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 Google Classrooms
 “Creating a fraction on Word & Docs” PowerPoint (Uploaded on google classrooms)
 Microsoft Word
 Google Docs
 Zoom

Setting: Learning Lab class, 9-9:50am. Zoom breakout rooms

Instructional objective: Student will be able to create standard form fraction online.
1) Welcome L.T, J.M, F.L and J.J to class, ask how they are doing. Make students feel

2) Open PowerPoint “Creating a fraction on Word & Docs” on Google classrooms. Share
screen when presenting to small group.

3) Engagement and activate interest: let students know there is a secret way to make
fractions on word docs and Google docs. You will be helping them find the hidden way.

4) Connections to prior learning: remind them that last week we started working with
fractions looking at numerators and denominators. Pick their brains and see if students
can give you the definitions of both vocab words.

5) Student friendly learning target: “I will be able to create this standard form a fractions
on the computer”

6) Behavior expectations:
 Microphones on mute unless called on or asking a question
 Follow along on the shared screen
 Participate as much as possible
 web browsers stay on topic

7) Presentation of information:
 Review definitions of numerator and denominator (refresh what both mean
when we look at a fraction). Look at a few visual representation of fractions and
ask students to give the numerator, denominator, and way to say the complete
fraction. (slide 1 & 2)
 Present the way students have been answering fractions in the x/x form.
 Explain why this isn’t the proper way and some math teachers will not take the
answer as correct because of its form.
 Call on student to explain what different with the standard form.
 Show them the standard form ( ) (slide 3)

8) Show & Model

 Open a word document and follow the steps on the PowerPoint, asking for
student’s input on which fraction to make (WORD DOC)
 Show again and once again ask for another students input of the fraction.
 Challenge Ask which fraction is bigger
 Have student’s open up work document
 Present step by step instruction on slide so students can follow along creating
any fraction. (slide 4)
 Present activity on next slide that students will have to create standard form on
fraction to their assigned visual representation on their own word docs (Slide 5)
 Have students share screen to show you their created fraction
 Once you have seen them all, present the way to make them on google doc
(Slides 6-8)
 Follow steps again

9) Assign assessment
 Present students with 10 visual representations of fractions in various forms
(slide 9)
 Have students identify the fractions and answer the first 5 on word doc and last
5 on google doc to turn in.

10) Closing
 Have students turn it their work on google classrooms and leave breakout room

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