l i va fi redusa
d iiar ca urmare, tturatia
ti turbinei
t bi i va fi sii ea redusa
d (Rotorul
(R t l turbinei
t bi i are inertie,
i ti sii nu
poate urmarii variatiile de presiune). In cazul turbocompresoarelor Twin Sroll, presiunea de impuls din
cilindrii 1si 4, respectiv 2 si 3 nu se vor influenta una pe alta, deci impulsul de presiune pozitiv va fi mai
mare, iar turbina va rula mai rapid. Nu sunt interferente intre impulsuri, motiv pentru care se poate folosi o
mai mare suprapunere de deschidere intre supape, iar cilindrii vor beneficia de o ventilare marita.

Incarcare Bi
Turbo - Functionare
1 1. ECU
2. Convertor electro-pneumatic (2)
2 3. Incalzitor aer PTC
3 11
4. Supapa
p p control p pres turbina (waste g
gate banc 1 si 2)
4 5. Blow-by line charged operation
5 6
7 6. Conducta de aer (banc 1 si 2)
9 7. Turbocompresor (banc 1 si 2)
8. Senzor presiune galerie admisie
10 9 Supapa descarcare presiune (banc 1 si 2)
16 10. Admisie aer
11.Conducta incarcare aer (banc 1 si 2)
12.Conducta supraincarcare aer
11 9 6 13.Inter-cooler
4 14.Conducta admisie aer
15.Senzor incarcare aer si temperatura
12 16.Supapa control turbine (banc 1 si 2)
13 Doua turbocompresoare, relativ mici, sunt conectate
Incarcare Bi
Turbo pentru motor BMW N54
i paralel
in l l unull cu altul.
lt l Cilindrii
Cili d ii 1
1, 2
2, sii 3 suntt
conectatila primul turbocompresor, iar cilindrii 4,5 si 5
la al doilea. Turbocompresoarele mici au avantajul
inertiilor mici, motiv pentru care pot atinge presiuni
ridicate mult mai rapid.

Incarcare Bi
Turbo - Exhaust gas turbocharger
1 2 1. Turbina
2. Compresor
3. Boost pressure-relief valve
4. Boost pressure-actuator
3 5. Boost pressure control valve (Waste gate)
6. Rotorul turbinei
7. Palele compresorului
Turbina gaze evacuare
BMW motort N63
1 Gazele de evacuare trec prin carcasa turbinei si transmit
2 5 rotorului o miscare de rotatie. Palele turbinei ghideaza gazele de
evacuare catre centrul turbinei dupa care sunt evauate lateral. In
partea compresie, aerul proaspat este aspirat prin centru
compresorului si este accelerat de catre palede, ducand la
compresia acestuia.
Temperatura gazelor la intrarea in turbuna: Tmax 1050
Turatie: nmax 200,000 1/min
Presiune de turbo: pmax=1.8 bar (0.8 bar suprapresiune)
Turbina gaze evacuare
BMW motor N54

Turbocompresorul VTG - Design
2 3
10 5 4 1. Boost pressure-relief valve
1 5
2. Electric motor for adjustment of
11 guide
id blades
bl d
3. Oil supply inlet
10 4. Activation of guide blades
2 5. Turbine housing
6. Turbine wheel
9 7. Guide blades
8. Cooling inlet
9 Compressor impeller
10.Compressor housing
Working 11.Suction air
principle: 8 12.Exhaust gas
Lamelele de ghidare sunt pozitionate cu ajutorul unui motor electric. Acesta nu controleaza nici o supapa de
bypass sau supapa waste gate, in schimb controleaza ghidajul lamelor turbocompresorului cu ajutorul unui inel
ajustabil. Lamelele de ghidare sunt localizate in partea de evacuare a turbinei. Prin schimbarea unghiului
lamelelor este obtinuta o presiune optima,
lamelelor, optima presiunea din admisie putand fi ridicata mai rapid,
rapid comparativ cu
turbocompresoarele cu bypass.
Avantaj: Chear la turatii scazute si viteze ale gazelor de evacuare scazute, realizarea unei presiuni de alimentare
ridicate poate fi facuta in pozitia inchisa. La observarea hartii caracteristice, turbinele VTG pentru benzina ofera
t j distincte
di ti t fata
f t de
d turbinele
t bi l comune cu sisteme
i t de
d controlt l a presiunii
i ii gazelor
l de
d evacuare.

