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Industry 4.0 is the name of the latest automation and data update trends in manufacturing technology.

This term includes a cyber-physical system, the internet for all, cloud computing and cognitive


Industry 4.0 produces "smart factories” Inside intelligent factories have a modular structure, physical-

cyber systems, physical processes, create virtual physical world conversations, and make decisions that

are not centralized. Through the Internet for all (IoT), the cyber-physical system communicates and

collaborates with one another and humans together. Through cloud computing, internal and cross-

organizational services are provided and utilized by parties in the value chain. [1]

the impact of the industrial revolution 4.0 for high school students is very diverse, starting from

the negative or positive side.

first we will see from the positive side, high school students are now a native digital generation

that is a generation born where technology is already in its environment, so they are already

proficient in using the internet, many things can be accessed from the internet one of them is

about learning in schools so , so students not only get knowledge from their teachers and books

but also from the internet. they can search for things they don't get from books and can also get

interesting videos about learning from the internet, and it makes students become enthusiastic in learning.

Some creative students pour their creativity on the internet, for example making novels or short essays

through applications like "wattpad"they can also open online shopping, become celebrities and

YouTubers and that can make them have their own income,and they can have friends insocial media not

only from the same country but also from the foreign country so they can teach about many culture frpm

their friend. apart from the positive side there is also a negative side. like a lot of content that is

sometimes inappropriate for students, such as porn videos that can make the brain performance of
students disrupted because the effects caused by the video are the same as drugs. also various online

gambling sites, and also online games which can make students become negligent. Murdis also rarely

socialize because they only play the internet all the time and also because they already have friends on

social media

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