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1. a.

Heading : it contains applicant data, date and company data

b. Salutaion : it contains Dear Mr/Mrs . Folowed by last name
c. Body of the letter :

2. a. Personal details and contact person : it contains Personal data( Name, adress, phone number,
b. Education and qualifications : it contains a education history along with the degrees obtained
c. Work experience : it contains employment history

3. a. Title : it consist organization name, title of report, Subject name, unit code, teacher name,
student name, student id, date completion
b. Content page : it consist papge number of all chapter
c. Introduction : it explains the aim and the scope of the report
- aim : it explains the reason why the report was written
- scope : it explains the limitatin of the report
d. background : it contains the theory, method, and knowledge that used in the report
e. discussion : it consist all of data used in the report
- apparatus : it show all of the tools that used in the determination
- materials : it show all of the materials tha used in the determination
- observation data : it show all of data obtained from the determination
f. Conclusion : it consist the result of the determination
g. Recomendation : It cosist the author recomendation to reader based on author have done
h. references : list of any book, articles, journal that used to support the writting of the report

4. a. Opening : part for greetings the audience, introduction ourself and the purpose of the
b. Introducing the topic : part for explain the analysis that has already done
c. elaborating the topic : part for explain the background, disscussion, conclusion,
recomendation, refrences
d. Closing : Part for open the quetions, and thanking and leave thanking

5. My name is Fadhil Nauvan Haridy, now i studied at 13 Vocational Highschool and i am majoring
as chemical analyst. And now i am in 12 th grade.

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