Turbocompresorul VTG - Functionare
Principle of charge pressure control:
Setting the distance between the guide blades
Setting of the exhaust gas impact angle to the turbine wheel
The adjustment system consists of an adjusting ring and the
j g
guide blades ((11 p
) The g
guide blades are switched
together with the adjusting ring. The adjusting ring is connected to
the electric motor (DC) through a coupling rod. The electric motor
Low engine RPM adjusts the guide blades.
Engine RPM low:
In case of small or weak exhaust gas columns, the guide blades are
set horizontally. As a result the exhaust gases are set in motion at
high entry speed against the vertex of the exhaust gas turbine. This
leads to increased turbine velocities and thus to more boost
Engine RPM high:
High engine RPM If the engine rpm becomes higher
higher, the speed of the exhaust gas
column also will be higher, the engine ECU opens the guide blades
(Signal PWM). Boost pressure is controlled by adjusting the guiding
blades for a higher load. One can thus economize on the bypass
l The
Th boost
b t pressure can be
b controlled
t ll d steplessly.
t l l

Double charging as an example on VW TSI System – Design
The fresh air is sucked in through the air filter. The position of the control valve is determined in the
control valve-control unit whether the fresh air flows through the compressor and/or directly to the
exhaust gas turbocharger. The fresh
f air flows
f from
f the exhaust gas turbocharger into the intake manifold
through the charge air cooler and the throttle valve control unit.

1 2 3 4
1. Compressor-belt drive
2. Compressor
3. Control valve-control unit
4. Intake manifold pressure - and suction air temperature
5 5. Air filter
15 6 6. Throttle valve control unit
7. Boost pressure - and suction air temperature sensor
7 8. Boost pressure-limiting valve (waste gate)
9. Vacuum actuator
14 8 10. Catalytic converter
11. Waste gate-valve
12. Exhaust gas turbocharger
10 13 Boost pressure-relief
13. pressure relief valve
14. Auxiliary aggregate-belt drive
13 15. Magnet clutch
16. Intake manifold sensor with suction air temperature
sensor for compressor
12 11

Double charging as an example on VW TSI System – Function diagram
With increasing speed, the boost pressure of the exhaust gas turbocharger increases and the compressor can be
regulated downwards. As a result it requires less drive power from engine. In addition, the compressor feeds in more air
even at low speeds. As a result, a high exhaust gas mass flow is available which is then fed into the turbine of the
t b h
turbocharger. It can thus
th generatet the
th required
i d boost
b t pressure even att low
l speeds
d compared d to
t a turbo-engine
t b i allll by
itself. The turbocharger is being "pushed" by the compressor, in principle.

Compressor-boost pressure
Exhaust gas turbocharger-boost pressure
Pressurre ratio (bar)

2,0 Boost pressure of exhaust gas turbocharger and

Boost pressure only with exhaust gas
1,8 turbocharger (without compressor)




2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 Engine rpm (1/min)

h graphic
hi shows
h the
h bboost pressures off the
h charging
h i components at ffullll lload.

Double charging
g g as an example on VW TSI System
y – Exhaust g
The exhaust gas turbocharger forms one module with the exhaust manifold. Due to the exhaust gas
temperatures which exist, both are made of extreme heat-resistant steel castings. In order to protect
the shaft bearing from extremely high temperatures,
temperatures the exhaust gas turbocharger is integrated into the
coolant circuit. For the sake of lubrication, the shaft bearing is connected to the oil circuit. Furthermore
the electric boost pressure-relief valve for the exhaust gas turbocharger is located at the exhaust gas
turbocharger and a pressure sensor is present for the boost pressure limitation with the waste gate.
Th b
The boostt pressure relief
li f valve
l ffor the
th turbocharger
t b h prevents
t noises
i andd damages
d att the
th compressor
impeller of the turbocharger during the transition into overrun operation phase.
2 1. Electric boost pressure-relief valve
2. Turbine wheel
3 3. Exhaust manifold
6 4. Waste gate valve
5. Vacuum actuator
6. C
Compressor iimpeller


Double charging as an example on VW TSI System – Compressor
1. Outlet side
2. Suction side
3. Rotors
4. Synchronous stage
5. Gear ratio
6. Beltl pulley-compressor
7. Tensioning roller
8. Belt pulley-magnet clutch for compressor
1 2 9. Belt pulley-coolant pump

The Compressor
The mechanical compressor is screwed on to the
cylinder block downstream of the air filter on the intake
manifold side. Due to the form of both the rotors it is
8 also called rotating screw compressor.
compressor The boost
3 7
4 5 pressure is controlled through the control valve. The
6 maximum boost pressure that can be generated is
1.75 bar (Absolute pressure).

