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Egy. J. aquac., Vol. 4, No.

(2):1-12 (2014) ISSN: 2090-7877

Causes of mortality in Discus fish (Symphysodon) and trials for

Nadia A. Abd El-Ghany, Nahla R. El-khatib, and Soad S. A. Salama
Fish Diseases Department- Animal Health Research Institute, Dokki, Giza.

Discus (Symphysodon) from the family cihildae is one of the most
popular and expensive aquarium fish. In the past few years, farming of
this fish has been well developed in Egypt. In this study, a total number
of 30 Symphysodon spp collected randomly from private freshwater
ornamental fish farm in Kalubia Governorate at December 2013. Discus
fish suffered from mortality after the onset of anorexia, eye cloudiness,
ascites, excessive body mucus, frayed dorsal fin and tail rot. They were
subjected to clinical, postmortem, parasitic, bacterial and mycotic
examinations to clarify the causative agents of mortality. The recovered
fungi were Fusarium solani, F. oxysporum and F. moniliform with the
prevalence of 50, 33.34 and 16.66% respectively. Bacteriological
examination revealed that isolation of Aeromonas hydrophila with
prevalence 60% and it was sensitive to Ciprofloxacin. The parasitic
examination revealed that fish were infested with Spironucleus spp with
prevalence of 80%. The Symphysodon spp which were concomitantly
mixed infected by bacterial (A. hydrophila), fungal (Fusarium) and
parasite (Spironucleus) were subjected to trials for treatment either by
chemical or physical.
Key words: Discus fish, Fusarium spp, Aeromonas hydrophila, Symphysodon
spp, Spironucleus spp, treatment.

Introduction and poor management. At present, various

diseases have been reported in ornamental
Ornamental fish keeping has become
fish including bacterial diseases (Pate et
an ever more common hobby global.
al., 2005), viral diseases (Hedrick and
Several species of ornamental fishes are
McDowell, 1995) and parasitic diseases
imported from Southeast Asian countries
(Leibowitz and Zilberg, 2009 and Smith
into other countries (Iqbal et al., 2012).
and Roberts, 2010).
Discus is one of the most popular and
expensive aquarium fish and considered Discus fish require higher water
as a difficult-to-culture species due to its temperatures than most other tropical
complex reproductive behavior, involving aquarium fish, so they should be
parental care of eggs and newly hatched maintained between 28ºC – 31ºC
larvae (Chelappa et al., 2005 and Giovanetti and Lucanus (2001).
Manochehr et al., 2014) Temperature lower than 27ºC caused
Discus became significantly more
Infectious diseases pose a constant and
susceptible to diseases.
serious threat to ornamental fish that are
farmed intensively under conditions of In Egypt, There are few studies on
high stocking density, poor water quality diseases of discus and causes mortality.
Causes of mortality in Discus fish (Symphysodon) and trials for treatment

