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Servings – 2
 1 medium green apple (cut into pieces)
 2 kiwis (skinned, chopped)
 1 cup curd
 half cup spinach
 1 tbsp chia seeds
 1 tbsp honey (optional)
 Kiwi slices for garnish
 Chia seeds for garnish


Servings– 1
 One fourth to Half cup cooked grains
(couscous/bulgur/quinoa/brown rice/ whole grain/millet pasta
or noodles)
 1 cup vegetables (as per choice), chopped into pieces or
shredded as per choice (vegetables options – green leafy like
spinach, lettuce, kale, tomatoes, bell peppers, sauteed
mushrooms, sauteed broccoli, spring onions, sauteed
zucchini, tomato, avocado, cucumbers, carrots,
beetroot/olives/jalapenos/basil/boiled corn)
 Half cup protein as per choice (protein options – cottage
cheese or tofu -5 medium pieces/sprouts/cooked beans/cooked
chickpeas/cooked chicken)
Dressing (options given below)
1. Yogurt dressing
3 tbsp hung curd + 1 clove garlic, finely chopped + finely chopped
coriander leaves + Dijon mustard + salt, pepper, lemon to taste
2. Vinaigrette dressing

3 tbsp vinegar + 2 tbsp Dijon mustard + half cup olive oil + 1 clove
garlic + 1 tbsp honey + salt, pepper, oregano to taste
3. Sesame ginger dressing

4 tbsp olive oil + 2 tbsp sesame oil + 4 tbsp rice vinegar + 1 clove
garlic or garlic powder + 2 tbsp soy sauce + 1 tbsp honey + 2 tbsp
freshly ground or grated ginger
Equipment needed
Super Green Smoothie

 Knife
 Blender
 Glass for serving
Bowl Meal
 Knife
 Peeler
 Chopping board
 Spoons (teaspoon & table spoon for measuring)
 Cup (for measuring)
 Mixing bowl
 Lemon press juicer
 Jar with a tight-fitting lid for preparing the dressing
 Serving bowl
 Serving fork and spoon

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