Compressor – Function
Both the compressor rotors are so designed that when they rotate, a volumetric increase takes place on
the suction side. As a result, fresh air is sucked in and delivered by the rotors to the pressure side of the
compressor On the pressure side
compressor. side, the space between both the compressor rotors become smaller.
smaller The
air is compressed in the direction of exhaust gas turbocharger.

Air inlet
Air inlet

Control valve-
control unit Control valve controls until full-open.
Turbocharger Compressor operation or partial load

Control valve is closed. Compressor

operation during full load

Air inlet

Control valve is fully opened. Pure

suction - or turbo operation.

Double charging as an example on VW TSI System – System

Throttle valve

Suction operation at low load Double charging at higher load and speeds up to 2400 RPM.
The control valve is fully opened. The sucked-in The control valve is closed in this range. The compressor is switched-in
air mass enters the turbocharger through the through the magnet clutch and driven by the belt drive. The compressor
control valve. This is already driven by the sucks in air, compresses it and pumps it further to the turbocharger. There
exhaust gas; however, the exhaust gas energy the compressed air is still further compressed. The boost pressure of the
is so low that only a small boost pressure is compressor is detected by the intake manifold pressure sensor and
generated. The throttle valve is opened regulated through the control valve. The entire boost pressure is measured
corresponding to the driver's requirements and a by the boost pressure sensor. A pressure of up to 2.5 bar (absolute pressure)
vacuum exists in the intake manifold. exists in the intake manifold.

Double charging as an example on VW TSI System – System function

Double charging at higher load and speeds up to 2400 and Exhaust gas turbocharger
3500 RPM. Starting with a speed of approx. 3500 rpm, the required boost
In this range the boost pressure is generated by the turbocharger pressure is generated by the turbocharger alone. The control
alone at constant speed. If strongly accelerated now, the valve is fully open and the air flows directly into the
turbocharger would be too sluggish to generate the boost pressure turbocharger. The exhaust gas energy is now sufficient to
i kl A turbo-lag
b l could ld occur. IIn order
d to prevent it,
i the
h engine
i generate under all conditions the required pressure with the
ECU switches on the compressor for a short duration and regulates help of the turbocharger. The throttle valve is fully opened and
the control valve corresponding to the boost pressure required. The a pressure of up to 2 bar (absolute pressure) is present in the
compressor assists the turbocharger in the generation of the intake manifold. The boost pressure is measured by the
required boost pressure. intake manifold sensor and controlled through the waste gate
- valve at the turbocharger.

Diagnostics on the vehicle using KTSxxx

Table of Contents


• Double Vanos

• Valvetronic

• Multiair (Fiat)
( )

• Variable valve control (Audi)

• Cylinder shut-off

• VVT-I System (Toyota)

Double Vanos (Variable Camshaft setting)
BMW Series - six cylinder - engine with double camshaft
In case of engines with camshaft setting, at least the inlet
camshaft, in newer systems both inlet and outlet camshafts, are
turned with respect to the crankshaft. The setting takes place
Vanos units through oil pressure which will be controlled by electrically
operated servomotors.
servomotors The actuation and control of the VANOS
is executed by the engine ECU. The engine ECU detects the
position of the crankshaft through the crankshaft sensor. The
respective positions of the camshaft with respect to the
crankshaft can be detected through the camshaft sensors. Thus
the engine ECU is able to control the camshaft position with
respect to the crankshaft position by actuating the solenoid
valves. The characteristic maps for the positions of the camshaft
2 with respect to crankshaft are stored in the engine ECU. These
maps consider essentially the following parameters:
• Engine speed
3 • Throttle valve position (load requirement)
• Coolant temperature
1. Camshaft - position sensor Outlet - camshaft
2. Solenoid valve for camshaft setting inlet-side Shifting the inlet and outlet camshafts in the direction 'advanced'
3. Solenoid valve for camshaft setting outlet-side by maximum 45 ° with respect to crankshaft.