The objective of this study was to survey (Potato Dextrose Agar, (Booth, 1971)).
the causes of loss of such fish in Cultures were incubated at 25oC for 3-7
propagation farm, trails for treatment and days. Post inoculation, the spores were
management control. stained with lactophenol cotton blue and
examined microscopically.
Materials and Methods
A morphometric identification of the
Naturally infected Fish fungal isolates was carried out based on
culture characteristics, namely colony
A total number of 30 Symphysodon
colour, type of mycelium, shape and
spp of range body weight (0.5 - 3 g) septation of micro and macroconidia
suffered from skin lesions and anorexia. (Burgess, 1981).
They were randomly collected from
Bacteriological examination
private freshwater ornamental fish farm in
Samples from liver, spleen, kidney,
Kalubia Governorate (complained from
gills, ascetic fluid and gas bladder of
Discus mortality) at December 2013 and
examined Symphysodon spp were
transported alive to Fish Diseases streaked onto nutrient agar, trypticase soy
research department Lab Animal Health agar, Rimler- Shotts medium (RS) and
Research Institute. Fish hold in fully
thiosulphate citrate bile salt agar (TCBS)
prepared aquaria for observation and
plates then incubated at 25ºC for 24-48
examination as soon as possible in same
hrs. The growing colonies were picked up
farm water.
in pure form and reinoculated into
Clinical and postmortem examinations trypticase soy agar for further
All of the collected fish were identification.
subjected to clinical signs and
Isolates were identified by cultural,
postmortem findings according to (Plumb
morphological and biochemical
and Bowser, 1983).
characterization according to Austin and
Mycological examination Austin (2007) and through using
The mycological methods used in this commercial miniaturized API®20E
investigation were described by Chinain system (Biomerieux, France) according to
and Vey (1988). Tissue specimens manufacturer’s instructions.
measuring approximately 5-10 mm were Antibiogram
taken under aseptic precautions from
It was carried out using various
liver, spleen, kidney, gills and skin and chemotherapeutic agents against the
inoculated into plates containing isolated A. hydrophila and judgment of
Sabouraud's dextrose agar medium with
the obtained results in comparison to
500 units' penicillin and 2 mg
interpretive standards was applied as
streptomycin per ml-1 to prevent bacterial
described by (Quinn et al., 2002).
growth according to (Benk and Rogers,
Parasitological examination
Cultures were kept at 25oC for 1-4 Fish were examined externally and
days. Pure cultures were established using internally for gross signs of parasitism
single spore isolation method a small part and any abnormalities. Smears made
of fungal mycelium from the 1-4 days from skin lesions and from various sites
culture was transferred using sterile along the gastrointestinal tract and of the
medical needle and inoculated on PDA blood, and imprints made of internal
Nadia et al.,

organs (liver, kidney, spleen, and gall In this type of treatment, there were
bladder). Microscopic examination of wet two aquaria ( group three and group four)
mounts under bright field and phase contain natural mixed infected Discus fish
contrast X40. Stained smears with Giemsa held at 25°C and 30°C using
stain were used in detailed examination thermostatically control water heaters.
and identification according to (Kent et Control infected Discus fish groups were
al., 1992 and Buchmann and Uldal, subjected to similar circumstances, but
1996). without use of any chemicals.
Treatment experiment
Clinical signs
A total number of 60 natural infected
Symphysodon spp. with mixed bacterial, Naturally infected Symphysodon spp
mycotic and parasitic infection were showed ulceration on the skin especially
divided into 6 groups, ten fish each. The on the head and dorsal fins. Fish suffered
fish were holding in six full glass aquaria from exophthalmia, eye cloudiness,
40×40×50 cm with Chlorine free tap congested gills abdominal distention,
water. Fish starved two days before excessive body mucus, frayed dorsal fin
treatment according to (Innes, 1966). All and tail rot Fig .1 (A, B & C).
fish were observed over two weeks period Post- mortem findings
for morbidity and mortalities and
Postmortem findings of naturally
examined 24 hours after the end of the
infected fish revealed congestion of
treatment. A treatment was considered
visceral organs, in some cases paleness
effective when it caused a complete
and focal liver with yellowish nodules,
removal of infection of all fish used in the
enlargement of spleen, yellowish fluid in
assay (Tojo and Santamarina, 1998).
abdominal cavity. The intestine showed
Chemical treatment yellowish mucus and haemorrhages of gas
bladder. In some cases gas bladder filled
The natural mixed infected
with yellowish fluid Fig .1 (D).
Symphysodon spp. in group one were
treated by exposed long bath treatment of Fungal study
Metronidazole 5ppm for 12 hour for
The recovered fungi isolated on
three times day after day and 50% water
Sabouraud's dextrose agar medium and
changes before drug administration. The
preliminarily identified on PDA were
fish in group two were exposed to
identified morphometrically as members
commercial antibiotics ciprofloxacin
of the genus Fusarium, namely Fusarium
(5ppm for 5 days and 50% water changes
solani (50%), F. oxysporum (33.34%) and
before drug administration). The choice of
F. moniliform (16.66%). The prevalence
these drugs was according to sensitivity
of recovery of such Fusarium species in
test result and the doses according to
infected ornamental fish Symphysodon
(Noga, 2010).
spp reached (100%) (Table, 1).
All chemical treatments were applied
at water temperature of 20°C and Morphological criteria of Fusarium
dissolved oxygen was censured by regular species were summarized
Fusarium solani: colony grow
Physical treatment
rapidly on PDA with dense aerial white to
Causes of mortality in Discus fish (Symphysodon) and trials for treatment

