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English VII

Activity 3. Concerts you have been

Name: Gustavo Angel Fuentes Ramirez

Carrier: ITEC
Group: 8° “A” Date: 13/02/2021

1. Go to page 51 in you book, review present perfect and simple past.

2. Write a conversation like the model in D page 51.
3. Include 3 details about the concert you saw.
4. Save your activity in PDF and name with your Name_Lastname_Activity3.
5. Upload your activity before February 14th 23:59.

A: Has anybody seen Rels b in concert?

B: Yes, I have. I saw he in 2018.

A: Was the concert good?

B: It was awesome. He a new album "Flakk Daniel's Lp" was released and it
is one of my favorites.

A: Really?

B: Yeah, he sang all of her best songs, and I loved her look.

A: Have you seen the concert any other time?

B: I´ve viewed that concert many times and apparently that album is really

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