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Lisa was terrified, it was her first job interview since the divorce and she wasn’t sure

how she
was going to do without him by her side. She was applying to be a waitress at the SUEV bar
and grill; an extremely prestigious establishment that would lift both her and her family out of
poverty. The morning before she carefully picked out the outfit she would wear, she decided on
her grandmother's beautiful black bonnet and a simple green sweater. After kissing her children
goodbye she began to make her way down main street, nervously picking through scenarios in
her head, but little did Lisa know that what was about to happen is not something that any
interviewee could be ready for. Lisa has always been a rather intelligent young woman but at
the same time passionate yet sensitive, personable yet sociable, and polite yet powerful,
however, for some reason pacing down main street; Lisa had never felt so powerless. It
reminded her of when she was a little girl, aspiring to be the starting pitcher on her school's
baseball team, there was no doubt she had potential, heck she was better than most of the boys
on the team a year older than her. Then came the day of the tryout, and the coach only ever
said one thing to Lisa; ​You cannot play on this team.​ These words resonated through little Lisa’s
mind beating the inside of her skull like a drum. ​Why? ​She wondered, her younger self came far
from comprehending why she was denied the position, she knew she was good so why did the
coach not want her on the team? To this day that thought still haunts Lisa, as she walked down
mainstreet wondering, ​will I ever be able to work again?. T ​ hen, there it was, you could see it
from a mile away and still know exactly what it said, the crisp bulb lights illuminating the entirety
of main street with four neon letters that read ​SUEV. ​This was her way out! This was the day
she could finally prove to herself that she could do it. Lisa nervously patted down her blouse and
straightened her bonnet as she pushed open the door. ​Wow, ​thought Lisa as she looked
around, it was like a whole new world in there, beautiful paintings adorned the walls while soft
romantic music resonated throughout the room all creating an exuberant atmosphere. ​Lisa?,
asked a woman’s voice, as she snapped out of her trance. ​Yes that’s me s​ he responded,
Perfect, please follow me, ​said the mystery woman. She led Lisa to a table by a window that
had very few people near, the only person in sight was a man, one she was sure she
recognized but couldn’t tell as his head was down and she refocused her thoughts onto the
woman in front of her. The interview was a blur, everything swirled together in Lisa’s mind but
she thought it went well. The reporter thanked Lisa for her time and Lisa was on her way out the
door when someone tapped her shoulder and quietly whispered in her ears “​follow me to seek
the truth, but in order to reach enlightenment you must leave all you know behind​”...

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