cream mycelium in concentric rings, characteristic of bacterial isolates are

abundant, floccose, somewhat powdery in summarized in (Table 2) and showed that
aged cultures which reverse to brownish the isolates were identified as A.
colour, showing average growth rate per hydrophila.
day at 25oC Fig. 2 (B). Microconidia
In-vitro sensitivity tests of isolated
usually abundant, ellipsoidal, fusiform or
bacterial strain A. hydrophila to different
kidney shaped after 2-3 days in fresh
chemotherapeutic agents revealed that the
isolates. Macroconidia were abundantly
isolates were sensitive to Ciprofloxacin.
developed after 4-7 days with thick
walled having 3 to 4 septa, straight, Parasitological study
parallel sided for most of length. The
There were no ectoparasites detected
apical cell blunt had rounded end Fig. 2
and only diplomonad flagellates
(C & D).
Spironucleus spp in intestine, liver, gall
Fusarium oxysporum: colonies are
bladder, spleen, heart, skin and fins was
dense and floccose, white mauve
mycelium, which reverse dark brown. observed under a light microscope and
Microconidia were long produced in false phase contrast X40.
The intensity revealed that higher
heads, carried by short conidiophores and
occurrence in the hind part of the intestine
consisted of one or two cells,
than internal organs. The prevalence of
chlamydospores with a thick wall,
parasitic infestation in Symphysodon spp
produced singly or in pairs. Macroconidia
only slightly curved, usually with 3 septa, was 80% (Table, 1). The morphological
occasionally more, thin walled with a characteristics of diplomonad flagellates
under light microscopes indicated that the
notched or foot-shaped basal cell and
parasite was Spironucleus Spp.
The morphology of the (n= 20 )
Fusarium moniliform: colonies are
dark violet with dense aerial mycelium trophozoite stages have transparent
which is delicately floccose to felt. elongated pyriform body and consider
smallest diplomonad flagellates, with a
Microconidia were formed in chain,
body range of 13- 20 mm long and 5.5-
fusiform to clavate with a slightly
10.4 mm wide. The parasite is anterior
flattened base, they occasionally become
tapering and intertwined elongate
one septate. Macroconidia are
inequilaterally fusoid, delicate, thin compact nuclei S-shaped and wrap around
walled, often sharply curved apical cell each other at their narrow anterior ends.
The body is emerging three anterior
and pedicel at basal cell, they are 3-7
flagella, and one posterior flagellum (Fig.
2 (A)).
Bacteriological study
Treatment trials
Bacteriological examination of liver,
spleen, kidney, gills, ascetic fluid and gas In the present investigation, the trials
bladder of examined fish revealed that 72 to treat natural mixed infected
Symphysodon spp. either chemical or
bacterial isolates were recovered and
physical. Table (3) shows that all mixed
characterized from 18 infected fish and
infected fish in group one which were
the total prevalence of bacterial Infection
was 60% (Table, 1). Phenotypic treated with chemical and physical
management (Metronidazole 5ppm for 12
Nadia et al.,