4. Camshaft - position sensor inlet - camshaft

Double Vanos - Function

1 A : Pre- or return flow of engine oil "A"

B : Entry of engine oil under pressure

8 2 C : Pre- or return flow of engine oil "B"
D : Return to the oil sump

3 A C A C

1 Front plate B D
2. Interlock pin
3. Oil channel
The phase shifter of the inlet camshaft is actuated by the pressure of the engine oil.
4. Tilted rotor
The solenoid valve distributes the engine
g oil under p
pressure into the chambers A or
5. Oil channel B. The difference in oil pressure between the chambers A and B shifts the inlet
6. Pressure chamber Advance setting camshaft. The inlet camshaft is set in the direction "advanced" in the partial load
7. Housing with ring gear range in order to enable flushing of the residual gases from the cylinder.
8. g
Pressure chamber Advance setting

Double Vanos - Function

1 A : Pre- or return flow of engine oil "A"

B : Entry of engine oil under pressure

8 2 C : Pre- or return flow of engine oil "B"
D : Return to the oil sump

3 A C A C

1 Front plate B D
2. Interlock pin
3. Oil channel Setting of the inlet valve in the direction "late":
4. Tilted rotor High load and RPM: The inlet valves are closed 'late' to favor the filling-up
5. Oil channel with
ith air.
6. Pressure chamber Advance setting Idling: In order to achieve a stable idling, the inlet valve is opened 'late'. As a
7. Housing with ring gear result, there is hardly any residual gas present in the cylinder (no valve
8. g
Pressure chamber Advance setting

BMW - Valvetronic


Valvetronic I

Valvetronic II

1. Sensor Eccentric shaft 5. Intermediate lever

2. Servo motor 6. Roller-type cam follower Eccentric shaft with
magnetic wheel
3. Eccentric shaft 7. Hydraulic tappet Sensor Eccentric
4. Inlet camshaft 8
8. Vanos solenoid valve shaft

BMW – Valvetronic II
P V – Diagram


Inlet valve Outlet valve valve
open. Outlet
open. open.
Outlet Inlet
valve valve
close. close Outlet valve Inlet
close. valve

Pumping losses in an engine with Valvetronic

P i llosses iin case off a throttle
th ttl valve
l - controlled
t ll d
and almost fully opened throttle valve.

1. What are the advantages offered by the Valvetronic - System?

Improved mixture formation under idling by smaller opening gap of the inlet
valve and the so-called Phasing of both the inlet valves. Throttle-free load

BMW – Valvetronic I and II
1 2 3 1 1. Return spring
2. Servomotor
3. Worm shaft
4. Gate block
5. Worm wheel
6. Eccentric shaft
7. I t
di t lever
9 8. Inlet camshaft
7 10 9. Ramp at intermediate
10.Roller cam follower Inlet
11.Hydraulic tappet
Idle run 12.Inlet valve
Full load

1. In which range does the valve lift change itself?

Valvetronic I: at idling 0.3 mm; at full load 9.7 mm.
Valvetronic II: at idling
g 0.18 mm;; at full load: 9.7 mm.
2. What must be observed during repair of Valvetronic I ?
The intermediate lever and the roller cam follower are classified and adapted (in
the factory) in the cylinder. They must not be interchanged between cylinders.

BMW Valvetronic III
1. Plug socket
17 2. Sealing collar
1 3. Outlet camshaft
2 4. Roller-type cam follower
5. Hydraulic valve clearance adjuster
6. Valve spring
3 7. Outlet valve
8. Valvetronic servomotor
13 9. Inlet valve
4 12 10.Valve spring
5 11 11 Hydraulic valve clearance adjuster
6 10 12.Roller-type cam follower
7 13.Intermediate lever
9 14.Inlet camshaft
16.Torsion spring
17.Eccentric shaft
18.Oil jet nozzle
The Valvetronic servomotor in the cylinder head
The Valvetronic servomotor contains the sensor for position detection of the eccentric shaft.
Engine oil is allowed to flow though and around the Valvetronic servomotor.

