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So now we will look on the other side of the app which is how an employee,

freelancer even a vender can receive this payment, and they can choose how they
want to receive that 1000 dollars’ worth ether to be paid to them.
So, in this case this person wants Brazilian reals.

Further you will get 2 options, one is Digital currency and Bank Transfer. Now in
Bank transfer we can see a list a country say India, US, China and so on, we can
select any country we wish to convert that 1000 Dollars ether.

Next option we get is Digital Currency, when we click on the Digital Currency
option where we can get a list of all Crypto Currencies like Bitcoin, Ether and so
on. After select, the Cryptocurrency now, we need to enter the bitcoin address for
further payment.

After this step one tap will pop up asking you what percentage of 1000 Dollars
you want to convert into Crypto and normal currency. In this case he wants 25%
in Bitcoin and 75% in Brazilian currency.

Now you have successfully added your distribution and we can see all the details
which we have enter. After cross checking we can continue to receive the

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