hour for three times, day after day and management in the form of increase of
50% water changes before drug water temperature to 30°C were recovered
administration) have recovered from from infection within two week post
infection within 2 weeks post treatment exposure but 25°C not completely
with complete disappearance of clinical eradicated infection, however there was
signs meanwhile all mixed infected fish in some fish loss in compared with chemical
group two which were treated with treatment by Metronidazole include
ciprofloxacin (5ppm for 5 days and 50% physical management in the form of
water changes before drug administration) partial (50%) water changes.
have not completely recovered from
On the other hand, all of control
infection, and two weeks post treatment
mixed infected fish in group three and six
morbidity rate was 50% of fish .
were dead.
Table (4) shows that all mixed
infected fish that exposed to physical

Fig. (1): show naturally infected Symphysodon spp suffering from ulceration on the skin especially on the
head, dorsal fins, tail rot and ascites. Arrow (A, B & C) show severe congestion of internal organs. Arrow (D).

Causes of mortality in Discus fish (Symphysodon) and trials for treatment

Fig.2. show Giemsa stained Spironucleus isolated from Symphysodon spp. X100, arrow(A).
Colonies of Fusarium solani on PDA showing aerial, white to cream mycelium in concentric rings (B).
Microconidia of Fusarium solani after 2-3 days stained with lactophenol cotton blue showing fusiform shape.
(X40) arrow(C). Macroconidia of Fusarium solani showing slightly curved, more and thin walled (X 40)
arrow (D).

Table (1): The Prevalence of natural mixed infection of examined Symhysodon spp.

No. of examined No. of naturally

Types of infections %
Fish infected Symhysodon spp
Fungal infection
30 100
Fusarium sp.
Parasitic infection 30
24 80
Bacterial infection
18 60
A. hydrophila

Nadia et al.,

Table (2): Morphochemical characteristics of bacterial isolates from Symhysodon


Morpho-chemical Morpho-chemical
A. hydrophila A. hydrophila.
tests tests
Motility + Indole +
Growth on R.S + Gelatin liquefaction +
Growth on
- Gas from glucose -
Ferementation of
+ glucose – +
Citrate - Esculin hydrolyze -
Growth at: 4°C - Gram stain -
Growth at: 41°C - Swarming -
- H2S -
- Nitrate reduction -
Catalase + Urease -
Assimilation of :
Assimilation of :
Sucrose -
Mannitol -
Sorbitol -
Maltose -
Glucose +
Rhmnose -
Arabinose -

-: mean negative results, +: mean positive results

Table (3). The cumulative mortality rate and the morbidity rate of treated
Symhysodon spp by chemicals treatment.

Time in Control Metronidazole Ciprofloxacin

Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative
Morbidity Morbidity Morbidity
Mortality Mortality Mortality
% % %
% % %
0 0 100 0 100 0 100
1 50 50 10 20 20 60
2 100 0 10 0 30 50

Causes of mortality in Discus fish (Symphysodon) and trials for treatment

Table (4). Cumulative mortality and morbidity rates of treated Symhysodon spp by
physical treatment (heat)
Control Water temperature Water temperature
Time 20ºC 25ºC 30ºC
in Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative
Morbidity Morbidity Morbidity
weeks Mortality Mortality Mortality
% % %
% % %
0 0 100 0 100 0 100
1 50 50 10 80 0 20
2 100 0 30 50 0 0
N.B.: The number of fish in each group is 10 fish

