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Summary of Findings

Main findings indicate that majority were 16-18 years old when they had

their first pregnancy. In terms of educational attainment, most of them are

in the high school level that was unable to finish due to their pregnancy. In

terms of the source of income, majority came from the parent’s support and

some are from their partners.

The extent of health practices of teenage mothers before pregnancy

was high. During pregnancy, the extent of health practices of teenage

mothers was very high. After pregnancy, the extent of health practices of

the teenage mothers was also very high. Despite these findings, it shows

that there is no improvement on the use of contraceptives before and after

the pregnancy.


Teenage mothers’ health practices are developed based from the

profile variables. Their health practices are more on maternal practices that

came from the exposure to their health centers.


Based on the findings of the study, the researchers recommend that:

1. Health teaching about health practices of teenage before, during and

after pregnancy.
2. Strengthen open line of communication with family members to

reinforce family support.

3. Good relationship with other teenage mothers should be encouraged to

foster exchange of information in regards to care.

4. Participation in community group planning should be encouraged to

develop active social involvement.

5. It is highly recommended that the proposed output will be

implemented to increase the knowledge of the teenagers on different

methods of contraception.

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