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Enable Chapter Select [Thomas83Lin]

0439ED7C 60000000
0439EFEC 60000000
0439F118 3BE0001F
0439EE5C 3B60000F
*All Ending'sChapters*

All Items are on sale [Thomas83Lin]

C221B590 00000002
3980008B B1830186
7D836378 00000000
C221B5B8 00000012
2803001A 41810010
5463083C 38630001
4E800020 2803001D
4181000C 3863001C
4E800020 28030022
41810010 5463083C
3863FFFF 4E800020
28030023 4082000C
38600044 4E800020
28030033 41810010
5463083C 3863FFFE
4E800020 28030049
41810010 5463083C
38630017 4E800020
28030089 41810010
5463083C 3863FFE5
4E800020 386000F8
4E800020 00000000
*Ported From Y.S.*

Items never sold out [Thomas83Lin]

0421B5F0 38600000
*Ported From Y.S.*

Disable Bag's capacity limit [Thomas83Lin]

041C4814 38E0270F
*Ported From Y.S.*

Full Archive [Thomas83Lin]

C21D1630 00000002
7C0C0378 38000039
7C0361AE 00000000
*Ported From Y.S.*

Invincible (Disable hit detection) [Thomas83Lin]

0405AA1C 480002BC
*Ported From Y.S.*

Level 50 (gain some exp. point) [Thomas83Lin]

041C32A0 3800BF68
*Ported From Y.S.*

Exp. Point Multiplier [Thomas83Lin]

C21C32A0 00000002
60000000 00000000
*Ported From Y.S.*
*Replace XXXX with 0000-????*

Exp. Point Divider [Thomas83Lin]

C21C32A0 00000002
3980XXXX 7FFF63D6
7C05FA14 00000000
*Ported From Y.S.*
*Replace XXXX with 0000-????*

Max Chain gauge [Thomas83Lin]

C210EF84 00000002
D03D141C FC400890
60000000 00000000
*Ported From Y.S.*

ResetTimer [Thomas83Lin]
041F9888 38000000
*Ported From Y.S.*

1 Hit Kill [Thomas83Lin]

C205D438 00000005
818DA200 818C0004
818C0008 818C0098
818C000C 7C0C2800
41820008 38600000
90650004 00000000
*Ported From Y.S.*

Stop Timer Wii Remote Z+C ON/OFF [Thomas83Lin]

287E0D3A 9FFF6000
044A6078 60000000
041F9890 60000000
CC000000 00000000
044A6078 90830040
041F9890 7C002214
E0000000 80008000
*Ported From ukuneko*

Stop Timer Classic Controller L+X ON/OFF [Thomas83Lin]

287E0D9A DFF72008
044A6078 60000000
041F9890 60000000
CC000000 00000000
044A6078 90830040
041F9890 7C002214
E0000000 80008000
*Ported From ukuneko*

Infinite Leots [Apache81]

48000000 807F11B8
DE000000 80008180
14000040 000F423F
E0000000 80008000

Infinite Health [Apache81]

48000000 807F1BC0
DE000000 80008180
58010000 00000004
DE000000 80008180
58010000 00000008
DE000000 90009340
58010000 00000098
DE000000 80008180
58010000 0000000C
DE000000 80008180
92210000 00000008
94210000 00000004
E0000000 80008000

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