Discussion affect fish are ulcerative skin lesion,

Ornamental fish keeping has become lethargy, abdominal distension, ascites
an ever more common hobby global. and anorexia.
Discus is one of the most popular and
Regarding the causative agents of
expensive aquarium fish and considered
mortalities among Symphysodon was the
as a difficult-to-culture species. Studies
mixed infection with A. hydrophila in
on diseases of ornamental fishes
prevailing of 60%, Spironucleus spp 80%
especially Discus in Egypt is few. Studies
and Fusarium spp 100%. These results
on external parasites of ornamental fishes
are consistent with those obtained by
were done more frequently than the ones
(Pate et al., 2005 and Smith and
on internal parasites.
Roberts, 2010).
In the present study, causes of
Several cases of infection related to
mortality among Discus (Symphysodon
Fusarium spp. have been reported in
spp) fish were investigated at late winter
ornamental fishes farm (Manochehr et
of 2013. Naturally infected Symphysodon
al., 2014). Species of Fusarium
spp showed ulceration on the skin
responsible for the disease in ornamental
especially on the head and dorsal fins.
fishes have been identified F. solani and
Fish suffered from exophthalmia, eye
F. moniliform (Iqbal and Ramsha,
cloudiness, ascites, excessive body
2013). F. oxysporum causes several plant
mucus, frayed dorsal fin and tail rot.
diseases Burgess (1981) and a gill disease
These results were in agreement with
in the crayfish (Maestracci, 1987). The
Paull and Matthews (2001) who showed
fungus species is thus found in plants and
that the infected cichlids with
in different species of freshwater and
Spironucleus vortens, showed varied
marine crustaceans.
clinical signs from external to severe
Fungal identification was based on the
systemic symptoms and disagreed with
presence of fungal hyphae and conidia by
Kulda and Lom, (1964) showed that
using light microscopy. Hyphae of F.
infected angelfish had no signs of the
solani appear septated and the
disease although they were infected by
characteristic canoe-shaped macroconidia.
Spironucleus elegans. Also, Roberts et
These results agreed with previously
al. (2009) found that the most common
described (Lightner, 1996).
clinical signs of motile aeromonads that
Nadia et al.,

Also, the morphological culture and mortality and overcome all infections but
biochemical character of isolated A. at 25ºC not completely disappeared of
hydrophila was similar to recorded by morbidity and mortality rate. These
(Awad, 2011). results are consistent with those obtained
Control of fish disease is currently by Sung and Cook (1981) for increasing
based almost entirely on chemotherapy temperatures in the range of 15-35°C
and it will entirely retain a role in the decrease the potential for growth
management of fish culture systems Fusarium spp. and Kersters et al. (1995)
(Roberts, 1995). who investigated the incidence of
Regarding to the sensitivity of A. Aeromonas hydrophila is found in high
hydrophila to different antimicrobials, the numbers when the temperature was
present study showed that Ciprofloxacin around 20–25 ºC and were rarely detected
was the drug of choice. Similar results during cold seasons. Also obtained results
were recorded by Musa et al. (2008) and supported those reported by Bassleer
Awad (2011) who mentioned that (1983) and Buchmann and Uldal (1996)
Ciprofloxacin has proved a world-wide who found the completion of Hexamitid
efficacy to control or treat bacterial growth was at temperature15ºC-20ºC and
infections in fish. Successful control of the optimal performance at 10ºC .
bacterial diseases of cultured fish is a Gratzek (1983) and Sangrnaneedet
major management and economic and Smith (1999) who reported that the
problems for the aquaculture industry rise in water temperature up to 28ºC-29ºC
(Plumb, 1999). enhance the fish’s immune response to
The results of the treatment indicated overcome diseases occurrence.
that chemical treatment with In conclusion, the causative agents of
Metronidazole included physical Discus mortalities were concurrent
management of partial water changes was parasitic / bacterial and fungal infections.
effective to overcome parasitic and This circumstance was the real scenarios
bacterial infection and absence of for infections in the fish environments
morbidity and mortalities after two weeks. where water is naturally inhabited by the
These results agreed with Gratzek, ubiquitous bacteria, fungal and parasites
(1983) and Woo (2006) who mentioned and any stress factors causing fish
that Metronidazole is an antiprotozoal diseases. In case of rearing tropical fish
medication used in fish, although (Discus) we need to take into our
Sangmaneedet and Smith (1999) found consideration the special nature of such
that combination of metronidazole and fish. So physical management and
Magnesium sulfate have been the most chemical treatment should be applied if
effective chemotherapeutic agents in disease establish.
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‫‪Causes of mortality in Discus fish (Symphysodon) and trials for treatment‬‬

