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Julian Kate O.

Balintag MW 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM


What happens to your respiratory and cardiovascular system when you exercise?

- With an increased amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide transport, your respiratory rate -- rate of
breathing -- also increases. The increased respiration rate allows more oxygen to reach the lungs and
blood to be delivered to the muscles. The lungs bring oxygen to the body which provides energy and
they also eliminate carbon dioxide and the heartpumps oxygen into the muscles that are working during
the exercise.

Give situations in your life that exercise is beneficial?

Exercise improves muscle strength

- Staying active keeps muscles strong and joints, tendons and ligaments flexible, allowing you to move
more easily and avoid injury. Strong muscles and ligaments reduce your risk of joint and lower back pain
by keeping joints in proper alignment. They also improve coordination and balance.

Active people tend to sleep better

- Physical activity makes you more tired so you’re more ready to sleep. Good quality sleep helps improve
overall wellness and can reduce stress.

Exercise improves your mood and gives you an improved sense of well-being
- Physical activity stimulates the release of endorphins which make you feel better and more relaxed.
These in turn improve your mood and lower your stress levels.

Exercise can help prevent and treat mental illnesses like depression
- Physical activity can help you meet people, reduce stress levels, cope with frustration, give you a sense
of achievement, and provide some important “me time”, all of which help with depression.

Discuss FITT.

One tried-and-true method to forming a fitness plan that works for you is to apply the FITT Principle.
FITT stands for frequency, intensity, time, and type.

Frequency is how often you exercise. Usually we measure this by number of days each week.

Intensity is how hard your exercise. We might categorize this as low, moderate, or high intensity.

Time refers to the time of day you exercise and how long each session lasts.

Type refers to what kind of exercise you are doing. For example, you might do cardiovascular activity
(also known simply as 'cardio'), strength training, or a combination of the two.

How to determine your intensity?

- Your intensity depends on the work out you want to undergo and it serves as a guide for you to make
the best out of your work out. You can choose whether it will be moderate or vigorous level in order for
you to achieve your desired goals.

Identify different types of workouts and give sample exercises for each.

Aerobic exercises- activities that work your cardiovascular system. Sample exercises: Running,
swimming, dancing

Strength exercise- work your muscles by using resistance. This type of exercise increases lean muscle
mass. Sample exercises: push-ups, crunches, weight lifting

Balance exercises- improve your ability to control and stabilize your body's position.
Sample exercises: back leg raise, side leg raise, squats

Flexibility exercises- stretch your muscles and may improve your range of motion at your joints.
Sample exercises: glute stretch, hamstring stretch, adductor stretch

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