MULTIAIR SYSTEM - Functional principle
9 1. Upper pump element
9 1 2. Oil chamber
3. Hydraulic tappet
8 4. Valve spring force
8 6 5. Inlet valves
6. Hydraulic
y tappet
7. Pressure accumulator
2 8. VVA-Valve (Solenoid valve, open when
de-energized) [VVA =Variable Valve
7 Actuation]]
6 9. Camshaft movement (lever)
5 10.Camshaft
The upper pump element and the inlet valves are connected to each other through an oil chamber
h volume
l is
i controlled
t ll d by
b th
the opening/closing
i / l i off ththe solenoid
l id valve.
l (normally
( ll open when
h att restt ).
4 Function logic:
If the solenoid valve is closed during the entire camshaft rotation (triggered due to current control
5 emerging from the engine electronics), then the inlet valves follow the camshaft profile (Full-lift
) The advanced closure of the inlet valve is achieved byy the opening
p g ((de-energization)
g ) of the
solenoid valve prior to the end of the complete camshaft rotation. The oil flows through the solenoid
valve (8) from the high pressure chamber to the medium pressure chamber where the pressure
accumulator is located. Accordingly the movement of the valve is not coupled to the camshaft profile
and the valve is closed due to the action of the valve spring (4) prior to the full-lift movement.

MultiAir Map control

Partial Load
Full Lift


LIVO Multi
l i Lift

Variable Valve lift control Audi / Porsche
1 1. Positioner with pin
2. Inlet camshaft
3. Cam member
4. Slide groove
2 5. Ball and spring

3 4
AUDI valve lift setting "Valvelift"

VarioCam Plus / Porsche

There are two different cam shapes present on the inlet camshaft. By
selective switching of the corresponding cam, the respective valve lift
curves can be made to act on the engine. In detail, the bucket tappet
consists of two tappets which lie together and which can be interlocked
against each other with the help of a bolt. The inner tappet is in contact
with the small cam whereas the outer tappet makes contact with the big
cam. A hydraulic compensating element is integrated always for the
valve play in the power flow of the tappet.
Lower RPMs "small Higher RPMs "large
cams"" cams""

Cylinder shutoff of VW 1.4
1 4 TSI
Inactive Active

Actuators cylinder 2 and 3.

3 Ca sswitch-over
Cam tc o e full
u load
oad - Cylinder shutoff (Cyl. 2 and 3)
partial load "Zero-cams"

The closing of the valves occurs through a complex actuator system: Two individually shiftable sleeves each, the so-called
cam members, are seated on special teething on the inlet and outlet camshafts. They are responsible for the eight valves of
the second and third cylinders. Each cam member carries two independent profiles each, one next to the other, at its end. A
common full profile cam and a so-called zero-lift cam. The full profile cams actuate the roller cam followers in the four cylinder
operation and the valves through them. They behave like totally conventional cams. The zero-lift cams, on the other hand,
rotate through the cam followers. They do not actuate them; the valve springs hold the valves in closed position.
Simultaneously the engine management stops the injection.
injection On the external sides of the rotating cam member,
member spiral-shaped
grooves are milled over which the sleeves can slide a few millimeters on the shafts with lightening speed. If the electro-
magnetic actuators in the cylinder head cover receive a signal via the engine control, two integrated metal pins grip into the
grooves from the outside and bring them into the end position. The cam members are finally locked by the spring-loaded balls.
As soon as the driver presses the accelerator pedal strongly, the cylinder two and three are once again switched.

Toyota VVT
VVT-II System
3 For stationary 1. Camshafts (outlet)
2 4 engine 2. Camshafts (inlet)
3. VVT-I unit
4. Camshaft-actuator
3 5. Camshaft sensor
For running
engine 6. Crankshaft sensor
7 Hydraulic pressure
8. Vane-type pump
7 9. Vanes
10.Pre-pressure side
Camshaft actuator 11.Feedback side
5 12.Control slide
1 14.Oil pressure
10 11 12

System view

13 14 15 Camshaft-actuator
Camshaft actuator

Toyota VVT-I
VVT I System

VVT-I unit
Signal from engine Signal from engine Signal from engine

Direction of

Direction of
Oil Return Oil
Oil pressure
pressure Return line pressure
Pre-feedback position Feedback Fixing

1. How is the camshaft actuator triggered?

With a PWM signal.
2. Which position does the camshaft actuator assume for a stationary engine?
The camshaft actuator is in the maximum feedback position.


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