‫‪Woo, P.T.K. (2006). Fish Diseases and‬‬ ‫‪Metazoan‬‬ ‫‪Infections,‬‬

‫‪Disorders, Volume 1: Protozoan and‬‬ ‫‪2nd edition, CABI, U.K.‬‬

‫الملخص العربى‬

‫أسباب النفوق فى األسماك القرصية ومحاوالت للعالج‬

‫نادية احمد عبد الغنى ‪ -‬نهلة رمزى الخطيب و سعاد صبرى عبد الحليم‬
‫قو با أمرا األسماك‪ -‬مع د با صاة الاي ا – الدق ‪ -‬الجيزم‬

‫(سنيمى سن ن ) هن ادندم من أسنماك الزيننة‬ ‫تعتبر أسماك الدسكس (القرصية) من ون‬

‫ا ت ننا‪ ,‬ع ن الوننن اق القليلننة الما ننية ت ن ت ن ير‬ ‫الجميلننة األكث نر شننعبية لكن ننا مكلىننة ع ن‬
‫استز ا هذه االسماك بشكل جيد ع مصر‪.‬‬
‫ع هذه الد اسة ت تجمين ندن‪ 03‬سنمكة شن اييا من أسنماك الدسنكس (سنيمى سن ن )‬
‫م مز ة أسماك ينة خاصة عن مااعةنة القلي بينة عن نيونمبر ‪ 3300‬كاون األسنماك تعناو‬
‫أمننرا األسننماك ‪ -‬مع نند بان صنناة‬ ‫من ووننبة وىن ة اليننة تن ا سننال ا الن معمننل بان‬
‫مل عا صاق ميكر بيل جية طىيلية‪.‬‬ ‫الاي ا ت عاص ا عاص ظاهرى عاص تشريا‬
‫كاو العالماق المر ية ل األسماك قبل النىن ة تبندأ بىقندا عن الشن ية‪ ,‬تامنة عن العني ‪,‬‬
‫ي نانم ع ن كميننة المانناط المج ن للجو ن ‪ ,‬تعى ن ع ن الز نىننة الة ريننة الذيليننة ج ن ن س ن ايل‬
‫ا تشادية نم ية ع التج يف الب ن ث النى ة‪.‬‬
‫أ ننا الىا ن ط ال ىيليننة البكتيريننة الى ريننة أ األسننماك المصننابة قنند ت ن ننز من ننا‬
‫موننبباق مر ننية ميكر بيل جيننة طىيليننة كاونن كنناألت ‪ :‬الى رينناق المعز لننة تنتمنن لى ننر‬
‫عي ا يننن و سننن الو (‪ , )٪03‬ع نننر الىي ا يننن و أ كويونننب ي (‪ )٪00.03‬الىي ا يننن و‬
‫م ويلى ن و ‪ .٪01.11‬كشننف الىاننص البكتري ل ن ج ن ننز تننرم اير م ونناو هينند عيال‬
‫(‪ )٪13‬جد او ا دواسة للويبر عل كواسي ‪ .‬كاو االصابة ال ىيلية ب ىينل سنبير ويكلس عن‬
‫األمعاء األ ضاء الداخلية بنوبة (‪.)٪03‬‬
‫قننند أ نننا الد اسنننة أ االصنننابة الميكر بينننة كاوننن ماتل نننة ببكتيرينننا (اير م وننناو‬
‫هينند عيال)‪ ,‬الى رينناق (الىي ا ي ن و) ال ىيلينناق (سننبير ويكلس) قنند ت ن الننتاك ع ن األصننابة‬
‫المر ية ب رة العالج الماتلىة إما الكيميايية أ استاداو الارا م ‪.‬‬


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