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I developed a game: Qulity.

However, after some testing I am quite disappointed in the

result, something is missing.

Here are the tasks I wish you could help me with:

● Convert the game to vertical instead of horizontal. This includes making sure the
assets and UI are displayed correctly on a users phone.
● Change the controls from accelerometer to a tap and hold control. A user will tap and
hold their finger at the bottom of the screen controlling the sideways movement of the
character. Also, instead of tapping the screen to jump, the user should swipe up.
● Change the camera position to be slightly lower, similar to a game like subway surfer.
● Fading text to appear on the top of the screen and have the camera go back to its
current position momentarily to indicate when a player bounces over clouds and
when they just have to just dodge obstacles. The text would be in roboto font, in a
low opacity.
● Add a slight glow around objects tagged "floaters", like a slight neon colour like
green, purple or blue so that it is clear that those objects are what players can
bounce on. Also, add a slight white glow to the clouds.
● I added the coins and pick-ups manually, however, I feel like they aren't placed
properly or not randomised enough. If you could go over and add more coins or
pick-ups in better positions and sequences to make the game flow better and more
● Fix the clouds, the physics should work more cartoony. The player should bounce
high and more animated rather than the short bounces currently active. As well, the
collider should be more fluid rather than the rigid clouds now. As there should never
be an instance where a player has to climb the clouds, but is instead sent into the air
● Lastly, to go over the game and fix any play through issues. Some obstacle colliders
interfere with the gameplay, other times the camera gets blocked. So to go over the
gameplay and make sure it runs smoothly and logically for a player.

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