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In this world, everybody has the right to live.

In the Bible, the greatest gift that a man and a woman

receive is the gift of an unborn child. But nowadays, it seems invaluable because people mercilessly cut
off a life for they cannot carry on the result of their pleasure that is not even governed by marriage.
People today tend to have a sexual interaction without marriage, which is against the Bible, as stated in
1 Corinthians 7:1-2. In connection, a woman's virginity is also a precious possession that can only be
given after marriage. But this time, people are just doing sexual intercourse just for fun, and the holiness
of a woman is gone. This 'so-called' fun of them always bore results that create a new life form in a
woman's womb. But when they cannot handle the responsibility, they resort to abortion. In law,
abortion is a crime for it equates with killing for you killed an innocent child, and is also against the rule
of human rights. In this video, I will discuss with you my opinion about abortion.

Exodus 20:13 stated that you have no right to kill any human on this earth. But why is it that most
women abort their child when they know that we have no right to kill a human being, especially an
unborn child? The reason why is that they cannot take care of the baby that God has given to her.
Instead, they kill the baby because, in the first place, they never wanted it. They are only after the
pleasure they get from having sex and not minding the consequences of their actions. According to
Guttmacher institute 2020, approximately 61% have their abortion from ages 14 to 49 years old in 2015
to 2016, which is equal to 170 million a year. Imagine how many innocent babies are killed and loses the
chance to live just because of careless sexual intercourse with a man. It pains to know that the
happiness of the child's parent's pains him or her. It hurts how the child pays for this parent's mistake.
They do not deserve it. For they deserve to live for the is a child's birthright. We all knew that we have
all the freedom to live in this world. Each one of us. Is either we based on religion, science, or even in
law. We have the freedom to live, and as well, we do not have any right to hurt or kill anybody. The
article stated by the Center for reproductive rights said that 50 countries survey 59% of them have the
freedom to abort the baby, and the remaining 41% have the law in abortion. But in 59% of the free law,
23,000 women died a year because of illegal procedure. You see how many women and child is dying
because of abortion.

Why do people have to kill an innocent child? Why can't people be responsible for the consequences of
their actions? If a fetus can speak, I am sure he or she will plead with his or her mother to let him or her
live because I knew they want to live and experience the wonder of this world, but people stop that
dream of a child. Abortion did not just kill a life, but it also kills the potential that that child might give off
to the world. We never know what the child will become. Maybe they will become a doctor who can
cure an incurable disease. They can be scientists who can invent or discover something that can lead to
a breakthrough and significantly help our world. They can be a president that can straighten a corrupt
government. They can be a police, a pilot, a nurse, and an endless possibility of potentially being a gret
person who might change other lives and the world. Just imagine all the potentials being killed. There is
no need for a law, article, facts, holy book, or even theory to prove that a baby does not have any rights
to live here on earth because we always do. If we know that we cannot take care of the baby, then do
not involve in any sexual interaction that might get you pregnant because many people want that baby
to be born, but they cannot do it. I am asking all of you to please think numerously about your action
before entering into a situation. Once you are faced with the consequence of your move, you can never
turn back. All you have to do is face it and please be responsible for it, and don't let others suffer from it
because it is your wrongdoing, not them. Just imagine how unfair it is for an unborn child to be suffering
from others' wrong mistakes.

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